4a | Number of "Hoped-for Selves" listed. | (The variables in red with an "X" are from Round 1) (The variables in green without an "X" (except as part of the variable name) are from Round 2) Example: XSCHOOL = School name. Round 1. SCHOOL = School name. Round 2. | RETURN to the SPSS data page. RETURN to the main index page |
Scroll down. | Comment: Students wrote a series of Possible Selves statements indicating what they hoped to become or how they hoped their lives would develop at some future time. This variable simply recorded the actual number of future self statements written in a text box on the questionnaire. It was coded according to the following information: 0 = Nothing written. 1 = One written statement or word. through to "X" = equal to the actual number of different statements made. No limit was set. Variables:
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