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Possible Selves Survey - Page 2
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1. Expected Possible Selves.

You may have answered this question before if you did the survey a couple of years ago but your expectations may have changed. We all expect to be around for many years into old age and we expect many things to happen to us in the future - both good and bad. Some of us may have a large number of Expected Possible Selves in mind for the future while others may have only a few.

Think for a minute or two about your future now that you are a young adult. Write down what you expect to be doing in the future. It's important that you talk about what you expect, not what you hope. That's the next section in the survey.

In the space below, please list as many as you can of the possible selves that you expect to become in the future (Not what you hope to become).

Change your mind?


The most important expected Possible Self.

Please choose your most important expected possible self from your list above and write it again in the space below. This is the most important possible self that you expect to become in the future.

Change your mind?

In the next section, use the mouse to click the circle below the statement you choose.

1. If you make a big effort, do you think you can make this possible self happen?
I know I can't

Probably not

I don't know

Probably can

I know I can

2.How likely is it that this possible self could happen to you?
 Very unlikely

 Not likely

 I don't know

 Likely to happen

 Very likely

3. Have you done anything to help you achieve this possible self?    Yes No

4. If you answered yes, describe what you have done to help you achieve this possible self.

Change your mind?

Please add your

Reference No.:

And your last name here:


Now send your answers to the University of South Australia by pressing the button below.

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