2. Hoped-for Possible
In addition to having expected
possible selves, we may have images of ourselves in the
future that we
hope or would very
like to
Some of these hoped-for possible
selves may seem quite likely, like you having good health
or you being a successful business person, while others
may seem less likely, like you being very rich.
Some of us may have a large number of
hoped-for possible selves in mind, while others may have
only a few.
Think about the future for a moment
then type your thoughts in the box below.
In the space below, please list as many as you can of the
hoped-for possible selves that you hope to become in
the future.
Change your mind?
The most important hoped-for possible self.
Please choose your most important hoped-for
possible self from your list above and write it again in the space
below. This is the one future self that you would very much like
to become in the future.
Change your mind?
In the next section, use the mouse to
click the circle below the statement you choose.
1. Do you feel you can make this
possible self happen through your own effort?
2. How likely do you think this
possible self is to happen?
3. Have you done anything to help you
achieve this possible self? Yes
4. If you answered yes, describe what
you have done to help you achieve this possible
Change your mind?
Please add your
And your last name here:
Now send your answers to the University
of South Australia by pressing the button below.
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