1. Test Page. a. A test page derived from Round 1 data only. |
2. Information: a. Schools, year level, gender, age, postcode. |
3. Expected Possible Selves. a. Number of "Selves" listed. e_number b. Structure of the written responses. e_struct c. Number of words used. e_wordnu d. Level of elaboration. e_elabor e. Domain area of the most important "Self". e_domain f. Action taken to achieve the "Self". e_action g. Effort required to achieve career or vocational "Selves". e_aspire h. Level of responsibility expected. e_respon |
4. Hoped-for Possible Selves. a. Number of "Selves" listed. h_number b. Structure of the written responses. h_struct c. Number of words used. h_wordnu d. Level of elaboration. h_elabor e. Domain area of the most important "Self". h_domain f. Action taken to achieve the "Self". h_action g. Effort required to achieve career or vocational "Selves". h_aspire h. Level of responsibility hoped-for. h_respon |
5. Feared Possible Selves. a. Number of "Selves" listed. f_number b. Structure of the written responses. f_struct c. Number of words used. f_wordnu d. Level of elaboration. f_elabor e. Domain area of the most important "Self". f_domain f. Action taken to avoid the "Self". f_action |
6. Optimism/Pessimism. a. Optimism. b. Pessimism |
7. Music preferences. a. Jazz, Christian, Heavy metal, Opera, Country, Rock, Classical. |
8. Worries. a. General worries. worrtype b. Volume of non-personal worries. npersvol c. Volume of personal worries. persvol d. Domain areas of worries. w_intens |
9. Incremental/Entity Intelligence. a. |
10. Self-esteem. a. Self-Esteem |
11. Encouragement to do well. a. PARENTS. p_encour |
12. Encouragement to do well. a. OTHER ADULTS. a_encour |
13. Encouragement to do well. a. TEACHERS. t_encour |
14. Encouragement to do well. a. SCHOOL FRIENDS. f_encour |
15. Encouragement to do well. a. STUDENT SELF-TALK. s_encour |
16. Persistence with school tasks. a. School is worthwhile. b. Persistence at a task. c. Attitude to giftedness. |
17. |
18. |
19. |
20. |