3e | Domain area of the most important "Self". | (The variables in red with an "X" are from Round 1) (The variables in green without an "X" (except as part of the variable name) are from Round 2) Example: XSCHOOL = School name. Round 1. SCHOOL = School name. Round 2. | RETURN to the SPSS data page. RETURN to the main index page |
Scroll down. | Comment: This variable recorded numerical data derived from text entries made by students. The students were writing about their most important or dominant expected Future Self. The survey questions brought the students to a considered choice at this point and most responded with clearly defined statements that fitted several categories. The numerical scores were derived from the following scale: 0 = No response. 1 = General happiness. 2 = Personal development goals. 3 = Health-related goals. 4 = Social and family goals. 5 = Vocational or career goals. 6 ... was reserved for students who wrote flippant, inappropriate and sometimes funny comments. Variables:
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