$FL2@(#) SPSS DATA FILE MS WINDOWS Release 9.0 Y@03 Aug 0901:12:45 $XNAME1  XNAME2   XDIDRND1XREF1 XEARLEVL  XSCHOOL    XCHOOL_N  XTESTDAY XESTDATEXESTMNTHXESTYEARXOSTCODEXGEYEARSXGEMNTHSTOTMNTHXXGENDER XXEFFORTXXLIKELYXXYESNO XXDONE E_XUMBERE_XOMAINE_XLABORE_XCTIONE_XTRUCTE_XORDNUE_XSPIREE_XESPONHOXFFORTHOXIKELYHOXESNO H_XUMBERH_XOMAINH_XLABORH_XCTIONH_XTRUCTH_XORDNUH_XSPIREH_XESPONFEXFFORTFEXIKELYFEXESNO XFEDONE                                F_XUMBERF_XOMAINF_XLABORF_XCTIONF_XTRUCTF_XORDNUXINDER_EXFILL1 XPESS2 XOPT3 XPESS4 XPESS5 XOPT6 XFILL7 XOPT8 XFILL9 XPESS10 XOPT11 XPESS12 XFILL13 XPESS14 XFILL15 XPESS16 XFILL17 XPESS18 XOPT19 XPESS20 FINDXR_FXJAZZ XCHRISTNXHEAVYM XOPERA XCOUNTRYXROCK CLASXICLXWORRIES                               VAR0X001   WORXTYPENPERXVOLXPERSVOLW_XNTENSXINTELL1XINTELL2XINTELL3XINTELL4FXNDER_GESTEXM1 ESTEXM2 ESTEXM3 ESTEXM4 ESTEXM5 ESTEXM6 ESTEXM7 ESTEXM8 ESTEXM9 ESTEXM10FIXDER_HXPARENT                                XADULT                                XTEACHER                               XFRIEND                                XSELF                                VAR0X003P_ENCOXRA_ENCOXRT_ENCOXRF_ENCOXRS_ENCOXRXWORTH1 XWORTH2 XWORTH3 XFILLER4XFILLER5XFILLER6XFILLER7XWORTH8 XWORTH9 XWORTH10PERXIS11PERXIS12PERXIS13PERXIS14PERXIS15PERXIS16FILXER17GIFTXD18FILXER19PERXIS20PERXIS21INTELX5 INTELX6 INTELX7 INTELX8 INTELX9 INTELX10INTELX11INTELX12INTELX13INTELX14INTELX15INTELX16XCHOICE GGGXLEAVING        XSTAYINGL_REAXONS_REAXONXESTEEM FINDXR_AFINDXR_BEXPEXTED                               EXMIMXT                                FINDEX_CXHOPED                                XHOMIMPT                               XHODONE                                VAR0X002VAR0X004FINDXR_D                               XFEMIMPT                             D_R XNAME2R1NAME2 NAME1 YEARLEVL  SCHOOL  SCHOOL_N  TESTDAY  TESTDATETESTMNTHTESTYEARPOSTCODEAGEYEARSAGEMNTHSTOTMNTHSGENDER EXEFFORTEXLIKELYEXYESNO HOEFFORTHOLIKELYHOYESNO FEEFFORTFELIKELYFEYESNO FILL1 PESS2 OPT3 PESS4 PESS5 OPT6 FILL7 OPT8 FILL9 PESS10 OPT11 PESS12 FILL13 PESS14 FILL15 PESS16 FILL17 PESS18 OPT19 PESS20 JAZZ CHRISTN HEAVYM OPERA COUNTRY ROCK CLASSICLESTEEM1 ESTEEM2 ESTEEM3 ESTEEM4 ESTEEM5 ESTEEM6 ESTEEM7 ESTEEM8 ESTEEM9 ESTEEM10WORTH1 WORTH2 WORTH3 FILLER4 FILLER5 FILLER6 FILLER7 WORTH8 WORTH9 WORTH10 PERSIS11PERSIS12PERSIS13PERSIS14PERSIS15PERSIS16FILLER17GIFTED18FILLER19PERSIS20PERSIS21INTELL5 INTELL6 INTELL7 INTELL8 INTELL9 INTELL10INTELL11INTELL12INTELL13INTELL14INTELL15INTELL16INTELL1 INTELL2 INTELL3 INTELL4 CHOICE F_NUMBERF_DOMAINF_ELABORF_ACTIONF_STRUCTVAR00002F_WORDNUE_NUMBERE_DOMAINE_ELABORE_ACTIONE_STRUCTDATAMAT1E_WORDNUH_NUMBERH_DOMAINH_ELABORH_ACTIONH_STRUCTVAR00001H_WORDNUE_ASPIREH_ASPIREE_RESPONH_RESPONWORRTYPENPERSVOLPERSVOL W_INTENSP_ENCOURA_ENCOURT_ENCOURF_ENCOURS_ENCOURL_REASONS_REASONEFFORTP ABILITYPDEFINED REF1 EXPECTEDEXMIMPT EXDONE HOPED   HOMIMPT HODONE FEARED FEMIMPT FEDONE PARENT ADULT TEACHER FRIEND SELF FINDER_AFINDER_BFINDER_CFINDER_DFINDER_EFINDER_FFINDER_GFINDER_HWORRIES LEAVING STAYING NAME3 NAME4 NAME5 NAME6 NAME7 NAME8 NAME9 INTELDEF       CatrionaAdsett A 4084 10 fignatiusFriday sm18th August 2000 5090 g@fihehfegf|deefgeedgrddhhfghedfmgifgghihhhhfgghfiggfhhehhe- School work - Where I am headed in life - What my purpose in life is - Relationships (now and future) - Family problems 4084 gdihgihehhhghghggga a - To pass year 12 and be accepted into uni/tafe - To become a Travel Consultant - To have a loving family - To travel the world - To travel the world - Become rich - Never have any worries or troubles in my life - Always be happy - Never have any troubles or worries in my life 4084 - Bad health - Loss of loved ones - Loss of property - Loss of loved ones Adsett pfAdsett Catrio Saint Igna Tuesday umf13th Augu 2002 5090 j@iieiifehfghgffhihhfhfffgfehhfffefhhfhhhghfhfhehgghhhhiiihifghhhfghifffhhhfgegeffghffhgedgrgiefgAdsett qieedfAdsett Adsett qededgdfggggggmlig01 Working W P Successful travel c H L L T T T I U B Adsett Jessica Ahern A 4085 10 fignatiusFriday sef18th August 2000 5097 f@iiejeefgdiiemgffgddiie-i try my hardest -keep my friendships strong -believe that i can achieve kheffhfifhihhfhfefifffhfhfhfgig-that i ight not succeed 4085 gdemgihfihihhihhhha a -Finish year 12 with good grades -To go to university after and get into the course that I want to, maybe in a science field or in medicine -To get a good job that i enjoy and also make money -To go overseas again -To get married and start a family -To e -To enjoy my life and to continue to be happy -to do well at school -when i go to uni, maybe getting into a science course or maybe even medicine -to continue to be happy -become successful -to continue the strong frienships that i have with others at the moment -to be happily married with children -to live to an old age and to be able to say that i have enjoyed every bit of life -by studying hard -be believing in myself -keeping the friendships that i have with my friends -living life to the fullest 4085 -Having poor health -not doing well in school, not passing year 12 -being stuck in a job that will take me nowhere -that i won't find the ferfect man to marry -that my family and friends will abondon me -that my life will have turned out to be a waste -that my family and friends will abondon me Ahern Ahern pfJessic St Ignatiu Tuesday 13th uefiAugu 2002 5097 i@hehhefgffhifgghfhfifefhffghghhfgfihghhfgfhfifhifhhhghihggffhhhghgifffiiieiehfgijfefjhedg~mhefeAhern Ahern qjeeffoAhern ddddgdehggggghiiig 0 Docter M I Docter Medical/ sci h i H n M O t M I T B Ahern I hugh Altschwager A 1001 10 espsc Wednesday 28th smeiJune 2000 5280 g@hegeeffzdhgehfefgpddhehffhhihfhfheifheheffhehif1001 diiiiiiihhimy parents want the best for me and are very supportive. whenever i have a problem they sort it out wit me.they have given me evry possible chance to do well. i live in a boarding house so other peop;e are always supporting me and giving me help when i need it. considering how much we pay to go to this school it is surprising how weird the teachers are! well think about rolemodels ggf1001 dhhhfhhhhhhhhhfhhhffhhha a happy in my job whatever it may be. doing well at my chosen sports and activities.maybe something to do with design happy good football, rugby player or surfer just being really sucessful at something successful surfer try to improve evry time i go out or play 1001 AltschwaAltsch hugh peSt. Peters Thursday5th Sept ueehh2002 5280 i@ehhehffhgfffhihfhhfffhfhfhffgiefifiihfhehfhehhfghghhhgggefhgffhgigghgggehffeffgheffeedfAltschwajgeefi{AltschwagfffgtdAltschwadddhedhgggggfgkwag i expec i t maybe successful in n l b b s t p s t e o altsch g Stuart Austin A 6001 10 pgs gWednesday 24th May sjeih2000 5245 @g@ejfffgeiiegfffi}ddiheExercising to help the health, and I have a good lifstyle hgefiyhhhefhihffgfhfifggifhhhfghh6001 dhhhghhhhhhThey help with my stydying and if I need help with something, they will give it By sending me to a good school, they are causing me to have a better education If other adults comment on how well I'm doing at school or how well I did in a test, it encourages me Tell me where I've gone wrong in schoolwork and offer advice on how to fix it and are verbally encouraging Comment on test marks or work and sometimes help me if I.ve gone wrong somewhereSometimes promise myself treats ant the end of studying and reward myself ggig6001 hhhhhhhhihhhhffhhefghia a I expect to pass high school well and have good degrees I expect to have a decent job and be earning a good income I expect to have a nice house and life style I expect to pass high school well and have good degrees I hope to recieve a reasonable income I hope to lead a honest lifestyle, be treated well and to have a nice wife and kids I hope to lead a honest lifestyle, be treated well and to have a nice wife and kids Try to be honest and caring, do well in schoolwork and the likes6001 I fear having a bad lifestyle, and bad health I fear getting a bad job and one that I don't enjoy I fear having a bad lifestyle, and bad health pAustin Austin Stuart gPulteney G Wednesday 2nd Nove 2002 ueihe5245 hgfifehffeeiiihfifiehegfhehhffghhiihhieieiehihiihhiihiiffgieeehifffihiejeifjegiffhfefgAustin higgihAustin ifdiggAustin gggdfhggifhfkfPg01 A worke A I A managing mechanic A H L M T I T I I T B Austin T Stan Azarovsky A 4086 10 ignatiusfFriday 18th August 2000 sleggf5073 g@eiefgehgfefedfgdddddddfeheehe??? 4086 dghgeThey help me when I need help but also demand good grades ??? Thy are always happy to help They are always ther for you If I do well, my parents dont get angry at me when the report comes hdggg4086 hhfgggghghfgffhhgfhgha a become a pilot become a pilot to be succesful to be succesful 4086 ??? ??? pAzarovskAzarov Stan St Ignatfiu Tuesday 13th Augu 2002 5073 ulehifhj@gihfifghfhigffgfhfhghghggeheeieghhghfhfgfghegghghhgffeehghfhgifffhhhfgfhfgfigeeifdgrfAzarovskeedfhehAzarovskedfhdddAzarovskdgdehhggig04 be happ b do well in school d d d t t t i Azarov John BalendraA 4027 10 ignatiusfMonday 21st August 2000 5066 roeiie`f@heeffxdhgejffggddieeBy studying hard now, I'm making sure I can get high marks when I really need them, and getting into a course that is in demand and has a high job rate.jieffsifgfhgihfghghfifffhfhfhffihMostly jobs, I have little idea what to do after surgeon, which is a hard profession to enter. gde4027 gfhgfhihihihhhhMostly in tests and examinations, my parents help me if I don't understand something or work squedules around me so that I don't get interupted.Can't think of any... Extending and finding my strengths and dealing with the weaknesses is the main way teaches help me. They can answer questions and are usually free from 'official standings' on subjects. My friends are over-all very smart and competing with them is the best motivation I have found to do my best in current studies. I know that if I need help I can always ask my friends, just the same way they can ask me questions. When I'm down they are a School is all about competing with others for me at this stage, but my self-esteem really jumps sky-high when I get a good mark or do well in an assessment. In this way, I feel that I owe it to myself to do well, because the potential is there for idigggme to 4027 hfhhhhhhhgheehhffhhifefiiheieifia a Finish a University Degree Successful, professional job Happy and enjoying work and social life Well-off and not lacking wealth Happy and enjoying work and social life Doctor/Surgeon Hold great respect in the community and amoung friends/work mates Be fit and healthy, playing many sports past school and into club Travel overseas with job and see many places Do something worthwhile and needed for the community Hold great respect in the community and amoung friends/work-mates Trying to keep my own values and ethics, even when others are going against them, is a way I'm building up resistence to things that will bring me down, and that will hopefully bring respect. 4027 Poor, not able to support a family -Unemployed or unfulfilling work Finding life boring Alone Poor, and/or unemployed pBalendraBalend John St Ignatiu ftTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5066 eeiiehg h@fhffhgffihihhghghfhghhhfffgffihiihegfhehfgiehhhhhhhgfeghfehhihhifggeieifififefgfedgxhiBalendraefgqhffBalendradg|dedeBalendragdghggggghgkig05 -profes - I -become a doctor -w - - - - - - - - - b Balend N Matt Barmby A 2018 10 phhs hsFriday 2nd June 2000 5112 lehfejg@iefiueeefgfedfjdfefhifhgggfMy parents support me in anything I want to do. They don't they just annoy me with their attitude. (just some of them). We always have a laugh and makes me feel a lot better when things aren't going too good I don't really, I just do the work. gfgfhi2018 egfhiifgighghigfiiia a I expect in the future to become a engineer, sports star, architect, designer, artist, in the Navy. sportrs star/architect movie star, astronaut, natural disasters scientists, movie star 2018 phBarmby Barmby Matt Para Hills umWednesday 3rd July 2002 5112 ehheiiej@gffhhehhfigihffefifgihegghfghehhhgghhghieiehgiihefghheghefhhigfhfffehfffhfijfflgidgghiBarmby fjgfefBarmby flddddgBarmby dfefgeffglfph11 I expec T J rich travel the wor t B i I M T T T I L I Barmby G Tom Barrett A 1487 e10 spsc siFriday 16th June 2000 5065 e g@hhfheedfkddfgggedfkhgffhgighfgghfgghhfffeheeie1487 dhghgggggghDont know Give me advice Teach me, help me overcome problems Praise me I dont 1487 fgggfghhgghhggghhgggghhggga a Fairly Wealthy Healthy To be Happy Family To Be Happy 1487 Being Unhappy Being poor Having an illness An illness sufferer peBarrett Barret Tom St Peters Thursdayul4th Sept 2002 5065 j@ehgegfffffhghffhihffgfffgfffhfhehehhehhhfhfhfgffhffhhhggffhefgghfggfhhhgggegfgfgghhefedddeegiefBarrett ejfiedeBarrett geeffgdBarrett eigfgggfgjspsc Media P m W Journalism Horse Tr H U F F M V S F I B N Matthew Bennett A 4510 10 ipirie Friday te10th November2000 5540 h@eiifhhfidiifghedhwddiieSucceeding in school hiefihghfhhihffhfffhfifhfeeheeheLack of money and jobs ect 4510 gdfifhifhhhhhfhhghthey encourage me by saying that i should always do my best and that is enough. The teachers encourage me by telling me that i should alwasy tell me to do my best at something and that it is better to have tried something and not do well than not attempt it at allI encourage myself at school by wanting to succeed at my subjects and get a good grade so that i can go on and get a good job. g4510 ggiifhhhhhhhhigehhihhgiefgiiieiejfja a I hope to become a teacher in the future.. I also hope to succeed in this job. I also hope to have children. and be happily married. I would also like to live a long and prosperous life. The most important thing to me would be to get married and have childrenI hope to have a nice paying job and be happily married. I hope to have about two children. Be happily married 4510 My fears are that i will not get into univerrsity and thus cannot complete a teaching degree. I also fear not being happily married and not having children. Not being a teacher Bennett piBennet Matthe John Pirie Tuesday ume23rd July 2002 5540 j@iiehheggfhggfghhhhggfgfhfhfhfeeheeeegghfgegggfhhfhhhhhfhfhfffhhfghieeffiiehehfhfghefffedegfiefgBennett oeiefgBennett Bennett ngggggdiegggghkmjp03 Get a d R d Developer of a majo a P F F H H B D F I Bennet T andre BoisvertA 4087 10 fignatiusFriday sfe18th August 2000 5034 f@iiffieeieihfhiedfmedgffigedfniifggfihegffifffhhhfggffhighhhthey don't they don't they don't they don't i don't ff4087 fffeeefghhghhffeeeha a porn star,real estate agent real estae agenthave enough money,business man,good health,family.friends a job 4087 poor health,becoming a cripple,becoming demented/retarded,becoming incontient becoming incontient BoisvertBoisve pfAndre St Ignatiu Tuesday 13th ufeiAugu 2002 5034 i@iehgefgfihheefiheefeheiegfiefffffhfiiheieieheeefhhihfhffheeehheehigghhggejeifjejeefhgedfmiheffBoisvertBoisvertmfeeffwBoisvertddddgdeiefggghkgig06 Real Es m S I will win the X-lo w b b b H d h s s N I boisve l Renee Brockhurst A 4060 10 fignatiusWednesday 30th smfiNovember2000 5075 g@iehiefgeiieigeggddiietold myself that I can do things to my ability and that I don't have to plese anyone but myself ffegfrhfhffhhiififeeifififfhiefggbeing able to finish school 4060 gdehfgifgihhhghehga a leave school at the end of year 12 get a part time job somewere study at flinders uni - bachelor of health science (ambulance studies) got a job as an Ambulance officer becoming a Ambulance officer and go from there lose weight and be able to heel good about how I look and feel about myself. become an good Ambulance Officer be able to go to india for a few weeks be able to have helped someone or a group in need fit and healthy and look and feel good about myself started to go to the gym 4-5 times a week and whatch what I eat 4060 not being able to handel year 12 work making the wrong decisions about things not making the decisions- try and think positiveBrockhurBrockh Renee pfSaint Igna Tuesday 13th Augu umfih2002 5075 j@ehhfheeghgiifihhiggihghghhgefhefhfhiiighhihfggegggghighheeehfeggggghgggfgfhfhiiheegfefgBrockhurkigggsBrockhurkgfdgqgBrockhurdgegdgegggghhiiig07 Ambulan M G Being healthy livin l w A i T r t t t I c Brockh b Alicia Bucsai A 5510 10 dominicsjTuesday 23rd May sif2000 5008 g@hgeheefiddgfeToTo not hang out with bad people with might be a bad influencon me and the way my life turns out. To go out side and excerise so that i don't have bad health.kgegifhgffiiihfgfffieffiehefeehh5510 dhhhhiigihhMy parents are very supportive and wish for me to do well , but they will not force me to do something that I do not want to do. But they will encourage me to find something that I do like just as much. My family is very supportive although they can be Other adults are very supportive and encouraging towards my school work and my ballet. Teachers tell you if they are proud of you by writting good comments on work. They will also encourage by telling you where you went wrong or things taht could have been better with work, this is not their way of putting you down but helping and encourag My friends are also very encouraging they will pay me compliments when I do well in tests or assignments. Nice words and gestures. By telling myself that I can do well, but only if I put my mind to what the subjet is. I am sometimes a bit lazy and I could have a better attitude towards my schooling or whatever I am doing. ggig5510 ghhfhghggffhggghhggghha a I would like to be happy and successful at any thing that i tackle. I hope for health and happiness. And have money, not lots but enough that I am happy and not greedy. A happy and successful life I try to be happy at school at home and when ever I go out, face each day with a positive attitude. 5510 I would not like to be poorand have poor living conditions . I would dread to have poor health so that I would not be able to face each day. I would not like to become 'bad', a bank robber, murder, or anything horrible like that. To have poor living conditions or bad health. pBucsai Bucsai Alicia jSt Dominic Friday 9th Augu 2002 ulfhhe5008 j@hhfhgfhggffhihgfgfgfhfffhfgehhhihihgfhfgfgehhfhhhhhgfhfhhgfggigggghhehehfffhgefgiedizBucsai heefi~fBucsai gedgrddBucsai ddhedfggggghiisd2 I expec I B I hope that I am su I I I M I C A T T I bucsai Stephanie Burford A 1617 10 kildare kTuesday 23rd May 2000 slfiif5075 g@fifitffiifeiedfhffifeI have worked hard and tried to be friendly to everyone ffffiuffghgfgghhgfgghggeffefhhfhh1617 dhhhgehggggMy mum encourages and supports me by driving me to my piano places and telling me that I can do what I want when I leave school as long as I study hard Other adults such as my piano teacher help and support me by telling me I can do it if I make the effort and do the practise Teachers give me encouragement by helping me if I don't understand the work My friends encourage and support me by I tell myself I don't want to be stuck in Adelaide for the rest of my life and if I work hard I will get a good job so I can go overseas or interstate ggggg1617 iihhifeiiiiiihhieehhia a I would like to become a pilot in the airforce and mostly work overseas in America. I would like to be a pilot and travel the world with my job To become a pilot To become a pilot 1617 I don't want to become a bad person or not get a job that I don't enjoy Not to be a bad person or get a job that I dislike pBurford Burfor Stepha Kildare kCo Friday 25th Octo 2002 5075 vefeefh k@heggfeieegehegiehfegfgifgeefihhihfggehghgigeeiihggghefeeeegieehgfghhhffeheghigeffeedfhdBurford ddddddfBurford efdddddBurford dhgdfefggfiimkc7 I have n no idea t b b b s n t b i n b Burfor e Charlie Burke A 4113 10 ignatiusfTuesday 12th December2000 5091 tgeiie`h@fiefhmehhfliedgvggiiei never go to the beach i dont own a board gfegekifeiieiieiffiiefiieghehigifi am nothing gde4113 njeieiifeeeefeethey bitch at me untill i work they help me with homework they are really nice i copy them i dont want to fail if i do i will know im inferior fggdgf4113 hehhhhfeeeheeeefefiifgjefhfiejfixa a i want to be a pimp or an actor actor hiring manager at mcdonalds carpet cleaner computer guy groundskeeper, preferably at a school. a caterer accountant aneathasist cardiologist cardiologist 4113 a window cleaner a surfer a garbo a surferpBurke Burke Charli St. Ignati fuTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5091 leihfggj@eigfihgfefghihgfefghihgfiehhiiiiehieeiiiiffieieiegeeeeeeggifiijjjjjjejejfjgegefddddddiiBurke edeidddBurke dddgdgdBurke gdeedddddflhig9 uni tea t loaded with babes d l i G g " " i f t i Burke a Tavis Callaghan A 4028 10 ignatiusfsMonday 21st August 2000 5086 ieiiei g@iegfxffhhfihedgddhfemade as many freinds as possibleggeffmiggffgihfggfhfhgigheeeifehfbeing alone gder4028 gffeiihggghgfmy mum worries a lot about me but usually encourages me in things that she thinks are right,but not all the time when she isn't sure about me actions, i wish she'd just support me all the way across the board. most of the adults i kno think im "a nice boy with good manners' and never fight with me unless they don't belive im right which isn't very often some teachers encourage, some don't, it seems that their level of encouragment depends on their moods or their current disposition towards me. my freinds usually encourage me but if they think im doing the wrong thing they are quit blunbt about it i encourage my self by setting goals, and one the goals are reached i reward my self. hgfhhfh4028 feefeghfffeeefhefhiiiiiggehehfha a audio engineer, pilot, Interior Designer, succsesful in all that i set out to achieve, live my life to the fullest. Audio Engineer Become a loving father, son, and husband. Become a canadian citizen,or if not that be able to visit canada often because it is a buitifull country with a strong heratige. Squad leader in the air force. pro Dj. Become a loving father, son, and husband4028 dying alone. having poor health, or a severe disability.dying alone pfCallaghaCallag Tavis st Ignatui ujTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5086 ehhfhf@j@ifehggffhihgfgehfhfgeiefhhfefhhhhfgefegfhfghghgfhfghhegieeeejhgeiehfggihefhfifg|jigCallaghadjhiidCallaghaggegfgCallaghadgeggggghelig10 I expec I world famous Dj, so w s s a m t c s d b b Callag t Adam Camporeale A 7521 m11 concordia skMonday 28th May 2001 5064 ehhfke`g@efudhhfkeedgvddggeLived as healthily as I can while trying to achieve my goals in life. jgffg{hfhefhhhfehggfhfhfhfhfheeieNot being able to complete my goals before i'm dead 7521 gdemfhheihhhhihhiiThey tell me how my life could be so much better if I do well at schoiol compared to if is don't. They tell me to enjoy school and do as good as i can because it will only be good for me in the long run. They don't ??? I think of how it will help me for the rest of my life and that good marks only help me relax and stay happy. 7521 ggfghhfhhhhhhhiihiihhhhhieeejiieheifia a Content with life; working in IT; Happy; Living life to the max; Finacially satisfied; Stable Marriage; ChildrenContent with life Rich; Good Health; Good car,job, house etc; Have enough money to donate to charity; Content with life Content with life 7521 Early death therefore have no chance to achieve what I wanted in life. No marriage; Poor; Depressed; die a painful death; Nofinacial stability. Early death therefore have no chance to achieve what I wanted in life pmCamporeaCampor Adam Concordia Tuesday ue17th Dece 2002 5064 i@ehhfhhfiehfgefhhhffhfgfhfhehffhieeifiihfhehfhehifhhhhgggfhffhfgghhieeeiiieieififigefieedgpghedCamporeagnihedgCamporea{ddddgdCamporeafggggghgflco18 Working R Earning a good amou H B N A G H E T N B Campor H Melissa Centofanti A 4029 10 fignatiusMonday si21st August 2000 5076 g@fhhegieffngghfeI have tried my hardest in schoolwork and trying to stay healthyffeffhifhgfhighhfgefheehgfheheeheIf I will pass school and whether I have enough points at the end of year 12 to get into university 4029 gdfhfihehihgfghghgMy parents tell e to keep trying and if I am having trouble always ask. They want me to try hard in school and to get good grades and to just keep trying They wish me luck and tell me to keep going an d try your best they tell me not to worry about things which aren't neccessary and to keep going and never stop to have achieved your goals They tell me to believe in myself and don't stop trying I say to myself i can do things and i don't care if anyone tries to stop me g4029 gggghhfhhgghhhhhffhhfhfhiggfggifheieia a A Biologist A successful person To have a good career A biologist poor health be unsuccessful being unsuccessful CentofanpfCentof Meliss St Ignatiu Tuesday uif13th Augu 2002 5076 j@ihfhhefgfhhfeehighgffefgfhfighfhefhegihehfhghghheighghifhhgfhiihhhiggghhheiehfgfhgeffgedeggiedfCentofankgieffCentofanCentofanjegeggdemgggghilfig12 going t w criminalogist sport c s u l t t t t i T i Centof Laura Condon A 7508 11 mconcordia Monday tlf28th May 2001 5052 i@iiemeeffdiiekfefg~ddieehave pleanty of friends who I know I can rely on for support and keep good family relationships jhefgxhfgfeghhgfhegfhffehehgfhhhhThe situation in Afganistan and world polution 7508 hfdfgfifiiihhhihihby helping me find information and helping me with hard problems by talking to me about how I'm going and being interested by transporting me to extra cirricular activities teachers who give extra help, create a supportive environment by being friendly intersested people I turn to outside school for help like work experience people other relativesBy giving extra help when needed Being friendly By talking to me and experiencing the same things By being interested in what we're doing but not putting too much pressure on myself for good results By thinking that I'm so lucky compared to all the children around the world who don't have an opportunity for an ediducation 7508 gghhgehhhhhihighhhiefhhiffghhhejeifia a mother someone who has travelled someone with a uni education married happy enjoyable job- full time successful with my work lots of friends Someone who helps others happy happy enjoy work employed-with meaning in my work able to travel children who are happy loving partner someone who is helping the world be better someone who is helping the world be better be happy and someone that others want to be around and investigate possible futures which would enable me to help others7508 physically or mentally disabled-depressed and uninspired trapped by relationships I'm not happy in -no support becoming alcoholic/ drug addict trapped in unhappy relationships - no support Condon Condon pmLaura Concordia Tuesday 3rd vefiDece 2002 5052 k@hehhehfehggeeghhhfifheggffgfhhfhhhhiiiehfhfifigfghhhiiiiihhhheffgiffggggeiejfjggjfffgegfiihefgCondon Condon qfeeffnCondon ddddedddggggghhjcond mother m p very well travelled h m m m p A N p B B A w Condon a Sarah Costa A 4031 10 fignatiusMonday 21st sgfhAugust 2000 5076 f@hfhieftgghgfgfedgoddhgestudy as hard as possible now, to get good marks later gfffg|gfhgggigffggfhhgeghgfhegihfthe fact that I may not get good marks in year 12 the fact that I amynot get into what I want I may not get to travel the world I may not be able to help those less fortunate than me 4031 gdhhffhegffgghfgghthey are realistic in goal setting and teach me to do the same they tell me that everyone is good at something - all you have to do is find it they encourage me to do well and to believe in myself they tell me to set realistic goals they tell me that some of the things I understand/learn, they would never dream of understanding/learning some teachers say that if you put your mind to it, you will always understand the sork we are studying they encourage congratulate me when I do well at something they make me feel good about myself when I don't do well at somethingI always try to work hard I always try to clearly understand things I try to tell myself that if I don't do well, then ther is always next time ggg4031 gghihfeffhihhhhgihehfgigghgfgehfga a travel around the world get a profession move interstate become a pharmacist or get into medicine become a pharmacist or get into medicinehave good health move interstate helping the poor around the world helping the poor people around the world4031 not getting good enough marks in year 12 to get into pharmacy or medicine not being able to travel the world having poor health not getting good enough marks in year 12 to get into pharmacy or medicine Costa Costa Sarah pfSt. Ignati Tuesday 13th Augu ugfi2002 5076 i@ehgfggffieghgifhgghegggegggehfiihhgggggfgfhgiihhghgiigghehiheghgihhhgggfgefefhjgefgiediCosta giefjCosta fedizeCosta dddedddggggfhiiig 1 I expec U S I hope to assist ot T I T T E T T I I B Costa b Matthew CrosnierA 4517 10 pirie iFriday 10th Novembersiehh2000 5540 g@ehiefeiffhgehiefejggifeiiedekififghighfhfffhfghhghehefihcompleting year 12 g4517 demgifeghhhiihghgthey want me to do my besst and expect me to do good at school they don't most of them don't, the put you down more they think i should just do my best i want to do very good at schoolgffg4517 gggefehghgieehhhfihhfifiiiehehfha a pilot,brick layer, plumber,builder pilot lawyer, architect, business owner, computer engineer computer engineer used computers all the time 4517 techer, train driver, taxi driver, labourer, groundsman taxi driver pCrosnierCrosni Matthe iJohn Pirie Tuesday 23rd July 2002 ueehhe5540 i@ggfiifhfhhhgighghhgffhhiheghighehfhffgeeeffhfhhiffhhfgihifgghhhfjeifigfgffeiedeeCrosniereiefeeeCrosnierdddefedCrosnieredhedeffeggiljjp6 employe e c police officer b b t n m w t G c Crosni b Stephanie Crowley A 3500 10 burra nFriday 17th November2000 skfihf5417 `g@jifjffhhfgfjdgzddhheBy convincing myself that I will not become the way I fear I will become and to make sure I am finacially well off enough to be able to travel to see family and loved ones and to pay for my TAFE and Umni fees.hjhjhigfeiiiifhfgeifggifeffehfeMoving away form the people I love to pursue a career, it blows.gd3500 erfgheiihghighihMy mum quitted school at the age of 15 and didn't do very well so that gives me the determination to do well. My dad completed school with average grades but I want to strive for excellence. My grandparents and a friend of my parents always encourage me to try hard and do as well as I can. Not really. Some teachers do others don't, the one who do tell you to work to the best of your ability. Try to keep me focused on my work. They support me if I do badly and help me to do better by telling me I CAN. Try to be interested and motivated. fgggg3500 hiffihhhhhigfihffhihffejijegehfja a I expect to finish high school through to year 12. I expect to pass all subjects in STAGE 1 and 2. I expect to complete a TAFE/Uni course in the artistic area such as Photography/Visual arts, Hair/Makeup, Graphic Design... I expect to not find a job I re To complete high school, get into a TAFE course and get a part time job.To become well recognised in my profession. To be very successful - not wealthy but successfull. To get the job that I want. To become well recognised in my profession. To be very successful - not wealthy but successfull. To get the job that I want. 3500 Having lung problems (from smoking) Being lazy and having money troubles. Putting on a lot of weight and not excercising or eating properly. Not being able to maitain a steady relationship, losing contact with the people I love who are away from me. Not Losing contact with those I love or not being able to see them. Not enjoying what I do. Having financial problems. pCrowley Crowle Stepha Burra Conmm Wednesday 23rd Octo 2002 5417 ujfiheh@j@hfifehhhfeiiihehfgeiefeifhhfehfhiihfiegehfiighhhgihihhhhihfegiiffffhheheififgjffheeffkgCrowley iegfgfCrowley edfiedfCrowley dgdemhgegghleBu4 I expec a I successful entertai s b b A M M T N I T B Crowle T Thomas Cundy A 1208 10 spsc eThursday23rd November2000 5069 sjehge@g@hiefeleifetried hard at school iiefelhighgfihffhhffggeihighhgfigghhMy parents encourage me to do well because they get angry and think that I am not trying and wasting their money if I get good grades other adults sometimes give me good advice teachers give the most encouragement to me. They let you know that you can get good grades and help you personally achieve them school friends provide peer-pressure to either do well or bad I set myself goals which if achieved I will give myself rewards egihhg1208 heeghgfehhfeiiiehihijjjeeifffhega a doctor or lawyer family healthy live in adelaidegood career unempoyed homeless unhappy unhealthy being a bad person unemployed pCundy Cundy Tom St Peter's euSaturday12th July 2002 5069 eeigehhi@eieehhiffhiiighghfigefifheeeehfiiieieieieghehhhhigigiggihffiiihhigffeheifihjgefkeegg~Cundy hefCundy fgwgdgeCundy gdflhggggigkCund Im the a I a doctor, a happily t i l u E M T a I l n t Cundy t Anthony De'CorsoA 4033 10 ignatiusfsMonday 21st August 2000 5074 heihejg@fegfseiieifedeoddiefhiedfmihhffiigififefihfiihgghefifNOT BEING ABLE TO HAVE A FUTURE OR BEING STRUCK BY A DISABILITY BY AN ACCIDENT AND NOT ENJOYING MY LIFEgdhs4033 ffjeiiheiiiehhMy parents are there to help me if I am in trouble with school they also remind me to do my homework each night Other adults explain how life was when they were at school and how we have more opportunties now-a-days. They remind me to stay focused but still have fun. They help me when I am in trouble and give me advice in how to do well and also provide hints and tricks to make study benefical and funThey enable me to have fun during breaks and also during class they allow me to relate during the school day I just wanna have fun and gain some knowledge but I know I have to do some hard work ggigghh4033 fiiiihefiifeiifiiiihhihghegehfga a A SPORTSPERSON A DOCTOR A LAWYER A HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL PERSON A CHEF A RESTURANTER A SPORSPERSON A SPORTS-DOCTOR A PYSIOTHERAPIST A DOCTOR A SPORTSPERSON A BILLIONAIREA SPORTSPERSON SAME AS PREVIOUS ANSWER IN SECTION 2 4033 A BUM A HOMELESS PERSON BAMKRUPT A TOLIET CLEANER A TOLIET CLEANERpfDe'CorsoDe'Cor Anthon St Ignatiu ukTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5074 eiie`j@ffehhghhhihihgfhgiihfhghhgieiiiiigggihfeiigiihhegggeeggefhhegfjeiffhhhfffjeegudeeDe'CorsofddDe'CorsodddgDe'Corsodemgddddimeig15 A rich h G I t I T S T i n f De'Cor p Jessica De AvlisA 5516 j10 dominicssfTuesday 23rd May 2000 5083 fihehif@egggghhflfedgddghhihhhhhhMy mother takes me to tuition. Continually tell me I'm intelligent, and if I put my mind to it I can do it.Encourages me in my work, as well as comments on it. Father tells me I am intelligent, to push myself. My sister, helps me with my work. Tells me I have more intelligence than here, and if I try could achieve higher. To make it into bachelor of science as she had. She looks over work, and gives constructive criticisim. My teachers tell me, I am of high intelligence. That if I put my mind to it I could be top of the class. Encourage me as, comment on how I could achieve higher if I, put all my effort into work. Congradulating me, when I do well in work. Encourage me, by telling me what I am good at something. Then pointing out my strengths and weaknesses. I just remind my self of what people say to me. Then remember how high, Ineed toachieve to reach my goals. As well as remember,how much I want to help animals, and to do so I need to do well in my studies. 5516 gigghhifihhghhhhhhfhghefiia a go to university to do bachelor of science become a zoologist or marine biologist and vet, so able to research habits of animals. Then discover cures and new diseases as to help animals. open up pound and vet Zoologist or mairne biologist and vet To open pound as well as vet. To accommidate all species of animals. My research of animals to become widespread, as to help all animals. To make a big impact on the animal rights world. Have al large house where animals can roam free through. To live a Research to be widespread to help all animals 5516 pjDe AvlisDe Avl Jessic St. Domini Thursdayuh8th Augu 2002 5083 j@fihehgefgeghfghgfgifgfffhfeghgihhhhhigihehgefgjiefDe AvlisiiiefiDe AvlisdgddgdDe Avlishmsd4 I expec t i I hope to have pass t t t t i t De Avl Sam DempsterA 1009 10 espsc Wednesdasky 28th June 2000 5066 `g@eihehiegftehhegfefiddifeBeing educated well about health and social issues ggeffnGive me support in all that i do as well as tending to my needs, and listening to me Support me with possitive feedback support me with possitive as well as areas that i can improve insupport me by sticking by my side in 'down times' trying to make me feel better. Give me encouraging comments Try my hardest keeping a positive attidude knowing i can do wellin all that i di if i put in the time g1009 gggghighhghhiiihghiiefhiha a Good at golf with a low handicap, Becoming a sports buisness manager, Living overseas and travelling Becoming a sports buisness manager travelling internationally I hope to make lots of money becoming a professional golfer or a sports buisness manager travelling the world managing a sporting hero. i hope for my good health in the future also. To grow up to be strong,tall and healthy. Practised golf spending time and effort in all I do as well as living a healthy lifestyle 1009 Not living up to my expectations, dieing early, getting hurt Dieing Early DempsterpeDempst Sam St Peters Thursdayule5th Sept 2002 5066 j@hheggeieehfhfefhfieieffhfgfiffefhfffiihfhfgfiehhffhiihhhhihfiieehiihhhghgehehfhfifefgieffigiefgDempsterzeiegfDempsterDempsteriffffgdekggegghmlspsc Studyin S R Leading Sports Mana S C U U G H H H J N D T Dempst H Eva Di Francesco A 1718 10 kkildare Thursdaysef25th May 2000 5075 f@a a Di FrancDi Fra pkEva Kildare Friday 25th uifhOcto 2002 5075 j@hfhhfieehhgffhihgfifhgifgghhgeheeiehihegfhfiehheghhhhghghghhhgfhhigggihhehefffeffeffiifg}fiedgDi FrancDi FrancrhiedgtDi FrancgefegdfmggggghiiKC11 Become e mirco biologist ast A d d f p b m b g n b Di Fra u Razvan Doroga A 4518 10 ipirie Monday 10th slehNovember2000 5540 g@hegiefflgghhfhfedgxddiieI try my hardest in school and even when working in the community with my father. eieffhhfgfghhihfhfhfhffhhfghgfgehGetting a high exam score 4518 gdehfjifhiighhihiiThey explain how they used to learn when they were stundents. They tell me to learn well to have a good futre.They tell me that I'm doing wellThey don't Aim to get higher marks ggg4518 fghiihggghiiihhhhifefiifggghhehehfha a a Father Have an Architecture degree Business owner Have an Architecture degree Become wealthy Have a nice family work near home and be close to the family Never be on the dollNever be on the doll 4518 Being on the doll Being on the doll Doroga Doroga Razvan piJohn Pirie Tuesday 23rd July uhehh2002 5540 j@ehheieeffhffighhfhfhfhfffhfgheehgfhihfieiehehihhghhhhhhhhfhiffghifffjjiehehfiifffieffDoroga jhiegeiDoroga fieeeffDoroga fffddddgggggglmjp7 archite B W Architect Builder B F T T S T J G T T n A Doroga I Michael Downer A 1490 10 spsc eFriday 16th June sjeih2000 5244 @g@ehieghtgffffiiedgefiefhiedeohiffgfhhgfffgfhfhehifhheefh1490 dghhgghfghgMy parent encorage to do my homework, study, disapointed when get bad makes which makes me wont to get good marks teachersto get bettter marks tthan them i wont to prove people wrong gddd1490 ghhgffhghggfhhfhgehhffa a I would like to became a biologist or a Vedaculturist. Working with people and enjoying myself. Vedaculturist To be a rich person who has a dayly rotine. I hope to be the boss of a company and can do what i wont. Travel wourld polition LIving in the country and working as a vedaculteras I hope to be politition 1490 a taxi driver a prist a bus driver a finance adviser a bus driver pDowner Downer michae eSt Peters Thursday5th Sept 2002 ueiie5244 hgfieeffffhfiiifigffgfhfiehhhhhieiighggfhhehhhfhhghgghhffihfehhiefhhhhfgehfggefefliefeoDowner jiegekgDowner iedelgeDowner gfgdeggggdgfkedow viticul v w urban designer, vit b r e g g k h w t b downer k David Driver A 1492 10 spsc eFriday 16th June 2000 shehgf0871 g@gieeiffggfhfedfmddfieiheggfhfhfhghggfhgfffffffefxa a Desil Machanic Machanic Station Owner Desil Machanic Good Health Nice Sexy Chick Good job Healthy Family Sexy Chick 1492 pDriver Driver David st Peteres Thursday5th Sept 2002 0871 ujeggef@j@ffhheeieiiegehieiiigihhgheeiehigfffhehfhfhgfeeeggfgfehgfghfgggggggihhfhfhfifihfeeieffhhDriver iegejgiDriver edehegfDriver ggdfmffggfihlspsc Mechani A W Stock Agent Mechani p B D H T H S G I W I Driver H Lisy Drogemuller A 7526 11 concordia mMonday 28th May 2001 5061 tkfiheh@jeefidhheifefgddhfehaving an operation to help my heart so i don't die young. nfefghffffhhhhfifffifffiffhhehhfi will fail in all i hope to do. I wont have a satisfying job. i wont get married. i dont have aboyfriend. i dont know what subjects to do next year. i don't what to do when i leave school gdj7526 mgigehhhhhhhhihthey dont whinge about my grades, they brag about me to their friends, they tell me i do well tell me im doing a good job tell me im doing a good job, praise me for good work say well done if i do something really well tell myself i should do well because i want to travel and have a relaxed lifestyle, tell myself i should do better than i do, tell myself to try harder, tell myself not to be lazy gggggh7526 hehhhhhfhhhefhhhfhhhhhhffehehfha a I expect to become successful in whatever i do , once i have a steady job, iwant to get married around 23-24, have children by 25 and live happily. When i finish school i want to travel around europe and the northern parts of Australia before getting a be happyBecoming wealthy and have a lifestyle where i don't always have to work. go on lots of holidays, marry somone goodlooking and successful. have 2 children, travel most of Europetravelling saved for travelling after school 7526 not getting married, having a crap job that i hate or not having ajob at all. no kids, no travelling,basically fialing to be what i aspire to be.being sick, dying young, having no friends, losing my faith in God, being unhappy losing my faith in God pDrogemulDrogem Lisy Concordia mvWednesday 18th Dece 2002 5058 ffhheeh@k@efghffffhihhfhfffhfgfhggggfehghhhfifgfifgffhhhhhgfhhefhhhffhiggghhheheheffigefigefgqheDrogemulefh~gheDrogemulfi~ddddDrogemulgdgmgggggfgkco22 i expec t e i hope to be a stoc m m t u s p t e b k f i drogem y Danica Duong A 1603 10 kildare ksTuesday 23rd May 2000 5110 kfiheh`g@ikfiggihffggdiddigei've studied more and i listen in class more than i use to. hhffihihhgfihfhhffghgehhgeefeehed1603 ghghfieighthey tell me what to do in school and help me when i need help. they tell me that when i'm on my way to a dream i often get lost and find a better one. they tell me to stay in school and to listen. finish all my work and do my homework! they just tell me to have fun and to forget the work for a while, to take a break. i try to listen i try not to talk when the teachers talking and i do well in my studies.gggghhi1603 ihhggifffhghhhgfiiia a I want to become a efficient doctor in the future. I want to live in a big house and travel around the world to different types of countries to help them when they are sick and need medical attention. iwant to become a singer inthe future as well. I really want to become a doctor because there are so many people in this world that have medical treatment and i feel sorry for them. I also want to travel the world to help other people not just the ones in Australia. I don't really care about money when i'm a doctor, all i care about is to cure people. I want to live in a big house so my parents can come and live with me!I also want to have a good health so i can continue with what i love! I would probably choose my good health because if i die without doctors you would be sick all the time and eventually die. 1603 i fear being a bum on the streets and having no money what so ever, losing a home because i can't pay the rent. if even fear not being able to make my parents happy. i mostly fear about not making my parents happy and that i've let them down! pkDuong Duong Danica Kildare Co ueFriday 25th Octo 2002 5110 fhheiiei@igeihifhfihffhhfghhehhffhhehhgfgihgfffhghigfghhhfgghfhhigfghiifiififfffffffiffgiffifieDuong fgrggffDuong ieddgDuong dgmhgfghflmkc12 I expec T I I hope to become a T I I I w w W M S I I b Duong b marlia Durst A 1712 k10 kildare shThursday25th May 2000 5087 fg@a a pkDurst Durst Marlia Kildare Co Friday ve25th Octo 2002 5087 k@fhhehgehhefifhgeifheihhfgfiihheeieeiehfhhehhihhhihfghhhfhiiihiihfiiifffiiiehfhfgfhhefifefgzhiegDurst gvjiefgDurst ydfdgdDurst leiiighfiiKC13 being a b i have a good life be h i f f i t t a t a n b durst h Sam Edwards A 4035 10 fignatiusMonday sl21st August 2000 5126 g@eiheoikfggghheigefelddfeEat well, keep myself fit jgeffnieieeiiiheifheifeiffefeehhNothing 4035 edddfhgeiiiiiiifii- Congratulate me on good grades, for working hard - Rewards - Positive reinforcement- Congratulate - Rewards- Congratulate - Almost always willing to help- They don't! - To beat everyone else - Feel good about myself - Think of the career I want after school g4035 ggfghigghghhhhhhfehhfehhiiijfffeieifja a - Mechatronics engineer: Complete high school with 97+ TER; complete bachelor of engineering degree at university; be healthy, build a family of approx. 3 children; work overseas for some time (Japan); hold a creative, important job, with a relatively l Mechatronics engineer: Complete high school with 97+ TER; complete bachelor of engineering degree at university; be healthy, build a family of approx. 3 children; work overseas for some time (Japan); hold a creative, important job, with a relatively lar - Healthy - Wealthy - Successful - A good father/husband - Important - Healthy Eat well, keep myself fit 4035 - unhealthy - poor - isolated (no friends/family) - homeless - boring job - unemployed - unhealthy Edwards pfEdward Sam Saint Igna Tuesday uke13th Augu 2002 5126 `j@iieiheiffgffhffihffifgfhhhffeiiiiieieifhiehhhihhhhheehhfefiijjjejeejejfjhhheffiedggiefgEdwards qdiffdEdwards Edwards dgggggdgkggghiimig18 - Acade E W Same as previous se - A - E G T T I T B Edward T Gianna EspositoA 4092 10 fignatiusFriday sgf18th August 2000 5075 f@ihfhiedgqgdieei am at school and trying to get a good education ffeffohfhhghiiffhfheifegifhfefhhfnot finishing school 4092 gdehfefeiiiihiiiiithey always tell me to do my best and that my best is what they ask for. But if i don't do my best then they aren't happy with me. Antie's and uncles alwasy tell me to do well at scholl because they never had a chance and they to see my suceed at my work. if I'm not doing that well then they inform me so that i can put my mind to it and do better. i agree most of the time. We all encourage eachother to do the best we cani alwasy try to do my best but sometimes i fall off the pace and have to make it up after school at home. hg4092 ggghighhhhhhga a -to finish school -get into accounting -finish my degree -get a good job finish school and get into accounting 4092 -not getting into uni -ending up worst than i started with ending up with less than i started with EspositoEsposi pfGianna Saint Igna Tuesday 13th ugfiAugu 2002 5075 i@heihehhehfgffhihffgfhfhfeghfffeefgeiiheheieiehihiiiiiiihhgghggehiijhfghgehehehehgeffieegygiefjEspositoEspositogiefgtEspositogggggdehgggggillig 1 In the T C i hope to become: a T g B B C T A T w i T B Esposi S Natasha Evans A 4502 10 ipirie Friday 17th tffNovember2000 5540 @h@hheeiefhmgghgeI am 100% sure that i can become an art teacher if i put my mind to it. hfefgyhgigghighfigffifghiffgheefhLosing contact with my friends, staying single, not passing high school or even Uni. 4502 gdhrehhfhiiiiighhiThey always tell me to do my best, and no matter what happeneds they will be proud of me! They say the same as the top. Some teachers stay behind after class and help the student in different parts of the subject that they need help with. They never put me down, and they are always there for me when i need them. I set my standards high, and if i can not reach them i try harder next time. I just don't worry about it much. ggi4502 ggiihhhhhhigiihiiiffhiihhihijeieifha a I just mainly wan't to be an art teacher. Art teacher. Doing mainly art subjects at school. 4502 A cleaner. A single mother. A farmer. Not being able to become art teacher or anything else to do with art! Not being able to become an art teacher!Evans Evans Natash piJohn Pirie Friday 26th July ukfih2002 5540 `j@egffhfehihfgiighfiheeifgfifhfhfhhhgihehfgfhfhifhhhhiiihihhhiiffhihhghhheheieghhgefhggfiEvans jiggjEvans hfgdigEvans dgdgdfeggggghjhjp8 I expec I I I hope to have a jo I I I I T S E T I T T Evans B Robert FantasiaA 4093 10 ignatiusfFriday 18th August sneii2000 5068 g@feieefggiifhdddgniiggedfkhfgffgihhfhfgfhghggehfhgeig-if i can make the course i want to get into in uni g4093 dehghhehhigghhfgh- tell me to do my best - congratulate me - sometimes may buy me something - cash incentives - give congratulations - set goals gggd4093 hfheghhghfghgffgiffghifgihgiegejfha a -medical practitioner -medical practitioner -decent amount of money -longetivity - having a family -good health 4093 -dole bludger -having poor health -being gay -having poor health pFantasiaFantas Robert fSt. Ignati Tuesday 13th Augu 2002 ueeihf5068 i@hgfiffhggffhhghfgfgfgfgghfiffhgihhhgfhfhfgfhgfhhhhhhghfffhhgfhgigghggheheifigigefifedgtFantasiahhedguiFantasiahedgddFantasiaddgdemgggghhhjig20 -marrie m -becoming a doctor t - w - - - - - T b Fantas t Anthony Farina A 4062 10 ignatiusfWednesday 30th August 2000 skehhe5076 `g@giegiggiieheffizddifgeeiiihghfheigffhfffgeeifNOthing worries me, i take every day as it comesed4062 edffiehiiiiihhhiThey supoort everything i do and they try to guide me so that i can make the right decisions now and in the future. They help me make decisions when i am struggling. They prepare me for when i am going to live on the adult world They support what i do and give me advice when i need it. They help me when i am struggling and they help me understand work. They try to prepare me for the future when i go to do whatever i want to doThey always give me advice and support me in what i do. When i need someone to talk to i can count on them for helpful and wise advice.I always strive to do my best and always try to the best of my ability ggggg4062 hhfgghhhfhhhgghiffhiffgihiejejfja a I want to go to Uni and study human movement and information on the human body. I want to be a physiotherapist or anopther job to do with the body. I also hope to travel in the future. Physiotherapist I hope to be very rich and be happy with family and friends. I want to keep healthy and not make enemies. Want to be happy with family and friends and keep my health in good condition Kept peace between family and friends and kept fit. 4062 pFarina Farina Anthon St Ignatfiu Tuesday 13th Augu 2002 5076 ukeiieh`j@geieeifgffiiihfgfhfifggiefefeeheiigeieheiefeegghhhhieeghfefiigfgghhejeifjfijeffhefgnhFarina iefgvfiFarina efgqeeeFarina egdemgggggieeig21 Finish G S Hope to be a soocer h w l l t T G T T i N T Farina b charlie Fenwick A 1004 10 spsc eWednesday 28th June 2000 5082 sieihe g@iiefgehhfgeedgnddiheit have studied hard, and try to be well orginised eiefflhfgffghfffgfhfgfgfhfhhhihihihithey complement me on good jobs i have done and if i do bad tell me not to worry and try harder next time other people in the family like it when i do well they help me to understand things and complement me when i do well they don't really ncourage me in the accademic field, but more in the sporting field. i tell myself that i can do well at what i am doing if i try hard enoughgggggh1004 hghhhhhhghhhfhfffhhha a -get into a job i like and enjoy -special effects artist -graphic artist,arcitect,engineer and other jobs in that kind of field -i want the house of my dreams -i want to do all the other things i want to do in my life time to become a special effects artist - a champion roller-hockey player - a legend - a stable future a stable future 1004 1. to not get into a job i like not get into a job i like pFenwick Fenwic charli st peters euThursday5th Sept 2002 5082 lehhehhj@eieeihhffhhifegfiehefehfieffgffiiifheiehghhhhhhhhhhgfhfhghehhhgghgggeieifieihefjfeegjiFenwick fggjfeFenwick egeeffFenwick gdemggfggdmmspsc -to be t - - working for a spe c s a f s y o t i i i y fenwic Alexia Gannon A 4037 10 ignatiusfsMonday 21st August 2000 5050 kfhgeg`g@iefeiggggfkiedgoedhffieedeihfgffghffgghfhfgggfeefeehethat I have almost no idea what I want to do gdeg4037 ghhegghghgghggMy parents will help me with homework, are encouraging and tell me if zI do something well My parents friends trat me as an adult the will help me or explain things to me they are interested in what I am doing or how I am. I guess they give you good grades if you try and do well. don't know I try to convince myself doing well will benefit me and has some purpose. iggdghh4037 efggghhhghehffffgiggghhhehehfha a Middle class, academic job, doctor doctor Doctor, lawyer, mining engineer, metalurgist, good income, nice house live overseas good income, content with life 4037 unhappy, depressed, poor, sick, unsuccessful unhappy, depressed pfGannon Gannon Alexia St Ignatiu ujWednesday 13th Augu 2002 5050 fggeggf@j@hgehgfffgifhfgfffgffhhggggggfgfgghhehhhghhhhhffgfiehgigggjhhfgefeggjhefieefekfieGannon ffgggedGannon fjedddgGannon dfkiggggfgkig23 Profess P T Good Health Comfor G S U H B M g e B p T Gannon B julio GirolamoA 4094 f10 ignatiussoFriday 18th August 2000 5074 eg@hhfhhedfjddeefhhedfmihieehihghffeieeiieeiifhiiim going to die my eldely family members will soon pass away 4094 gdfjghgfiiiihiiiiiThey give me the opprtunity to do well by giving me the chance to educate myself and are supportive of how i go about it. All though i dont know behind the scene they do a lot for us they stay up late in order to please us. They Dont. i set myself a goal and go with it and go to limits to acheive it 4094 ggfhhfegiiihgiiieihiiigffiiggeha a rich happy healthy tough family life have family life4094 being a druggy bad life no children dying young no children pfGirolamoGirola Julio St Ignatiu Tuesday ue13th Augu 2002 5074 i@eggfiifiefieieeiiiheifgeieieieehheiiiiiiiieigieheeihiihgiiieeiiheiiegeeefedguheedGirolamofkfeedgGirolamovddddddGirolamoddig25 Become h Have a good well pa h T P Amie Lorelle Gittos A 2007 10 hphhs Friday s2nd June 2000 5109 fhhfhieejffhhegiefegeffhfhhgihfheiggfhegfgfhfhghhfhgMy Father encorages me in mostly every thing i do. My mum always get's me to do thing like homework so i get better grades so it's esier to find a job ? Most of the time well 99% of the time If i don't understand something the teacher(s) will make sure that i find out what i am supposed to be doing If i need help with anything they will support me I don't muck around in class and i always listen and if i don't undrestand i ask questions g2007 gghiighhegihihihhiifffhia a Reseptionist Factory worker Baker Hair Dresser Baker Model Actress Singer Singer Tried to make a band with close friends, writing songs 2007 Gittos phGittos Amie Para Hills Tuesday uef2nd July 2002 5109 i@ihegfhfefhghhfhghifhehfhegfggfeehhffeehfgeifihiheefeghhfhfeefhhfgihhhgggfhfgeghiiefgieffjgiegeGittos hiiegeGittos Gittos ifeffgdfmeeggfeikph10 Hairdre H I Actress Model Singe S i C O I t t s T i siobhan Goble A 5502 10 jdominicsTuesday sgf23rd May 2000 5013 f@ihfihefpdigeffefflddihetried hard a school nice to people hheffphgffeggfgfhhgeifggghhfheehg5502 dighgghgggesend me to a good school give me things i need let me learn things on my own i'm not close to any other adults they teach me school stuff relate to my problems more open to share problems thoughts with me i dont encourage myself at school i just do the work gf5502 ggfhfeeffghegfhefgheeehga a rich,lots of kids,good job,good looking husband,lots of friends lots of kids being able to speak french, travel the world travel the worlddone subjects at school which will help me geography history 5502 dole bludger, poor, no family friends or husband die early mental breakdown no family or friends Goble Goble pjSiobha St Dominic Monday 12th ujfiAugu 2002 5013 @j@heigehhffgeggegfhhffheihheefhghefhhghhfhegfgehfeffffhfggheeehgefgihhheegehehfgfifefhgedeijiefgGoble Goble vjiefgsGoble dedfgdiegigggfkmsd5 uni stu u d well paying job nat n I o m t m a t I Bianca Grant A 5509 10 jdominicsTuesday 23rd slfhMay 2000 5082 g@hejijfiehheifffiddigei have tried hard to get good grades in school, i have bought shares and have a pert time job. i have listened to my parents teachings. jffhifeghhhihghhhhghiffighehefhf5509 digighhhfgfEvery morning on the way to school i get lectured about how important it is to listen to what the teacher is saying and ask questions if unsure. mainly lectures and the fact that i have a certain standard and my dad expects it to keep well and not go bel my aunty helps me with homework and encourages me to do well in school. my grandma also encourages me to listen in school. By letting me know wher ei have gone wrong in an assignment etc. BY answering my questions in an easy to understand manner. By not making me feel uncomfortable when asking questions or in school itself! By helping me or explaining tasks to me. Keep me with a challenge in school someone there to have a friendly competiton with. also by not letting me get to worried about tasks! i think of my future and if i do something that only takes 10 minutes it may help the next ten years of my life. i try and listen to the teacher and prepare myself for tests! hgi5509 gghhhfgihhiiggefhggihhia a I want to be well known in a good way to society and hopefully around the world! I want to see as many places and things in the world as possible. I don't want to waste my life i want to die knowing that i have accomplished something. I want to stand ou I want a good education and a good, fun successful job behind me, i want to enjoy my life without any regrets. I hope i get to travel the world and not miss a thing, i hope i have a good paying job to do so. I hope i am famous in a good way and can change some bad things in the world. I hope i live life to its fullest living each day as my last I hope i can travel the world and not miss a thing. i have kind of organised my future by planning with my friend how we could go about it 5509 I fear i will become unemployed and not care about my situation i fear about not living up to my own expectations i fear i will let my family down by not prooving that i could of gone far. i fear i will be living unstabley and will not have anything to m i fear i will let my family down by not prooving that i could of gone far. Grant Grant Bianca pjSt Dominic Thursday8th Augu uefgg2002 5082 i@eigeigegieihghihiggiggheiighefheigihgggehggghifffggighggeehghegiijihffefifgefeifefkfefgGrant gfefgGrant jeefgpdGrant dddgdfkggggggklsd6 i expec t s rich successful ha h t t t t m a h w t Tim Greenwell A 4010 10 ignatiusfTuesday 12th Decemberskeih2000 5252 `g@efiefekggiheheeffjddifeGot a good education, good relationships with people hiefejhehhehhHaving no friends, being alone g4010 dfrffifhihhihhhiiThey are dissappointed when I do badly sometimes, but also they are very happy when i do well, so i like making them happy They encourage me and reassure me when I'm unsure They are always quick to help (most teachers) and take a fair approach to thingsThey usually don't talk about school, they're moral support and put me in a good, confident moodI deep down know that I can do well, and I'm very strong willed gggg4010 ghhffhhghhhghefihffihiggghhhehfha a Medicine: Surgeon, Specialist IT: Graphics, Website Design Medicine: Surgeon Successful graphic designer Rich powerful happy happy Not gotten too stressed out, taken life easy but still putting in effort4010 dead really poor in jail unhappy really poor, homeless pGreenwelGreenw Tim fSaint Igna Tuesday 13th Augu 2002 ugeihe5252 i@iheheeifgffhhhgfhghfffgfhghefhfhhiiiiieieiehhehhgghhhhgffeihhghiiihghhegehfghjfefdddeddGreenwelgiedgshGreenweliefgwggGreenwelgfddddddgggggmig27 - cardi c W - cardiothoracic su - w - c i L I T B I Rachael Greenwood A 5501 10 dominicsjMonday 23rd May 2000 sifihf5125 g@ieefrdiieggegg|ddihfggedfohfhgfgeifgffffefeehffgeefgf5501 dihggfgggfhhelp me out offer support love and care for me believe in me offer help, talk to me and are friendly teach me different things offer more help know i can do it help out whenever i need help they are there to talk to understand me set myself goals believe in myself put effort into my work take time in what i do ggggh5501 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfffiia a successfull,great job, a big family, wonderful husband, able to traverl around the world. happy family to be able to speak different languages eg. French and Italian to be fit and healthy to stay in contact with family and friendsto be fit and healthy play sport train frequently 5501 being very sick being alone no house no money no job being very sick pGreenwooGreenw Rachae St Dominjic Thursday5th Sept 2002 5125 umfiieij@ifiieghfhghigfgfgffigehhfgheeggegggggggghghhhihhhhhhhggfghhffhgfffiiiffegegfiiefheefihGreenwooeefihhGreenwoofdidddGreenwoodgdeegggggfmesd7 I expec H i i hope to be succes i i t n t h o a w keegan Grobins A 4040 10 ignatiusfMonday 21st August 2000 5068 sleiieg@giffgzfffffgjedgwddggfegedffiggiiiggeifgihhheiigheefeefthat I will die with out knowing and not living a fruit full life gdf4040 jhhjfgfgfggggigthey ask questions and that makes me realize what I should do around good around good some I just dislike because they always make me fill bad because they are treible to me I just think that I am a well relaxed person which I am gddegg4040 gfggefhihgggeffiihhhhhhhhhfifhega a body builder something to do with computers a scuphcher (i thing thats how you spell it) that does computer modeling as well a computers modeler and prac work with clay, plastosen and drawing going into space on to a new plant good husbane and father good to my wike and in bed to go into space and on to another plant4040 die young die young pGrobins Grobin Keegan St Ignatiu fuTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5068 leiifggj@eifiggiihgighghhhggeghiheeeeeegfffgfgfffggegghggihffffffghgghhhhfggfhfhehfjgefigedi|hiGrobins edihieGrobins diegegGrobins gdejgfggfdiijg28 I expec e I hope to be a phyc t I i t i s s i Jessica Grotto A 4119 10 ignatiusfsTuesday 12th December2000 5070 lfg@iiefiedhogdiffhhgdhsihfffiiiifgfieiegeieefheehewhat worries me now is not getting good grades and not being accepted into university.In the future it would heve to be bad health gdgh4119 ehhfhiiihiihiii love my parents.They do the best they can for me when ever they can.No matter what it is or where they have to go if i need their help or support there there.All the adults i know help and support me if i ask them even if they don't know anything about it they try their best some teachers help you so much you cant even describe but others don't really support you as much as they could.School friends are always there whenever you need them no matter what it is. i try to be the best i can at something and never quit gggggii4119 fhhhiiiiifgiiffiiiffjjjjejfhfha a i hope to get a degree in nursing and get married i believe both are as important as each other as listed in section 2 4119 i fear that i wont achieve what i want out of life - job - married -children that i wont have a happy family and a stable jobpfGrotto Grotto Jessic St Ignatiu uiTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5070 fiieiie j@ieehefefhhihfhegeiehfheegheeieiiiehegfhehgggghhhhhiieiiieehiieefijieiehfieihffggefgngifGrotto gigeifGrotto iedgegGrotto delggghghmiig29 i expec s i i hope to be a succ i i d b i M i s s w Kylie Grover A 7527 m11 concordia slMonday 28th May 2001 5063 fiheifg@effdiiegheggsddiieBeing a friendly person and one who respects and cares for my family heefghhgfgghhffgfhfhfghifhhhehhhNot getting into the uni course that i want Failing what my parents expect of me losing someone really close to me 7527 gdghfiifihhfhiihgiBy sending me to a school that challenges me Praising good work and supporting me through tough times Offer advice on where i need to improve encouragement help me when help is needed offer support and encouragement by challenging me making classes fun and exciting by having hopes and dreams that i need to work towards 7527 ggggghhehhhhhghghffffhhghifffhggffegfga a A Physiotherapist A mature adult who accepts responsibilities A caring and accepting person A person who holds great respect for people A person who finds love without children and marriage A mature adult who accepts responsibilities A succesful physio who enjoys the work A home owner Enough money to live comfortably A home owner Saving money 7527 A person with a terminal illness A person who has no friends or family A person who has no job and lives off the dole A person who regrets their life A person with no friends or family pmGrover Grover Kylie Concordia Thursdayuh31st Octo 2002 5063 j@fhhehheifehfhffhihffhfhfifffhfhhfhhihiiieiehehehhhhhhhhhgghgghghfhhifffihhehehfhegjffjhegihiefGrover jhfffjGrover ededgdGrover fhggighikggrov I expec T I I hope, no matter w I I I D I M T T T i Megan Heppner A 7528 11 mconcordia Monday so28th May 2001 5041 g@fiifkheidhgehfeggddifeDecided that I won't turn out like that ghffgoigffehihhfhfhfifhehfghhffhfThat I wont achieve or do everything that I want to and that I might be heaading in the wrong direction 7528 gdfmeghfhihhhhhihiHelp me Congratulate me when I do well Don't focus just on school and make me feel like school is the most important thing in life Go out of their way for me understanding congratulate me when I do well They don't act like school is everything, and that other parts of life are also important understanding Teach and help give compliments are nice and friendly understanding understanding friendly funny/fun very nice help with work I think about the results and self satisfaction i could get if I do well and work hard I enjoy myself and try to learn and find somehting interesting/fun in everything g7528 ggghhhghhihhhhfhffhffffhigghhhiefejfia a I would like to go to uni and a get a job doing something I enjoy. I would also reallly like to travel to different countries and work there and experience the things that they can offer. I also want to get married and have children and be happy. To get married and have childrenBe healthy and happy. Be able to do something in my life which is worth while and helps others. Make a difference in the world, or just someoneHelp others and make a difference I have thought about it and read some books which have been inspiring 7528 Not achieving anything worthwhile Not being happy Being selfish and materialistic Someone who is selfish and only care about themselves and want money etc.. Heppner pmHeppne Megan Concordia Friday ujf13th Dece 2002 5041 @j@iiehhehfeiffefhiiifhfifhffeiffhfffhfiihfgfifhehieiiiihhhhfhfhhgffhigghgggeheiehfigeffgefegkiefgHeppner hfefgHeppner Heppner zedddgdekgggghhjhco24 Go to u D C Get Fit Play tennis G p F F I H T H H T Jaye Hickman Hickman A 1508 10 kkildare Tuesday shf23rd May 2000 5076 g@ggfheehdggfjiedgoefifegoing all the way through high school geefi|egghhfighggffghheffgggghghhhhhMum always tells me i can do well Do things for me when i need something done help me help me i do my home work gg1508 gggggefghgghhghefffhhhhga a I Expect that i will become something that i want to be. I expect that i will be married and have children.live in a house.I would love to have traveled.Be happy be happyA retail buyer a wife rich good health happy have traveled a retail buyer and a wife 1508 i fear that i will be unhappy and alone.i fear that i will have no job or be something like a school cleaner. unhappy and alone Hickman Hickma pkjaye H Kildare Co Friday 25th umfhOcto 2002 5076 j@geggffgffggfhighggfgghgfghgffeefgfhfgfgfgehighhhhgggfhfgffgfggifhhgggfiegeggifefifedg~geefjHickman Hickman fgedizHickman ddddgdehiggghfflck15 i hope t i i hope to be in goo h i h t t t t i Skye Hiscock A 2520 10 lsehs Tuesday 23rd snfiMay 2000 5109 g@ifgiefnggiifgiedfmggggeI have tried to look after myself the best i can. fgeffthgggghhggghgffhgfggfeffeffe2520 dhhihhiheihMy parents are there for me no matter what. They support and love me for who I am. Other adulta are there for me always. Like my aunties and uncles, they care for me and encourage me to do what I want. Teachers are there for you by helping you if you do not understand something. They incourage you by telling you that you can do whatever you won't. Friends are also there for me if I am upset or something is wrong. They incourage me by also telling me that I can do it. I tell myself that I can do it. ggi2520 ggiighiihihhhhhhhhgfhiia a I expect to become a teacher a wife a mother a teacher a teacher a mother I'd like to be rich. a teacher 2520 I would not like to have a deadly disease I would not like to be unemployed I would not like to have a deadly disease Hiscock Hiscoc Skye plSalisbury Tuesday 29th Octo vgfii2002 5109 `k@ehieheeghfhgghgfhghffhgfghgefheghehgggffhfggiieiihhhhhggfhhggffhifffjififfeffhgefjhefgHiscock giefgxHiscock hiefgdHiscock edegdhhgggggfiise8 To have T I I hope to be health T E B N E S S E E I Bethany Hookway A 4065 10 ignatiusfWednesday 30th August tefii2000 5075 h@egiegiggiiejikgjgghfeI have looked into the course I wish to move into and feel that I will enjoy it. I am hoping to talk to more people involved in this area. I am hoping to attend Adelaide Uni so I will still be around the same people.gighiifhffhiiifheheiffehfhhhhhhhThat I won't like the job I get into and will find it hard to get out. That i could lose the support of my family and friends if they or I move.g4065 dgggggeiiiiiihiiia a When I graduate from year 12 I want to move on into a Bachelor of Health Sciences. Maybe I will go into further research from there in a related field. I will probably always teach violin part-time. I will hopefully always have my family to support me an Complete a Bachelor of Health Sciences Once again, I hope to enter a Bachelor of Health Sciences at Adelaide Uni. I hope to maintain good health and maintain the friendships I have already built up. I hope I can always stay around my family who are very supportive of what my future plans are I hope to move into a career that I really enjoy, maybe this will be the Bachelor of Health Sciences. I hope to maintain close friendships and the support of my family. I would also like to continue with my violin learning and teaching in the future. Everything I do, I feel, is moving towards, and benefiting, my future plans. For example I learn and teach the violin at the moment and hope to always continue with this because I enjoy it. At school I strive for the highest marks I can get so this will 4065 I guess I am most fearful of ending up in a career that I do not enjoy or having to move interstate and not having the support of family and friends, which I feel is extremely important. Exactly what I previously said; being in a job I do not enjoy and not having the support of family and friends. pHookway Hookwa Bethan fSt Ignatiu Tuesday 13th Augu 2002 vefiie5075 k@iieieeiefefhihhffefeiefeffhhfhhhhihgfiegegehhfhghhhhghheffieegiheffiijeiehfhefjffifeffmHookway skHookway eeeenddHookway ddgdkegdgggflfig31 author p I author individual t p H C C I M M T " I Verity House A 7510 11 concordia mMonday 28th May 2001 tlf5156 i@igegiigiefggeI don't do drugs or drink alcohol or smoke and I try not to put myself in stupid situations. ggefgfhfghiiiigghfghhghighhfihgggiiThey don't take over and they want me to do what makes me happy even if I'm not choosing the choice that will make me look really smart. They understand that I'm smart in other areas in school rather than in physics or maths. The director at the theatre group i'm in puts a lot of faith in me. My brothers are both Stand up comedians and they help me with my writing ideas and supprt me. They tell me where I can improveThey compliment me, help me and encourage me. realise that I'm doing life for fun and nothing else. ggggg7510 hhhighghigiihiiihhiiihhhhhhffefffa a 1. I would like to write and star in my very own television sitcom for the A.B.C so there won't be a large commercial following but some loyal viewers. During this time I would perform for a large theatre company and write movies similar to my sitcoms. 2 I would like to write and star in my very own sitcom for the A.B.C so there won't be a large commerial following but some loyal viewers. During this time I would perform for a large theatre company and write movies similar to my sitcoms. Done a lot of theatre musical and otherwise. Started up my own theatre group with a small group of friends and I will write the plays we will perform. I have started writing a movie. I am doing multimedia at school to learn about television production. 7510 1. I will die young. 2. I will regret the life I have lived and become bitter. 3. I won't be able to do the things I want to do. I will die youngpHouse House verity concordima Monday 16th Dece 2002 5156 vgfiief`k@gefgehhfhgfiiigifefghfhhghhhhhhhiigfhffggfifhhhhhihffhfffihefiiggghhhffegefhhieffgefflgHouse iefg{fiHouse efgqeefHouse fgdhjgggfhfhjco9 1. Mode M a 1. Be very successf B s 1 1 I B M t t I Emily Jackson A 4121 10 ignatiusfTuesday 12th December2000 5076 smfiheg@iigfemggife.study hard .very hygienic gigffnhihffhiihghggfiffghfeffehhe.health of myself, my friends and family .i may not succeed in what i want to dogdh4121 kegifghihhiiiii.praise when needed .make me feel i'm someone special .encourage me to try new things .encourage me when needed .help me by giving me advice or support when needed .encourage me .think highly of me .give guidance.are there when i need them .give me advice on certain things .when i achieve things well i feel good inside .i see most things on the bright side and try to enjoy life gggggh4121 igiiihhfgfihfhghghhiiihgggeeefffa a .police officer .sport teacher .lawyer .forensic scientist .personal trainer .sport teacher .lawyer .not happy .in a job i don't enjoy .poor health .in a job i don't enjoy .bad health pJackson Jackso Emily St Ignatiu fuTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5076 ifhgfhg j@fihehfhfhhihhgigffifeggeeeeffeghiegfheifhhhihhhhghiieffifehiiiiffgfgegfhiifeffgegefiiJackson edgniieJackson dejggggJackson gdfkggighejg32 sport t f pschology law sport p s d h a e g w t Emma Jeremy A 1713 10 kildare ksThursday25th May 2000 5126 efhgfff@ieirgghifmifdgggehfjhgdfgigghgihfghhehhgehhheeefefed1713 ghhhefgfghmy mum always tells me that no one is better than me we are all equal they always encourage me and tell me that i am the best i never encourage myselfggfhh1713 gfghghhhghfgffiihiha a I want to become a primary school teacher or someting to do with children. Primary School Teacher - Primary School teacher - Earn lots of money - have two children - a house with a pool (two story house) - A loving husband - be very successful - keep in touch with my family - live long enough to see my grand-children grow up - live a healthy life and Be a primary school teacher and have a loving family (husband and two kids). 1713 i dont want -to become a Bum -to live on the dole -to grow -to die -my mum to die because if she did i would -to have children at a young age -to be unsuccessful DYING and mum not being around pkJeremy Jeremy Emma Kildare Co uFriday 25th Octo 2002 5126 fhheggfhhfhhfhhfigighhehgheghieefegheghhgeigigiefefghhhggeeeegghgghighghhhfffhehjhfefhfgdigieJeremy fiiffdJeremy igdgdgJeremy dhmggffefikkc18 i expec t t i hope to become ve i i i m j t t i Hamish JohnstonA 1498 e10 spsc sfFriday 16th June 2000 5062 eiiefif@efefgghhfeiedfiediefghedflifgffhihgfhfhfhfhfhfgehehie1498 dhhhihhhiiiThey help me with my homework. They encourage me to do my best at the work that I do. They advise me on some decisions that I may have to make. They help me with some work that I may be struggleing with at the time. They give me advice on how I may tackle a task. eg. with an assignment I may have. I give myself goals and rewards.1498 gggghhighhhghihhhhhhhffggia a Surveyor, Viticulturalist SurveyorTo be a successfull businessman Become rich 1498 Bad health Homeless Die at an early age Homelessness peJohnstonJohnst Hamish St Peter's Thursdayui5th Sept 2002 5062 j@ehiehhfieehggffhhhgfhfffhghfhfheiehihhhhfhehehehhfhhhghhfhhfhhhffggihhhffgegeffifghefihefflJohnstonqhfedgJohnstonteegegdJohnstonehgggggfiiston I expec M B Well off with a ste W H N M H E H E M Ruth Jones A 4096 10 fignatiusFriday sl18th August 2000 5075 g@fihfheegdiifhfeggddggfiefdgifhghhhiififgeifeehfiefheihThat I will not pass Year 12 with the marks that I want. I afraid of being alone for the rest of my life (love wise). 4096 gdfhgjifihigghhiifMy parents are separated and I live with my mother. She could not be more supportive or loving, then she is. She encourages me to do well, but she has never forced me to achieve anything.I never feel degraded by her and I do come from a home where high i I think at the school I go to the majority of the teachers are always willing to support and help you out in any way they can. They therefore are an important part of my schooling. I also have an older brother, whom I often talk too and confide in. Other As I have already mentioned, they do help and encourage me, yes This year I have had a hard time with my social aspect at school. I had an awful time g4096 ggeifeiiihga a Go to university, work towards a degree and then go on to a job. Love and family. Live happily and die at an old age, with the people I love around me. Live happily, with loved ones near, etc.I want travel the world, Pass Year 12 well and hopefully I can get into some area of performing arts, at University. See and work towards my family's health and happiness. To travel the world. But I am hoping to travel to India with my school, at the end of next year. I have also found out about studing part of my degree overseas, with another joint University. 4096 My mother dying before I'm 40. Falling Year 12, and not having any opotions. Being unhapy in love and marriage or not being able to be able to appreciate love. Being unhappy in love or marriage, or not even to be able to experience real love. Jones pfJones Ruth St Ignatiu Tuesday ulf13th Augu 2002 5075 j@hheihehgfifhffhihifhffeiffeifhfghfiihhhfhfifighfhihhhhffeheeefieffieegihieiegfjeiiffffedgsgheffJones giefgJones Jones wdedfgdfmgfgggelgig34 To go t T C To become an actor T A T T M N U T I Ryan Jones A 6012 10 gpgs Wednesday sge24th May 2000 5082 f@igefiegfieigehhfggsdgieffhedfweefffeihihhfeeififhefehffih6012 digihfiiiihmy parents encourage me to try to extend myself and do as well as I possibly can in everything I try, which helps me, to know that my parents are enthusiastic about what i am doing. Other adults (teachers, neighbours,etc.) encorage my helping when i need help, but it is important for me to remember that if i want help i must get it, because help won't automatically come to me. they help by teaching important skills for my future, helping when I make mistakes, and helping when I don't quite understand something.friends encourage me by helping me when I have trouble, and offering advice when needed, but knowing not to give unwanted advice. they cheer me up when i need cheering up, and help me through my life.I encourage myself to do well at school by knowing that I can do well, and setting a mark for myself to acheive.gg6012 gggiihfhffigghhgghieeeiia a self-employed buisnessman, with family. self-employed buisnessman, with family. married buisnessman, with a fmily buisness, pulling in massive profits, and having high-profile customers married buisnessman, with a fmily buisness, pulling in massive profits, and having high-profile customers started my own buisness 6012 an evil, greedy person, who only wants world domination. an evil person, who is sent to jail for murder. an evil person, who is sent to jail for murder.Jones Jones pgRyan Pulteney G Monday 16th ueeiDece 2002 5082 i@ieiheieefhghhghhhhhhefhhhggfhefehihiiifhgggighhfghhghhhhhffhhhhhhihhhgggeifffhffiffkiedgwfjefiJones Jones uijefjJones ddddgdemhgifhhemPg10 In the t A Get a job, earn som t a p p t b w o t I chloe Kaschau A 4522 10 ipirie Friday 10th tmfgNovember2000 5540 i@gfeiehneggfeiedhjeeggfeeedfjghgghfhfhhfhfhghehghgeefhgiThat i will loose my nanna 4522 gderhggeeefefeeeggThey tell me to do my best They tell me to do my best They tell me to do my best They tell me to do my best To do my best ggg4522 gghhhhhhghihgfefggghgghefhghgfefgfgta a I would like to be a zookeeper in the furture. I would like to be a zookeeper. I hope to become a zookeeper I hope to become a zookeeper 4522 A very sad and lonly person A very sad and lonly person Kaschau Kascha Chloe piJohn Pirie Monday 5th Augu ulfgf2002 5540 j@fffegfffhfhgfhfghfhefghehfgeeehheigfhheggghghhihhhfhhhghfhffhggghhhggfifhehifhefKaschau ddKaschau eiefffKaschau efgdehggikas A Zookeeper A T H H I David Keynes A 4511 10 pirie iFriday 10th Novembersoeii2000 5540 g@fjiefwffhgfhjedgddifei got a home iheffwihhhhhiihhifhfhfhfhfiiiiiiihhhwell my parents say go to school or leave home they help by telling me that i am good at stuff that i might not be so good at ok well we help each other with work i do the work to my full extent egdg4511 ggighghhhhhhhfghhhfhhiiihhihejehfha a pilot Space cadet Space craft designer Have a family lots of money and what ever i want to be!! pilot rich the president of the USA or Australia in coming years to live on the iternational space station formily know "Mir" to live on the moon,mars or a big space craft to live on the iternational space station formily know "Mir" 4511 to live on the street in poverty an alcholic a drug addict a dirty old man Old and fat to live on the street in povertypKeynes Keynes David iJohn Pirie Tuesday 23rd July 2002 ukehhe5540 `j@iiehfehiffhghhfghfgfhfhhiffeheihggggfgggigehehhhhhfhfgfefhhffghiighggeefgeihiiefjiffg|Keynes fiegfjfKeynes ieffmfeKeynes ffgdgefffffhhjjp15 a chef A I To work on Televiso T S T T t E E M N I James KitchingA 4013 10 ignatiusfTuesday 12th December2000 smeihe5076 g@hfeffkdiiehgegfkddifeGot a job :) iiegfpghehfihigifeehgeehfhfegehhI think what worries me most is the fact that the world is starting to turn into one huge business empire, dominated by the rich and famous, and the social divide between the rich and poor is growing further and further apart hf4013 dsefhfhiigfihhihMy parents encourage and support me by trying to encourage me to try my best and do my best in all my activities, even it is one of my "weaker" subjects. They can understand a bad grade here and there, but they always want me to push myself and do my be Other adults, like my sports coaches, or the priests alwqays encourage me to try my best and push my self. They recognise that I sometimes don't try my best, and they try to help me achieve my best Teachers encourage me and support me by supportng me, and generally maintaining a good relationship between me and them.By pushing me to my limits, encouraging me to do well - being competitve with each other alot. By trying to attempt to get over 90% for all of my projects/essays/tests etc - to try and get A's, give myself a goal to improve my GPA.ggggh4013 hhfihhghfffhhehigghhifffjjjejejfia a father journalist sports enthusiast contributor to society contributor to society successful loved achiever in work areas healthy healthy Watching what foods I eat and maintaining regular exercise 4013 Poor Health Being Corrupt Unemployed Being a criminal Being unloyal to family Unemployed pKitchingKitchi James St Ignatfiu Tuesday 13th Augu 2002 5076 uieihei j@ieifehffhffihihihgfhhefhfieehhiigghgfeieighigihhghffiiihihfeeiihhifgheieifieghffdddeddiKitchinghifjgeKitchingeehsgdgKitchingdgdfkfggdhhemig35 I expec I M I hope to be rich. I M I I S T O T B I Andy Kouimtzis A 4523 10 pirie iFriday 10th November2000 5540 slehhfg@gieehffggfgiedehggiifjiedfqhhgfhhhhgfgfgfhfgfhfgfheghfIf Im going to get a good job in the future gde4523 gfhhfhhihhhhhhhIf I do really bad my parents might tell me that Im not aloud to do things I want to but if I do good they sometimes might reward me. they dont reallywouldnt have a clue They dont reallyUmm I dont think I do hfdffh4523 hfgfhhhhhggfehhhffhiiiiiggeihfha a Builder, Bricklayer, car salesman, Bricklayer Buisness owner, Lawyer, doctor, Lawyer 4523 teacher, going to jail, garbage man, grounds man for the school, cleaner, alcoholic teacher pKouimtziKouimt Andy John Pirie iuTuesday 23rd July 2002 5540 heiieiij@iiehfgfhhhhifhfhfifffhfhfhehhhihehehghehfeffhfhghfhhffhhhhgihheiehfiggiefhiedekeiKouimtziegeefieKouimtziefgffffKouimtzigdeggieljp16 Builder B W Builder Store Manag B l T U g Abby Lambert A 4512 10 pirie itFriday 10th November2000 5540 gfihfh`h@feekdihfihedgvddiieapplied for jobsiieffthfhgghigfghfhfgfffhfeehegieMy worries is that i wont be a good parent or i will never become a parent. That i will be unemployed, that i will be poor and that i wont be successful. gdir4512 fiiehhhhhhhhhimy parents encourages me to do my best at school because they want me to achieve my best. others encourage me to do my best aswell. teachers support me good because they always help me when i need it. my school friends help me aswell when i need it.i always try tp listen to the teacher and i try to do my best. gggghhh4512 ehhgghhghifeehihfhhfffhiheieieha a A Hairdresser A Mother Buisness owner successful successful being a very good hairdresser being wealthy having good health being a successful buisness person having a family having a family 4512 being unemployed not having a family being poor having poor health not being a good hairdresser being poor piLambert Lamber Abby John Pirie ueWednesday 7th Augu 2002 5540 fihffgfi@igeighfffighhhiffhfehhffeeeghehiifgehfifhhfhhihiigfifeehhfhiigffiiieiehfhfggefieefgohfeLambert dflhiedLambert gsededgLambert dfmgggggfjljp18 Success S successful business t B b B M m T w I NicholasLambert A 4524 i10 pirie snFriday 10th November2000 5523 eihffig@efmfffefefedfhddiifghedfoifgghhfifhfhffghghehefhfi really dont know 4524 ededffhehhhihihigiI get told to try hard or i get told off. They dont really. They dont. I try to do work. 4524 hffgfiehghgghhgieeegiehgiffgiiiehehfha a Australian Federal Police Officer Doing something involving Information Technology AFP Officer To travel into Space. To travel into Space. 4524 To not have a home. To not have any money. Old HomelesspiLambert Lamber Nichol John Pirie Saturdayuk17th Augu 2002 5523 `j@eiheigeggfhfhffhihhfhfhehfhfighehfhigiihfiehehefifhgihgfffheeeghefhhggghhheiehfhhfhffigedgvhiegLambert jffffiLambert eeffedLambert ddgfeffifkup17 i expec w i well i guess i woul t s i i t t t t i Colleen Larice A 4066 10 fignatiusWednesdasny 30th August 2000 5076 g@fhgfjigjgghgfffgdjdggffhgghhfffgfeggefhfgghhggggga a In the future I expect to become one of the following Pediatrician, Psychologist, Psychaitrist. I don't want to get married. I'll probably never have children. I hope to stay friends with the people that I know now. But I also want to make alot more frie I really want to become a pediatrician. I love children and hate to see them get sick, so I wnat to help. Once again, I hope to become a pediatrician. But if this fails I hope to be able to do something in the medical area. Otherwise I hope to have a career where I can help people and know that I did the right thing for them. Basically I hope that my future The most hoped for possible self would have to have something to do with helping people so I still say, a Pediatrician 4066 Larice pfLarice Collee Saint Igna Wednesday uef14th Augu 2002 5076 i@ggfhheggfggfhhfhfggffhfhgfggfhghghhhggggfggggghhfhggghhgfhehhfgfghihhhgggfgffefghgefhfedeifeedeLarice fffefeLarice Larice fddddgdehhgggghfkig37 success h successful, helpful h h b u M T S T I Rachel Lee A 2009 10 hphhs Friday skf2nd June 2000 5096 `g@hhehhffizdhgeeieffhgghhhfghihiggfgfhfehhhfheeehh2009 dghhhhhggihMy mum always encourages me to do well and to succeed in everything that I do. Family friends give me alot of encouragement also. They don't always encourage me. My close friends always encourage me to try my hardest and no matter what the outcome is, they know that I've done the best that I can do. I try to keep my grades at a high standard and most of the time, I strive to do my best gg2009 fgghifefhggfhfifffhfhiiia a I would like to beocme a physiotherapist but I would expect to become a parent and wife with a reasonably paid job. To become a parent and wife with a resaonably paid job. To become a physiotherapist. A physiotherapist Trying to keep my grades at a high standard and staying in then going, then going to university 2009 Lee Lee phRachel Para HIlls Wednesday 17th umfiNove 2002 5096 j@hehgeieehhggfhiiiggffgifehhgfgfeefhgggfhehfhehhegghgihihihgggffhiihihgggegegfgeghffhhefehihefeLee Lee iffefgqLee eegehgdfigggghjhph5 dancer, p I successful business s I h h I M T W T I stephen Leske A 4068 10 fignatiusWednesday 30th skehAugust 2000 5089 `g@ghefffsdggffffdgvddfgfgeedehffhffehgifhfffgghhghihgfihpeoples feelings towards me and their feelings in general 4068 gdfpfhiehhhhgghhgha a expect to have alot of money. married kids play drums in some setting or another to be happily playing drums in a setting which i like touring the world with a band in which i enjoy playin in have some close and good freinds touring the world with a band in which i enjoy playin in4068 unhappy terminally sick hated terminally sick Leske Leske stephe pfSt Ignatiu Tuesday 13th Augu ujeii2002 5089 @j@eiiehhefgeghfgffhgfhghfhhhgihggghhfghfffgfgfhffhggghfgfhfgfhiffghghfhegeghhiefdjeeeLeske feiefeeLeske eiefeefLeske effig39 musicia m s musicianm s w w l Martin Letch A 2525 10 sehs lWednesday 24th May roehg2000 5109 `f@eiiefekgghgeffeffmdda a Accountant Architect Computer Programer Graphic Designer Doctor Accountant Have a nice home Become successful in my career Become successful in my career I try my hardest in everything I do. 2525 pLetch Letch Martin lSalisbury Tuesday 29th Octo 2002 uhefge5109 j@ggfheeeiiiegehififhhhgigieeeeeheggffgggghiiigffigihhihhhiiffihggghhhhfjeiejeejffghefgoLetch hiefehfLetch iedefggLetch gggdfmggeggfkgse13 account a T accountant engineer a H B I M O T F I Chris MaitlandA 1218 10 spsc eThursday23rd November2000 teeiie5153 h@hieffmgghheiiefgpefhfekept good people relations ieeffnhgfefghihffehfifhgifhghffiffailing being disliked gd1218 fmgghea a entrapreneur creative law academic job not physical so much academic stable job entrepreneur wealth happiness community minded successful and original, new & interesting, creative entrepreneur involved in wide range activities AFS scholarship to china - experience 1218 loner poverty self esteem low convicted of crime selfish arrogant low self esteem and loner pMaitlandMaitla chris St Petere's Thursday5th Sept 2002 5153 ueeiiehi@geggegfiefhigifhfgeifffgghghfhihhiiehfgfifhhghhhhhgghhhhhggfgigfiekeeggykMaitlandifggliMaitlandefgeeeMaitlandfgdglggggand finish e i happy attend a univ i m u u e T T S T Con Mandalios A 4099 10 ignatiusfFriday 18th August 2000 5074 snehheg@giegfpgghheiiffgediiePut my head down and studied, i dont follow my friends do, i do what i want to do. I ignore peer pressure! hfffg{ihfhhhiifhhiheghehffeeeeeieWhat really worries me is that i wont succeed in the future. I wont do what i want, i end up doing something i dislike. I worry about what might become of me, especially if something bad happens 2 me.gdj4099 meejehggegigigMy parents support me all the way, but my dad seems to believe that getting into University is the only way, but i understand that he wants me to well, but both parents support me all the time. They support me 100%. Other adults always say that me becoming a Bachelor of I.T (Software Engineering), suits me as i know a lot about computers. SO all adults that i know agree with me and support me. Some teachers encourage me, some teachers know how to put my encouragement to conitue schooling down. Some friends encourage me, those are the ones that want to finish to year 12, but those who are going to TAFE and leaving in year 10 or 11, sometimes or never encourage me. I encourage my self sometimes. I always put my head downa nd ignore peer pressure. i do what i like, not what my friends like me to do. ggghgi4099 hehfihiihhffiihffiiijiigghfhehfha a Computer Engineer Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Engineering) Bachelor of Computer ScienceBachelor of I.T (Software Engineering) Good Health Happy Family Good pay to support the family and have a healthy family, then eventually become rich Happy and Long life Kids to be proud of me Good pay to support the family and have a healthy family, then eventually become rich Studied and looked after my health very much 4099 Not making my parents happy Not get into University Not to become what i wanted to become and not be successful Bad health Not to become what i wanted to become and not be successful pMandalioMandal Con Saint Igan fuTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5074 meihehgj@ehfehhfhhhiifhhgiffehhheeeeefeghhgigigifihhihhgiihiiiiihfehiiiihghhegeifgffefffiefflfiMandalioefgwggeMandaliofggddeMandaliogdehggggghhjig42 I expec I I A healthy man with A D H N W B P T A I Broderick MatthewsA 7531 11 concordia mrMonday 28th May 2001 5051 jeiiejh@eefidhheniefiediffleedgififghihhghfgfifefifhgfgfhhbeing alone :( gder7531 higfiiiiiihghhMy parents are extremely supportive of me and are half the reason I do well at school!!!! They do not mind if I get bad marks but instead try to find out why. I enjoy having my parents there to support me. Other adults do not really help me, although my close relations, especially my Grandpa, are always willing to lend a hand for school projects etc. Teachers are very supportive of me most of the time. They are always there at school with me and so if they didn't support me school would be very hard. But the teachers do encourage me and help me along School friends are great to have around. When I get something wrong they don't laugh but are happy to help. Friemds are great =D At times I am more of a hindrance than a help to my school work!! Seriously though, I think that I plan a path for myself t follow and it is usually the right one! ggigfhh7531 fiiiihghfigfhhhefgigggiiiejehfia a Be happy with someone, not neccessarily married. Kids if married. A steady job, with a reasonable income, but probably not rich. I expect to be happy and still enjoying life. To be happy and still enjoy lifeI hope to be rich, but not greedy. I hope to have a big house near the beach. I hope to have a job in the career area i enjoy. I hope to be a good long distance runner! I hope to own a fast car. A really fast car! I hope to get a PhD. I hope to ow I hope to have a career in the area i enjoy Worked hard at school and done what I like 7531 I fear to be fat. I fear to be stuck in a repetitive job. i fear to not get a job. I fear dying young. I fear changing my outlook on life. i fear being an alcholoic/druggie. I fear becoming depressed. i fear becoming alone and by myself. I fear becoming alone and by myself pmMatthewsMatthe Broder Concordia teMonday 16th Dece 2002 5051 eiifhhf h@iefifhfeiihhfieheieefiefhggfihhiheiehehehhgiihghhhhihfhggghfigfghhieieifjfigffhgedgwheeMatthewsdgwgiedMatthewsg|dedehMatthewsedfggighigkCO27 Someone S Someone with a stea S S S M I M M I Andrew McCauleyA 4038 f10 ignatiusroMonday 21st August 2000 5086 ehheji`f@efelefefgiedfkggieeI havent specialised my self, i work to develope my skills, i have achieved many things to be able to put on my resume hiehfnhfhehihieifhegiiegehehifhithe state of the 3rd world countries 4038 gdhmgggeiiiihihihiparents are stuck in the system like we are, even though they sometimes pretend to like it. they encourage you to do well in any way you can, in the system or not most of them know i dont want or need support from them they are between parents and friends, they mostly dont want to interfere too much. some teachers, although they dont admit it, loath you for no good reason, they sometimes cling to your past and dont forget or forgive it as much and as often as they cani dont encourage myself, i know inside i can do well and i feel i am cheating myself if i dont do well 4038 ggeefhhfhhhhhffehefhgfefiiggghgheieifja a Teacher Proffesional student Musician Computer programmer Engineer Physicist musician-clarinet playerbeing successful in life leaving something behind in my name becoming a well known clarinet soloist becoming a well known clarinet soloist 4038 poor health being unemployed being a boring person becoming arrogant being unemplotedpfMcCauleyMcCaul Andrew St Ignatiu Monday te13th Augu 2002 5086 h@eiieiieieeieggeiiieiieiegiieiehehighiiiieieiegeegegfhhefeeeeeeiieegieeejjjejejfjeejffgfeefihiegMcCauleyfldddddMcCauleydgdfdheMcCauleydfgghfekig41 Musical M D same as part 1 s s i i m M . . t i Megan McGuire A 4101 10 fignatiusFriday sm18th August 2000 5076 g@fhhfiiffgghhfigedgddhgegetting an education so i know i will get a decent job of somekind jfeffhhgfghhgffgfgeifffhgeefeehenot having life turn out the way i want it to 4101 gdemgihehhhgghhghhmy mum is always supportive of me and she always tells me i am capable of achieving anything if i put my mind to it and that encourages me to try harder the majority of the time i guess teachers coz they are always there to give you extra help and are always helping you to reach your full potential . giving you extra help if you need it giving construcive comments - both positive and negative offer advice if you need it they are always there for you regardless of how you are doing in school. they always make you feel better if you get a crap grade and are upset about it.they believe in you and are always there to offer support etc..... i just tell myself that i can achieve anything if i put my mind to it and try to the best of my ability.g4101 diggghefgggghhggefggigghiihfhhhefefefa a - finish high school with a good grade - go to uni and get into a course i like - get a good degree ( i dont know in what yet ) - get a good job out of it with a lot of money -travel the world - get a good job out of degree with a lot of money - good health for myself and family - live to an old age - be successful and respected in job - earn a lot of money -get married and have a nice house and car good health for myself and family 4101 - not a lot of money - bad health - not a good job - not being recognised as a person of importance - not getting married - not achieveing anything in life not achieving anything in life McGuire pfMcGuir Megan St Ignatiu Tuesday umf13th Augu 2002 5076 j@fffhhfggfhghgfiigffgffeighfheeeheeihhhhghfhehfghegggggihhgfghfhgfgiggghiiehegfgeigefffedgpfiedeMcGuire fheedeMcGuire McGuire igdddgdfmggggghfkig44 psycolo f good health, rich, h f f a e e a t Mark McKenzieA 4102 10 fignatiusFriday soe18th August 2000 5072 g@iifkieepffiifhiedekggieeLiking Chicks gheefligheehiiheheieiegehfheheeie-Not having enough money to support me and my family -Having Bad Health -Having Hung try to gab my dick 4102 gdgijieeiiiiiiiiii-Encourage me to do well and work hard -Make sure that i enjoy what i do -Let me make my own decisions but advise me -Congradulate me on doin well -Congradulate me on doing well -Promote doing well has proving self worth and having pride in work that you prsent -Congradulate me on doing a good job gg4102 ggfgefhfhfeggffegigehhieeghhheiejfja a -Computer Engineer- -Software Engineer- -Forensic Phycologist- -Medical Practitioner- -Dentist- -Barister- -Dole Bludger- -Computer Engineer- Computer Engineer Software Engineer Forensic Phycologist Phycologist Computer Engineer 4102 Being a criminal Being Gay Having Bad Health Being Gay McKenzieMcKenz pfMark Saint Igna Tuesday 13th ueeAugu 2002 5072 i@iifiieifgffgihffhfheieefhefeeeegeiiieheieiehiehhffhhhiheiiifehiieehhgfejejfjeieefghefegMcKenzieMcKenziedfiedfmMcKenzieeegdehgggghhimig45 w uni student studyin w B h w g g c e c rachel Mclaughlin A 4501 10 ipirie Friday 10th skfiNovember2000 5540 `g@hekifff}ggggehfgfg|ddifei try to be cheerful and alway think positivly, i try to make the best out of the worst situations feeffnhgggfhihihhfffifhhhefeieghfthe fact that i will fail in year 12 and be stuck in a bad job, that i dont like4501 gdfmgghfighhhihhggi dont see my dad so he doesnt encourage me\mum used to but now she just cares about her own life so how i do at school does not effect her my teachers are great and they are always there to support me when i get stuck or even just to say that i am doing well basically what was metioned above my friends are great and are always there to support me we look out for each other i encourage my self by performing all task asked of me and always do my home work fdg4501 ghiigieigigigiegfheheghhhhgjjfjejfja a a mother a vet or doctor or lawyer a aunt a sucessful business women with high expectations married well known owner of my own business i want to become a lawyer with a sucessful business and a happy family i hope to be rich popular and liked by everyone have lots of friends well advanced in what ever line of work i choose i hope to be sucessful in my line of work and if that happens then i can be rich also and able to fulfil my dreams i always try hard to hard at school and with everything that i do 4501 i dont want ot be hated lonely grumpy old lady lonely grumpy old women MclaughlMcLaug Rachel piJohn Pirie Tuesday 23rd July ugfii2002 5540 i@ehheieehhigiihhehhfgeifgfhfjiffeMclaughljheefiMclaughlifefg}dMclaughleddjp21 I expec b C Wealthy Well Known S I U a l Melissa McManus A 2011 10 phhs hFriday 2nd June rofii2000 5095 `f@ehfegiuehgfhhedfjddggfhhfdf~hfhgfhghigfghgggegheeeeeeie2011 dgghhhhgiiiMy parents encourage and support me by tell me all the good things i can get out of it and help me at times i need it. they encourage and support me by helping me when i need it My friends encourage and support me by telling me good things when i need it. I encourage my self to do well at school by thinking what will come out of it but i don't do good all of the time. ggg2011 ghhefggehgghheeegiegiga a I expect to become a hairdresser, and a famous netball player amd a mother and a wife. a famous netball player mother wife famous netball player hairdresser mother 2011 loose job never get a job never meet the man i want to have a family with hurt myself so i can never play netball again never meet the man i want to have a family with pMcManus McManu Meliss hPara hills Wednesday 4th Sept 2002 uffhhe5095 i@hgeggeghihhhhghghgfhghffgheefeehegggggghghfhgehgghhhhgfffhhieghigghghhfgeffggehfffgeffkMcManus fiegfigMcManus hefgqedMcManus fdgdfggfdggfiiph4 childca n I have good health, b b w b b s m j i i Carolyn Measday A 2012 10 phhs hFriday 1st June 2000 sifhhf5109 g@gieejggiifhhedfkddifesaved my money hieffphghffhihifhfgfhfeghffefefhf2012 dghiiiiieiidon't care if i do well or not say well done when i pass a testsay well done when i do somthing right go around and brag with me brag to other people about how well i did fgggg2012 hffghhhfghffhhgheiia a Physiotherapist, Massage theripist, child care worker Physiotherapist Physiotheripist, mother, massage therapist, child care worker mother 2012 go bankrupt, lose my job, not be able to have children, devorce going bankrupt pMeasday Measda caroly Para Hilhls Thursday5th Sept 2002 5109 ulfihehj@hffhffggffhihgghhffhffghgfefeghehhhfgfgfiehhggghhhhhghfgfhghhhhhfggehfhfhgggefegedffeMeasday ieffffiMeasday edfkgggMeasday ggdemggggghkmph8 a nutri a a a nutritionist and a p p s d d d d Lauren Megaw A 7516 11 concordia mMonday 28th January 2001 5051 sofiheg@liefgehgfheedguddegffhedfnfffhffiggghfffifffhfhiefhigSchool Pleasing others Getting a uni place Getting a job once I have left education gdh7516 hghieghhghhhhggTell me that I have to do homework now or else... Help go over essays Praise if I do really wellAsk how I am going and if I like school Give us revision sheets suggest ways of doing things help with homework offer support Talk about homework and help with homework There if need to talk to themTRY and have self disapline do homework study igiggi7516 ifhhhghhgffgfhggghfiffhihhffegffa a Good full time/part time job- Speech pathologist or caring for people, a job working with people children (e.g. 2) Married A pet Live in suburbs (hopefully in the hills but not to far from the city) go on holidays regually Good jobHappy succseful good relationships with other people Liked by others and seen as being kind and caring Happy 7516 Bad things happening to loved ones Getting a bad job Bad things happening to loved ones pMegaw Megaw Lauren Concordia muSaturday21st Dece 2002 5051 jfiieih@j@eigegffggfhfffhfeghfffifhiffhihhggfgfgfhfiifhhhgiihggfehfhgggihhghhhefegfghgjefjeefelfgMegaw effgheeMegaw ffqddddMegaw gdieigiihhmeCO14 Grow ol G L Married Mother Live T T U U T C A H D T Jeremy Mellor A 7504 11 concordia msMonday 28th May 2001 5062 oeiiefg@feffndggeeiefffedggekept fit at karate efeffihffffghihfhfhfhhifhffeieehenot getting good results in school gdeh7504 ghiehhhhhihhhhcongratulate me on good marks same same same feel good after getting good grades ggggghh7504 ehhhghgghhhhhhghghiihhhhhegegega a have some job which involves computers. get my black belt get my black belt become rich get richworked hard at school 7504 be a fat computer guy be a fat computer guy pmMellor Mellor Jeremy Concordia ujMonday 16th Dece 2002 5062 eihehgf@j@ffiffffhhhhfhfhfhfihhffeieeifhhhfhfhfgfhgfhghghfffhffhhfhhghgghgggegehffhihefeiedefeieMellor ffheiedMellor eegdfdgMellor deegggfgfflco3 Some so S s Rich R d d t t m t l migga Migga A 1620 k10 kildare seTuesday 23rd May 2000 5096 fhgefif@efegffhhfghedgvddhfei'm very close with my family now gheefphhgfgfihhfheeegefhhfhehehhe1620 dhghhhihghhthey help me when i'm in troublei don't often turn to them for help, but when i do they help me however they canthey help me if i don't understand my friends always give their opinion when i ask for it i try my best 1620 ggggghhgffihhfhhhfehgfhfhha a photographer, retail buyer, photographer i would like to be wealthy, and i'd like to have a family and good health, stable career. family 1620 dying at a young age, being poor, have no family for support not having a supportive family pkMigga Migga migga kildare co Friday uj25th Octo 2002 5096 @j@fggfhhfieehfhfhfihfegffifffhhheehefheffeifhghgggfeffigghfffeegfifffhffggggfgfgefhhgefeddffjddddMigga ddeiedfMigga kdedegdMigga fhfffgfeiikc02 no idea n i hope to have a su s i w t t s t i Tim Mittiga A 1020 10 espsc Wednesdasfy 28th June 2000 5066 f@ea a Mittiga peMittig Tim St. Peter' Monday uhe5th Sept 2002 5066 j@igeigeiiehfffffihffhfhfifffhghehfhheghhfhhhhgfghgfgfefgzgieggMittiga jgieffMittiga Mittiga keeffgdeespsc Profess P S Professional tennis P Y A N S hamish Mount A 4047 10 fignatiusMonday sne21st August 2000 5065 g@ifeieiggiifdjedhddiifeifdiigghhghhghhggfgffhhfhehehhenuthin' 4047 edddhiifhhhfhihihhthey do not really to great effect, although my dad does often but not my old lady teachers to little extent! that is what i just said!!!!!!! often in numerous ways!!!!!! often, in seeing my lazy future mapped outtt!!!!fd4047 eggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjeegehehfia a i expect that in the future i will not go to uni SA because i am going to ADFA (australian defence force academy) and i will get a degree doing it that way. As i repeat i want to go to ADFAi am not a hoping sort i person, i see it as if i want something i will go and get it, if i can't i will move on and do something else. gee, i wonder, read the above box why don't ya. 4047 i do not really fearrrr anything except the unavailability of cash flow and the fear that i might have to live in a poverty stricken situatiojn if i do not get my act together. once again it would be helpful if you read the above box!!! Mount Mount pfHamish St Ignatgi Tuesday 13th ueeiAugu 2002 5065 i@ieiifiiigghhggfigggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefdgiefeMount Mount hdMount ggeddddjjig46 Infantr I A Kristiana Muscat A 4103 10 fignatiusFriday 18th shfiAugust 2000 5076 g@hfiieelggihfhiedfmggiffihedfofhghhfhghffhehghffhhefgeehfthat I'm not going to get a good job, I won't be able to finish school or get into university, i'm not going to find someone, I won't have much money, I'll lose friends4103 gdjghjeegffffgffffThey tell me to study, scare me of the future, praise me when I do well THey tell me I'm doing okay, but there's room for improvement. They tell me I need to study more By making me feel better when i'm upset over a bad gradei don't hhg4103 gffffgfghffffffhhhhhffhhiifggfffgehza a Artist, Musician, teacher, social worker, early childhood teaching teacher Teacher (Art, music), Early childhood teching, child councillor, Musician teacher 4103 unemployead, no further education, being sick, no family, not much moneyno family Muscat Muscat Kristi pfSt Ignatiu Tuesday 13th Augu uhfhh2002 5076 j@fhgeiffhffffhihhfhfffhfehifihhfhfgfhfhffhghghhhhhhiihfehiehhhhggfgefeffifefgiedgMuscat xfiedegMuscat hfeefmgMuscat dgdgdelgggggfiiig47 lawyer l being successful be s S I b t H t e t Jarrod Mutton A 4020 10 ignatiusfTuesday 12th Decembersneii2000 5091 g@efieggpggiieffggg{ddiieAlways make sure that I don't hurt people. jhegfsighfhhihhfhfheieihhfhfhehifLosing family or friends. g4020 derhihehhhhhiiiiia a Engineer with a wife and two kids Agricultural worker with a family Engineer with a wife and two kids a strong man who is able to apply himself to many things and able to support his family. A handyman and a helperAs aboveStarted to do work around the house to help out my family. Mowing the lawn etc. 4020 A homeless person, unemployed, no friends or family. Abusive husband, drunk, harming friends and family.Drunk, abusive one. pMutton Mutton Jarrod fSt. Ignati Tuesday 13th Augu 2002 ujeiie5091 @j@iieiieighffhihhfhfieheffhfighehihhhhfheheiehifhhhhhffhhhghhffghhiifhhhehehfhfigefjhefgrMutton iiefgqhMutton gefgtgdMutton gdddddggggghiiig48 mechani m w same as expected li h e u d t t s s s s Nick Muxlow A 7525 11 concordia mMonday 28th July 2001 thehge5070 h@jiffieggfededhnddhffegedgsfihgfihiighghgifghgghhghfieWhat i will happen fd7525 esehieghhhhihhihThey respect my decision and what i think. Understan what has happened Show what i have done wrong and show me how i can improve Help me when ever i need it help and understand why something has happened look at where it is taking me and i know that it is the only way to get there ggggg7525 iiihihgihgghgffigfhiijhfhhjfhfifha a In the future i hope to get a job that i like doing and that earns enough money so that i can have a decent standard of living. I also hope to travel to many places and get married. As well as playing lacrosse/sport for south australia and possibly aust I expect to have a decent job and have a happy life where i play sport. I hope that i exceed at every thing i do. Not sure7525 that i fail and do not acheive what i want to become unkind and mean unkind pMuxlow Muxlow Nick Concordima Friday 8th Dece 2002 5070 uleihehj@hehgfhiggfiihighfififeihfhhfhhihhihggfhfifiiiiiiiihhggigiiffiiiffgijjeieififhifffefdikMuxlow hgfjeeMuxlow ffjdddMuxlow dgdflggighfkfco21 i expec t w i would like to hav b w i n e w v w j Emily NewcombeA 7532 11 concordia mMonday 28th May 2001 5041 tffiif@h@lheidggejfefguddggfjgedgxhgfffghfgghfffheehhfiiefhfhThat I will end up alonegde7532 riigeiiihhhghfhThey always ask how I am doing, even if I don't always open up to them, they always make it obvious that I can always talk to them if I need or want to. They help me if I need help with school work. I don't really know They don't treat me as if I was stupid when I ask an obvious question or answer one incorrectly.They are always there for me, we talk about our problems together. I don't really, I always seem to rely on others to help me. gdigff7532 iehhhgfgfffefhehhgfggghhheifhfja a Someone who helps others, such as a Psychologist or a Secondary school teacher. Married, a parent. Free. A decent salary. A nice adult. Anything as long as I'm happy. A parentwealthy and succesful, happy, a job that I enjoy going to every day, children, lots of friends. a succesful and enjoyable job. Given myself a wide variety of subjects that I study to allow me many choices for uni. 7532 to die early in life before I've achieved any thing, single, alone, having no job, struggling to survive with no money. to die early pNewcombeNewcom Emily Concordia muWednesday 1st Janu 2002 5043 kfiieii`j@eihfhffffgighfhfhfhfehhfiifhhhiiiifgfhfhefihiihhfeeehhgifhfhgieeejjjeieifjgjgefkeedguhiNewcombeefgtieeNewcombefgsgdgdNewcombegdelgggggimenewc -a musi - a -wealthy -a member - i - - T O T T B Phong Nguyen A 4128 10 ignatiusftTuesday 12th December2000 5086 feigeg@h@iefeiggieelearnt how to control my finances even though I do not work gheffihgffegifigffeehfefgfhgfeehfNot being able to find a job I will enjoy gdeg4128 gghfhhgiiihihiCongratulate me on good grades, encourage me to work harder. Comfort me when I am stressed about school Congratulate me on grades Respect the work I do Usually don't Challenge myself to get the highest or best mark possible gggfghi4128 eghgghihhggfhhgehhieeihhhffejeia a dentist computer systems engineer optometrist dentist unhealthy overweight dependant on othersdependant on others pfNguyen Nguyen Phong Saint Igna ueTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5086 eiiehhfi@ieehgfghhhhhfgfffgfehffhfffehfhhhfhehfhehihhhggihhhhhgiifehiighigghfheifihhgefhiefgohieNguyen fflgiedNguyen flgegfgNguyen dfhggggghgkig49 Pharmac P s business tycoon own o c f a A O T T J Amy NichollsA 1515 k10 kildare sgTuesday 23rd May 2000 5092 figfhif@efmgghgfeiedefefggfffedfvighggiiigghfffiggghfhghffhh1515 dhhhhhhghhhMy parents just expect the best of me, they do not pressure me and that is what I feel most comfortable with. They are there if I need them but the do not put alot of pressure on me. I do not try to impress them. They make deadlines, this is a big help. If they didn't I would never do anything. They are always bugging me and this keeps my act together. I ask friends for advice if I need it. If they do their work I do mine. I try to have motivation and make the most of my intelligence. 1515 gggfghigghhhhhgghgghggehiia a Massage Therapist Early Childhood teacher Airline officer Accounts ClerkEarly Childhood Teacher Airline officer Airline Officer 1515 Studing hard and get no job out of it. Changing my mind about the career I have chosen. Studing hard and get no job out of it. pkNichollsNichol Amy Kildare Co Friday uk25th Octo 2002 5092 `j@fiheihfheehfgffhihgfhfgfifgfhfhfhffhfiiheheieiehhgihhhihigihihhfeiiifffihieiehfhfghffihefgvkeefNichollsgyihedfNichollskddddgdNichollsegiggggflfkc24 Success H C Healthy Successful F U L R M A T S M Ben Nicholson A 4048 10 fignatiusMonday g21st August 2000 5086 ehhffiedgqedegfhgedfphfhffgiigfhfgeifieheheheeiemy future 4048 gdesegfeiihihihihithey tell me to do my best at everything i do give encouragement to metalk to me about things and say if im doing anything wrong just give general encouragement do my best g4048 gggghhghhhghggfheehhfefiiiihgggfheifha a Hope to stay sporty and fit/healthy get a job that i enjoy Get a good job that i enjoy 4048 becoming paralysed, losing a body part poverty losing a family member\friend becomoing paralysed NicholsopfNichol Benjam St. Ignati Tuesday vge13th Augu 2002 5086 `k@iheiiehfeifgeehiiffheiehehehfihhehifiiieiehehehighhhhhfghhefhheehhieefjijeheifhfigeffeedfjhhedgNicholsongeedgNicholsoNicholsorddddddddggggggiiig50 family h Leading a simple, h l I b E e t h t Henry Norcock A 1007 10 espsc Wednesday sje28th June 2000 5067 @g@hffjiefygghgffiedgpedheeTried a bit at school hiefgpgifhhfigffhfggheihgeefffhg1007 dgghffegeggThey send me to boarding school, and try to put the guilt trip on me if i get bad marks They dont reallyThey get use to me asking simple questions, so they go over the basics more, so i dont ask as many questions If you go really bad, then they pay you out, so you try to go well otherwise you get laughed at I try to get good marks so i dont get paid out by friends ef1007 ghgfhehgigffeeieeffgihgh}a a -doctor -someone in the army -construction person -someone who plays sport -living in australia still -hopefully have a good house/car doctor any high paying job, and a good life, with everythiong being good high paying job 1007 Unemployed on the streets having a really bad job being a looserUnemployed Norcock Norcoc pehenry St Peters Thursday5th ukeiSept 2002 5067 `j@hfhffghggghhgggfghfigefiffffgeighhfgfhhfgffhefgghffffheehghefhiggfhhheiegfggihefgiedgngfediNorcock Norcock |dNorcock ddhedfggghhhflz Expect s u h t t t n i p s Norcoc G Ronan O'Brien A 4129 10 fignatiusTuesday 12th teeiDecember2000 5072 h@gfiejhffgfedfkddihfgiedfohhgffhihhhifhfihihifieiefigThat i will not have enough money to live as comfortably as i would like. 4129 gdeifhieghhhiihghfa a Zoolgist, Computer engineer, Designer, Vetinarian, Environmentalist Rich, Famous, Best person in job field Best person in job field4129 in a job i don't like, struggling for money, poor healthin a job i don't like O'Brien O'Brie Ronan pfSt Ignatiu Tuesday 13th Augu ueeii2002 5072 i@fghfigeigifehiiigeieheifififhgfihiigeiehegehiehhhghggfffhiheeggieehhhhehegfhfigefifeffO'Brien mhhedgqO'Brien geedgndO'Brien dddgdehggggghiiig51 univers m To be rich To be he h f s h p i h r r M t O'Brie a Rachel Olsson A 1504 10 kildare kWednesday 23rd May sef2000 5092 f@keliieneefgpddhfeI am meeting new people and have lots of caring and loving friends jeefelhfgefhihhfhfffhfefhfhfffghh1504 dhhhhghghgha a mother, wife, grandmother, successful, traveller, sportsperson, P.E teacher mother, wife, grandmother, successful, happy, Sportsperson, PE teacher,sports physiotherapist, healthy, travelling to be Happy & healthy I exercise regularly, I am going to school and learning new things, I have a part time job for work experience 1504 a single mother, lonely, unhealthy, unsuccessful, unhappy, poor unhappy and unhealthy pOlsson Olsson Rachel kKildare Friday 25th Octo 2002 ukfhhe5092 `j@hhehgfiggffhiihggfhfhfeghfgffeegfhhhfgfgghhefefhhggfgggfgggggggghghggegffeggifeffgfdi}Olsson gehfiiOlsson ehfiddOlsson ddhfdkegggghemol i expec i i i hope to get marri t i i i t e e t i i s olsson a Kate Pappin A 7518 11 concordia mMonday 28th May 2001 tgfhhe5241 `h@jiegfuffhgegfefgpddfgecross the road safely and don't get involved with dangerous people or substanceshgefgnfhfhgfhfhhfhfgghfghghfeehhhthat I may not get into the career path I want to and that I may not get a husband or family. gd7518 gmghgegfffffffgghelp me with homework praise me when I do well offer help wth school when I need it My grandparents encourage me to do well help me with work i am struggling with Make me feel happy when I am feeling sad Help me with work and homework when I am having trouble with itDo homework when it is set Think of how good university will be when I get thereigggh7518 hiffhgfhhhhfhhigfhhhihghgfgfhffej{a a nurse successful mother wife I want to go on a holiday overseas have lots of loving friends nurse and a wifesuccessful reasonably wealthy (not too important) able to go on regular holidays successful have a part time job 7518 rejected having poor health getting involved with drugs dying young dying young pPappin Pappin Kate concordima Wednesday 30th Octo 2002 5241 umfhhehj@gehgefhgffhhhffffhhffehifhgeehhfghgghfhgiffiffhfhhfffheffhhfhgiggggghfifhejhigefgifiyfPappin eefhnhiPappin efidedPappin egdhlggggghfkpapp I expec I R I hope to be in a s I a I I T H o O T B T I Pappin s Simon Peacock A 4050 10 ignatiusfMonday 21st August 2000 5076 sleiieg@hiegemggefeheffgzddifeIm going to school arent i? i also have many other options open, outside of school and know that i can utilise these especially if things get desperate. and hey, theres always home! jhegekiffeffihffhfgfifefhghghghhhpossibility of war, over population, over pollution, stress in people's lives, hhd4050 fghheiiihhhhihiIt is expected of me, not in a sort of bad posh way, to do well at school. All the members of my family are smart and our grades have always been good. To that end my parents have always looked over reports on my progress and encourage me when i do well I have a large extended family life and my uncles and aunts are all very close. They all support me a lot and put in a good word if i do well. Teachers, as part of their job, always encourage and support. Usually they pay more attention to those who are struggling behind but rarely COMPLETELY overlook those who are good on average. We all encourage each other before exams and tell jokes and things to lighten our spirits, particularly if one of us is down. We compare our grades and such but never pay each other out about them.......not in all seriousness anyway! I always want to live up to expectations and always want to do as well if not better than in my last report. Therefore i try to study and stuff as much as i can, sometimes this is very very hard and i slack off, but this is usually only if i feel ihggggfm not 4050 fehhfghffhiefhheehfijfhgffeiejfia a Teacher (many different fields) , Family man, entertainer, computer guy,Teacher Happy person who doesnt work but can do whatever he wants, a person who is enthusiastic and happy about EVERYTHING, game designer, Happy person who doesnt work but can do whatever he wants i have had a taste of what its like not to work while doing whatever i want 4050 homeless, impoverished, diseased (terminally), paralysed, suicidal, lonely, impoverished pPeacock Peacoc Simon Saint Igna fuTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5076 jeigeih@j@eieeiffefhihgfifhfhfieihhfffehhiiiehehehehhehfhghfffifeiheeffigegihheheifihffefleeeiddPeacock dddddefPeacock dddddddPeacock dddddddddfeeig52 I expec I I I hope to be absolu T W I I M T M T W B N B Peacoc A Lexi Peters A 7533 11 concordia mtMonday 28th May 2001 5070 ffiifi@h@hegdhgeigefgzddfgffgfigigggffhffhhghhfhehiThat nothing will turn out the way that I want it. gdem7533 higeghhggggghgMy parents tell me when they are proud and dissapointed. This makes me take a similar view and improve my grades or encourage me to keep getting better I have influences from my Aunt who is a teacher. She helps me with work and encourages me. Some teachers are more encouraging than others, the positive ones help you to learn more. It sometimes seems like the teachers only have time for the students that are doing very well in that class. My school friends help alot. If they are doing well it encourages me to do well. If they muck around in class then it often makes me want to as well. I am sure that I have the same influence on them I dont have that much motivation. If i get good marks then i tend to not do much work because i think that i am doing well. Otherwise i only get encouragment when i am doing badly and i know i have to pick up my grades. ggghgff7533 ihgifffgfgfefghgggihhhgggfhfgfga a I would like to go to University and do well on my Year twelve exams. I would like to get a job, in either Music or Nursing. I would like to have a family Would like to Traveland work in other countries Probably to have a family To have a very high income. Be healthy and live a long life. Have a nice house and comfortable family living style I think i would like to live a long and healthy life Try and be healthy and exercise 7533 pmPeters Peters Lexi Concordia umTuesday 17th Dece 2002 5070 fiieghfj@egefhffgfiihghfefhhehhhhhfiehhihifgghgifhgehhhhgghhhffhigehhieeehhheiehfifhhffjggfjkhfPeters fjjhedPeters jddddePeters dddiiihhhkgco29 I expec T I I hope that I will I I T I M M I M I N I Peters S Richard Pham A 4074 f10 ignatiussfWednesday 30th August 2000 5108 eigeihf@efidiffehedjhfgeghigfgeifheeghfeefeefeNothing. Or atleast I can't get a clear image. 4074 ededggieihiihiihgiThey buy me things when I need it. They've always encouraged me to do the right thing. They never use violence against me if I do something wrong. They make me do my homework, which is sometimes rather annoying to hear them. They look down to me as being from a good family background. They respect my needs. They talk alot to me, and like to make alot of jokes. They rarely tell me off. Not because I'm always good, but because I've always acted sincere at the right times. My school friends are probably the most influence in my life. They trust and respect me, and they never would do anything to hurt me. Just knowing that what ever I do at the present, will affect me in the future. 4074 gfggghfehhhihfhghhgggeihihhghhheifia a I'm expecting to become a married person, with a good well-paid job. Hopefully I would be able to do something of my interest such as Engineering, or Pharmacy. I wouldn't mind being a worker in the medical occupation. Married with well-paid job. I might become a street gangster. It's not frightful, but it will certainly be of concern. At the moment, I haven't done anything that bad as yet, but it looks like I could be heading that way if I don't keep my mind on studying. Street gangster.pfPham Pham Richar St. Ignati Tuesday uf13th Augu 2002 5108 i@eiheggehffigheghihhfifgfgffehfhgeeehehhhhhhhfhegigegiedgugiefPham glfeegPham wgdedgdPham fjig53 - Study - A - Win the lottery a - G - - - Pham Vy Pham A 4105 10 fignatiusFriday sj18th August 2000 5095 @g@fiiehiefigghhehfffgddggfhgedf|hgehfhihhfhghhhgfghfgffefhgMy careeer, I don't know what I want to be. 4105 gdegfifehhghihhhha a - Go into university after I finish year 12 - Go overseas - In my career, i want to do something practical, probably a career that involves Science - Live in Australia, probably move interstate to live, Sydney or Melbourne. - Go into university after I finish year 12 I hope in the future - I become successful in my career and ejoy what I do, because at the moment I do not know what I wan't to become - Get married in my mid to late 20's - Have a stable family - Get good wages in the job I do - I become successful in my career and ejoy what I do At the moment, I am in the process of subject selections for Stage 1 (year 11). I haven already indicated what subjects that I am good at and most importantly that i enjoy. 4105 - Becoming emotionally depressed - If i have children, for them to become uncontrolable - Physical and/or emotional pain/suffering (such as diseases) - Cancer, AIDS etc- Physical and/or emotional pain/suffering (such as diseases) Pham pfPham Vy Saint Igan Tuesday ujf13th Augu 2002 5095 @j@ihehgfhgeifffeiihfhffffgfefhfhhefghhihhfifgfhghhhhhhhhihhhhgigfehhigffhhhehehfghggefhhefgpiddefPham tgiedgPham Pham ydedegdfghhgggfhjig54 studyin i r get a good job that g h h k T T T s i n i Pham b Scott Powers A 1011 10 espsc Wednesday tfe28th June 2000 5072 @h@iiegiegi}gggffgfedgrddifeLearning, going to school and researching possible career choices and courses for various jobs. hieffwifheeihigehfieigffifhghfihh1011 diiiiiihfiiMy parents are always there and will always have time to talk. They understand all situations or problems I put foward. Teachers all help with understanding and will always go out of their way to make sure that I understand something. All are good for a bit of friendly competition. eg grades and exam/test marks. This therefor help push you to do better.Doing well in tests always helps. Having fun in doing tasks. g1011 iggiifhhhhiggihgfgihehiia a A Doctor or Dentist perhaps. I would also like to have something to do with computers such as a computer engineer, programmer, software designer, etc. Doctor of Dentist. To be a millionare ant to live in a mansion and drive a Hummer! To drive and OWN a Hummer! 1011 Having no job, earning no money, therefor missing out on the many luxuries of life. Failing school or uni. Not having a jobPowers Powers peScott St Peter's Thursday5th vieiSept 2002 5072 k@iehgfieeighgfgiiffhgieiggeifighfiihiiheieihiehifhhhhhhgihffhigegiigggihheheifieggefgiefgnkiggjPowers Powers ffedfkPowers gdgdheeiggggghjhpow 1. - Go 1 r - travel! - I hope t n n s t g t a t p W Powers a Renee Simone Pritchard-Phillips A 2017 10 hphhs Friday 2nd sifhJune 2000 5107 g@hehifffkgghhegieffkggigfgiedfqhghhghihigggffigefhgfgfhghg2017 dhhhhhhhhhiMy Mum always encourages me and tells me to do new things. She says what I choose is best for me. But my parents are split up and my Dad rarely gives me any notice as I only see him every 6 months. My Step Dad is exceptional and supports me along with my Some of the other adults that I know are very supportive and Love me too. Teachers overall support me 99% of the time. The few close friends I have support me a great deal and support them back. They are my true friends and I value them and their helpful hints and support a lot.I generally support myself well but I am easily agitated when I can not do something right. ggg2017 gghhhhhhhhhhhhgghhhhhhha a nurse teacher english teacher in japan doctor I would expect to be a Doctor or an English teacher in japan. I don't know which one! paediatrician singer/famous English teacher in japan. paediatrician I am a corporal in St johns. I also have done a lot of babysitting and enjoy working with children. 2017 unemployed housewife Mc Donalds worker for the rest of my life police officer Unemployed housewife. PritcharPritch Renee phPara Hills Wednesday 3rd July uifih2002 5107 j@ehheeeegfgffhiigfffhfifefhffgehhhgihgfgfhfhfhifhhhhhhhghhfhghhhhihhffiihehfhffgffjhefgPritcharzjieggtPritcharjeeffqgPritchardgdgdemigggghkgph3 teacher P I rich happy stable c H I p l I W I T M i B t Pritch a Alicia Pryde A 2014 10 phhs hFriday 2nd June sgfig2000 5095 f@egiegflffhgfeiedguedhfeI am doing a traineeship which in the future will give me a good career.eifggohihghiihhfhfgghfeghfhehehh2014 dghhhhgiiMy parents are always behind me 100%. There are always encouraging me to try new things and to forfill my dreams. They tell me to go ahead and acheive my goals. They support me by giving me advice on how I should go about acheiving my goals and how I can go about continuing my studies in my chosen area. The're always telling me that I'm good at what I do and that I should try and succeed in everything I do. I'm always telling myself that I can acheive what I want to.It only takes hard work and determination to succeed.Trying new things is something I'm always doing. ggig2014 ghihgghghhhhhhhhhfhghha a Computer Technician Photographer Anything in the computing industry Anything in the computer industry I hope to have a good and steady career in the computer industry along with many skills.To have a steady career and many skills. 2014 someone who doesnt have a career where they are acheiving something. same as above. pPryde Pryde alicia hPara Hills Wednesday 18th Sept 2002 ufiie5095 hheihefghfghiihghgeghfeghfeefeehehihgfghghghhhggffhghggfghhhhhhigghgggfffheighiefgiffgvPryde gfffifPryde iefgrdgPryde dggdehgdggghkiph2 finish i i I hope to become a i i b n i t t t i w b Pryde Thomas RaimondoA 4076 10 ignatiusfWednesday 30th August 2000 sneihe5076 g@hieff{gghhekgefgddieeLiving as the best person I possibly can be ghegfwiggffhihgfgfhfhfihhfhhhhhhhThere is nothing to fear but fear itself. fd4076 edfhifhhhhhhghhh1. Always willing to lend a helping hand 2. Always are there for me 3. Love me 4. I can talk to them and love them 5. Set the right example 1. Provide friendship, someone to talk to 2. Someone to laugh with an spend time with 3. Someone to talk about just about anything with 1. Provide assistance with difficult problems 2. Provide leadership 3. Set me in the right direction 4. Give friendly criticism1. I can talk to them about just about anything 2. Someone to laugh with and spend time with 3. Someone who can relate to you and your situation in life 4. Will let me know if I have done something wrong 1. Always try my hardest 2. Try to be the best person I possibly can be 3. Look on the good examples of others 4. Always accept friendly criticism ggigh4076 hhghhhhhgghhhhhhefggifffjiifhehfha a 1. Steady job, married, kids, living in Adelaide 2. Living interstate 3. University Degree, working as part of a team 4. Moving overseas to pursue a career 1. Steady job, married, kids, living in Adelaide + Uni Degree 1. Being healthy, happy, having friends, helping others 2. Being able to pursue my dreams, whatever they may be 3. Be able to write some good music,maybe even cut a CD as part of band 1. Being healthy, happy, having friends, helping others Writing, experimenting with music, being the best person I possibly can 4076 1. Turning away from God 2. Hurting others, living in regret 3. Neglecting my responsibilities as a parent, adult, example for others 1. Turning away from GodpRaimondoRaimon Thomas St.Ignatfiu Tuesday 13th Augu 2002 5076 ueeiheii@geggfhfgfehihhfhehehghghfihhhhhhiiifhfhfhfhfhhhhhgghhhhhheeggieeeiiieieifiefiffegedgngRaimondoiegegeiRaimondoeeeeeefRaimondoegdeegggggfmeig55 musicia m m missionary m w d d a a e a k t i Raimon b Claire RickettsA 4051 10 ignatiusfMonday 21st August 2000 5073 sgfiiff@gieekffgffeiedefffieffiedehhffihgihhighgehhggfffghfigfTeachersgde4051 hggheggggfgggggthey make me go to school every day they don't make me come to school they make me want to come to school I don't gfegff4051 hggggggggfgfgggihgggghhhggfhfhfha a Chef Interior Designer Early Child hood Education Chef Police Officer Police Officer 4051 Taxi Driver Bus Driver Taxi Driver pRickettsRicket claire st ignatiu fuTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5073 gfggfhhi@fhgeighffhihffgggfifgfhffgghhiggggghggggghifgghggfgghfhgghggghgfhgggfgffeffhgeffgefegddRickettsdddjfieRickettsdgpdfdfRickettsgdedegggffejrick i dont - i hope to go to uni w a d n t t t t n w b ricket k Wade Roberts A 1015 10 spsc esWednesday 28th June 2000 5075 ehgehfeggqddhgeGoing to school and studying harder it year ehefflhgghhhighhiihgghgghghhgggghgifMy parent help a lot by helping me with my school work and with my sporting life. They also help me through the tough time and laugh at the funny timesAll of my teacher help me if I saay that I don't understand this work and they go through the touble of braking the question into question that I can understans and that helps alot. My freind encourage and support me through the bad and the good time like my parents do.I try to help myself and try to do my best all the time.gigghi1015 ghghghgghihfhhghiiha a Doctor Engineer To drive a holden GTS monaro To drive a subaru WRX To drive a holden GTS monaro I've been saving money then I was six years old 1015 A person living on the streets of Adelaide A person living on the streets of Adelaide pkRoberts Robert Jess Kildare ueFriday 25th Dece 2002 5075 fiieggei@ggfffiffiiihfgfheifeehffffffhfiiieieieheihgihhhhghiihhhheehgieeeiiieheieighhffggedgogheRoberts fgmhfefRoberts ehddddgRoberts dejgggggfehkc28 mother, p t famous, healthy, fi h E h f h p s t a m i Robert n Jess Roberts A 1509 k10 kildare siTuesday 23rd May 2000 5062 fhiehh g@efhdggeheefgsddhgeI have given myself as much oppurtunity to get a good job as poosible. I have many friends and family. keeffqfhhffhiiiehggggffggfiiiiiihhhhMy Parents encourage me by taking an interest in what is happening in my schooling life and they help me with homework alot. I feel good when they are proud of my acheivements and when they brag about me to other people. Their encouragement and praise helps me to keep achieve.Praise and good marks, help and encouragement. Praise, help. I push myself to do well because I know if i dont I'll regret it later on in life. 1509 ggggggghhhhhgfffhfefgifggga a I expect to be happily married, with several children. I expect to have a good job and earn lots of money. I expect to be fit and playing a high level sport. I expect to have lots of family and friends around me. I expect to be happily married with several children. I hope to be very rich, successful and famous. I hope to be extremely happy. I hope to be extremely happy. I always look on the positive side. 1509 Unhappy. Poor, unmarried, no children, no friends or family, no job, no life. Unhappy.peRoberts Robert Wade St. Peter' Thursdayug5th Sept 2002 5062 i@eihehgfffehghhhhighghghfhggghfhghfgieghighggghffifheffhhhfhfehiiiihiiigjhjehfhfggjiefeieffhiiefRoberts fnfiedeRoberts hfgffgdRoberts fihggggikgspa grapihi E S pilot, race car dri p b t b A T I S I M I Robert a Jase Rodley A 4052 10 fignatiusMonday so21st August 2000 5074 g@ehhehiegfyffggfghedguddiffffedfohhhghiigggfhigghighfheieeifnuthin much i dont really care about things too much 4052 edddgifegihihhgfhgmum doesnt . dad just tries to get me to do more work not many do a few family friends just encourage me.. and say 'think of the money you could make if you do well in school' they dont . they just give you a little bit of help from time to time they definitely dont they just pay you out think about what i can become in life h4052 gfeggifgggghfhgieiegieggihhigggfggffa a defence force officer - make a bit of money get married still have time to be around my friends/family race downhill defence force officer get really rich become a world champ downhill mountain biker never divorce my wife/leave my family never divorce my wife/leave my family 4052 dropping out of school and become a garbo or a druggie dropping out and becoming a druggie Rodley pfRodley Jase St Ignatiu Tuesday uee13th Augu 2002 5074 i@iifihfiefhhfffhihgghgifhggghfgehefhfgihfhehfheggfgghghehfgeeghifhgiggiehgeffffgfigefefedeefiedeRodley gfiedeRodley Rodley ggggggdehfgggghiiig57 Copper C Copper Computer Pr C L L T m t t t f b Rodley t Renate Rothe A 7534 11 mconcordia Wednesday tef30th May 2001 5084 h@iiejhefemdhhefhegfiddiieMade friends and built relationships! feefefiffeeiiiiehfffhfhhigiihhfiiI hardly worry about life, I know God has it all worked for me 7534 ededfggeiihiiihiiithey love me they compliment me they look after me when im having trouble, congratulate me on my good efforts they sometimes pay me out but its all in fun and I know the close ones love me cos I love them too I know that I can achieve a hell of a lot if I want to but that I should also have fun in the life God gave me! gg7534 ghghfhhghhhfffhhehghefhihhhgggejeifia a Wife Mother Secondary Teacher University Professor Jazz saxophonist Vocalist Mother successful in business Happily married Happily Married dumped guys who I wont be happy with 7534 lonely Poor Lonely Rothe Rothe pmRenate Concordia Tuesday 17th umfhDece 2002 5084 j@gehgeggfhgffffhhffhfhfffgfheihfghiiiiieheheheifhhggghhhhhhffhgefgiiiifefejeifjgghefefedfmgheggRothe Rothe xjhgfgRothe fdfdgdeegfiggiflC030 1. Marr M A 1. Married to a mus 1 D L L T A I R I N I Rothe A BenjaminSarre A 1012 10 espsc Wednesday 28th sjehJuly 2000 5069 @g@gehiffijggihehfffiddiif- giedfuhghigiiighhfifiheiifhefhfhh1012 diiifihifihthey congradulate me when i do something good but otherwise it's really we just live together and mould to each others difficuulties every now and then just talking they know what we have to do and tell us that it would be better to do it lots of encouragement, talking....congradulate always do my best and have a positive view on everythingfdg1012 gghighhhhhiiifhhhhihhiha a -i hope to be someone with a steady job, maybe in design and engineering. (hands on work) - i see my self living in australia still. i like it here because it's simple. -i may do some sort of travel with forein relations. ( i am learning a language) - ge getting a good degree at uni. (then maybe going onto engineering) yes - i wpould definitely like to be wealthy with at good paying steady job that i like But- reality wise , i just want a steady job and to be able to pay off bills etc , understand what goes on in australia economically wise and set my self up early eg. be on top of every thing (steady) and saving money on the side. well, this survey for one....../careers (subject) at school 1012 stuck not knowing what to do with my money, having an insufficient income/ familyfreinds support(gone) not getting sufficient income Sarre Sarre Ben peSt Peters Thursday5th Sept uleii2002 5069 j@ehgeieeiffhfhiifggfheifeeieheeheehiiiegfggheiifiifgiiiififiifefiifefjeheheifhhjhefffefhSarre thiffiSarre gfffieSarre eedgdfmfgggghlfspsc I expec T I I really enjoy high T I I T W t T T M A t B Sarre t Kirsty Schutz A 7519 11 concordima Monday 28th May snfii2001 5162 g@ejiffigggheieefiddggeThe subjects I do are very open and allow for a lot of room for movement with subjects. I have been to career nights and read information on courses. iiffigfgffhihhfgfhfifeghfhhfeghhWhere I will head in my career worries me most. Whether or not I will choose the right subjects and course. I worry about oral presentations and really big assignments. I worry about whether I have enough time to do things at my gbest ability. 7519 djhgigeihhhgigighMy parents are always encouraging and congratulate me when I do well at something. If I need help they will always try to help me out. They don't always expect me to get top grades but do expect be to have a good attitude.Other adults that I know treat me the same but sometimes do expect me to always get top marks and are a little surprised when I don't. They don't put me down about that though. Always supportive and willing to help. Congratualte me when I do well and not very often do they question me if I do not as well as they think I should. Sometimes they put me down for doing well but also congratulate me. If I ask them for help they will help me if they can. I know I deserve the marks I get and I don't sell myself short. I know that if I work hard at school it will help me have a better future. gggh7519 ghhghhgghihhggiigfghhihgfihhehehfga a I expect to get a degree in University and then move into a carreer in that area. I expect to be married and one day have children. Later I expect I will be a grandparent and live a long life. The most important is to get a job in the area i have studyed at University. I hope to be happy and healthy all my life. I hope to achieve everything I want to achieve. I hope I am financially stable. I hope I always try the best at everything I do and never run away when things get tough. I hope to have a long life where I c The most important is that I hope to be happy at whatever I do. I have never really held a grudge against anyone and I always try to be in a good mood. I choose things that I want to do, things that interest me and make me happy. 7519 I fear that I will not choose the correct course at Uni or choose the right subjects in Year 12. I fear that I will not be able to live up to the high expectations I have of myself. I fear that I will not meet somebody else to marry. I fear that I wil The most important fear is choosing the wrong subjects or course to do. pSchutz Schutz Kirsty mConcordia Tuesday 17th Dece 2002 uhfhhf5162 j@hgehfehffefghgffgfhfhfffhfhigehihhhgfheheheiieihgghihhghiigfffhifffihheheheghigefiiffgSchutz ghedgxiSchutz eefgddSchutz degdehggighiiico17 Have a B Happy and successfu H T B B B M O T M I M B Schutz s Carla Sferruzzi A 1506 10 kildare kTuesday 23rd May 2000 rofhhe5096 `f@riegfehhehiffgefgifggedfxhhgghhiihghfhfhhfghfhhehegi1506 dgfgggghghgsays things and explainshelp to tell me what needs to be done explain compliaments and help keep trying ggggg1506 hhhhhhhhgghhhghhghhhha a Veterinary,working at the zoo, RSPCA worker,a mother, a wife, a partyer, go to university, do modelling, dancing at clubs(breakdancing),join the army,owner of many pets, travel around the world, and have my children in another country, and live close to Have a good carreer and finish school and university Go around the world, be in a business involving working with animals, go into the army, have children and a husband and do dancing in my spare time... when I go out clubbing, stay close to my family and visit Italy. Go into Army, travel around world for holiday, and work with animals I called up Army and Zoo1506 Not get good in subjects, death not only for me but my friends family and pets, get called to war death and being called to war pSferruzzSferru Carla Kildare kco Friday 25th Dece 2002 5096 uifige j@heggehhfhhfhfihggfeihehhfifeiffiiihfgifhghhfhhfhhffeheeeeifffieeejjjeiehfigfhefgfgfjgSferruzziggigiSferruzzieieefSferruzzehfdeigeegfelkc30 An envi A E A working girl who A E T E I M M A M I M B sferru t Kate Smith A 7506 11 concordia mMonday 28th May 2001 5052 tgfihe`h@nieggggggfThere is nothing to do. iefeghfgffgihhhhggehfgfhefhhfeigBeing a failure, being left by my friends gdf7506 mgigeghihfgigigThey don't put a lot of pressur eon me to succeed, they leave it up to me to get things done, but they are full of praise when I succeed, make the right choice, etc. They are interested in what I'm doing, ask questions, and if I am interested in a topic they too are interested in, they are always very willing to lend me a hand. They're generally fairly positive,they give credit where credit's due and are usually willing to help if I need it. They're there when I need them or for a good laugh, we help each other out with work and things like that Keep focussed on what I'm aiming for. Know what I want to achieve, and know that I need to do well at school if I want to achieve this.ggiggi7506 ifghggihhghggihgefiihhhgggeieifia a Lawyer, in the forces, something in medicine, working in a job I enjoy, being comfortably well off, helping others where I can and perhaps being active in helping in the community, succeed in my chosen proffession and get to the top. Married, parent (ev Successful Criminal Defence Lawyer, married, parent(possibly) Never getting over my back/ joint injuries, not chosing the right uni courses or getting good enough results at the end of yr 12 to do the course I want to, being totally alone in a loveless world. Loosing the people who are closest to me and that I love Being completely alone in the world, loosing the people I love the most pSmith Smith Kate Concordia muTuesday 17th Dece 2002 5052 mfiheghj@eggfhfgghgiggfifgfhffghfhhhefihgihehfhfigiifhhhgihhhihfhhghghihhhgggeeifihggffggedgviiSmith eggxgffSmith figdgdSmith gdeegggghhemco5 a capab a A I hope to remain he I T b l K T A A B T T Smith T Alex Smits A 4106 10 ignatiusfsFriday 18th August 2000 5069 eeiieff@iefeigghhfigedgtddhfe- having a healthy diet - keeping out of harm's way hgegfrifggghiieghgifififggfhhfghg- dying gdej4106 hggeiiiiiiiiii- encourage me to do homework - help me when I need help - support when when I need support - help me in the same way as my parents - teach us - give us extra work if we need it (none) (none) gggdffh4106 fgghgghhhgghhffhiihghhhgejejeja a - Medical Pratitioner - Medical Specialist/Surgeon - Medical Specialist/Surgeon - being rich - having good health - living for a long time - having a family - owning many things - having good health 4106 - becoming a criminal - becoming sick - dying at an early age - becoming addicted to drugs - dying at an early age pfSmits Smits Alex St. Ignati tfTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5069 eggeeee@h@ieeihgffhhgffhghfhggfgfhghghhghhhfhfhfhffghhhhhhfhggfffggghhhhhhhggeieifighhefgfefegeieSmits geedddfSmits ddgdgdgSmits demgggggiflig58 Doctor D R 14th Dalai Lama Gur D T U U T T T S T B T p Smits s Robert Smyth A 1495 e10 spsc snFriday 16th June 2000 5069 eigegig@effjgghgeieefekddgigfghhihhhegfhgehiehegegig1495 diiihhigihia a Teacher at Secondary School Phyciatrist Farmer Teacher at Secondary School Successful Happiness Intelligent Humour down to earth Enjoy everything I do I try to be energetic and happy in everything I do 1495 peSmyth Smyth Robert St Peter's Thursdayve5th Sept 2002 5069 k@eiieiieghfhigffhhhhffhfehffiifiehehihiiieffieifiieghegihhfieefgfhifieeejiiehegfiejgefggedgpgiefSmyth gqgheffSmyth kgdgdgdSmyth ehgfhjspsc Becomin B S Extremely wealthy H h B L G P L N n Smyth a AstarshaSteele A 3504 10 nburra Friday ti17th November2000 5417 h@fhhegiegejffhhegiegejffggffiedeghhgfghifhhhfffhffhhfheffighI worry that I won't succeed in all the things I do. I worry that I won't get a good job. 3504 gdfmhhheghghhhghghThey tell me to do the best I can even if it is not very good and that they will always be proud of me no matter what. They encourage me to do well and often explain things to me so that I have a clearer understanding of things. They tell me to do well even if it isn't the best I can do they also help me with my school work so I understand it better. They encourage and support me by studying with me so that I get it all done and by complimenting me when I do well. I encourage myself by telling myself that I can do better and succeed more if I try harder. g3504 gighhighhggihhhhhhhhfhihighhhhhfhehfha a Cook Vine yard hand Cake Decorator Cook Cook Vine yard hand Cake Decorator Cook I have done Home Economics and I am majoring in the food area in years 11 and 12. 3504 Cashier Dairy hand Cashier Steele pnSteele Astars Burra Comm Friday vif25th Octo 2002 5417 k@hgfhgfhffhhgffhhghfhhffhffhhffeffhgghhgegehehehhehhffhhhghhfhhhhghihhhfggfgehehggifffiedfjeiedeSteele eeiedeSteele Steele efeffgdeegggggiBu5 Cook C Cook C S n T T T t t s b Steele s Pamela Stepancich A 4054 10 fignatiusMonday snf21st August 2000 5076 g@igfjief{ggigfifedgyddhffhiedfxhfgffhiihfgfgfeffegfgggeehhThat i won't succeed after i complete school, even though i have put all that i can into it. 4054 gdemfhhfhiiiiihhihMy parents encourage me by helping me when i have difficulties, when i suceed they congratulate me and make me feel good. They always support me no matter what.Other adults encourage me by letting me know that i am worthy and that if you put enough into it you will succeed. They also encourage me to do well. Teachers encourage me by saying that you can do anything that you put your mind to. They praise me when i suceed or do well in my subjects or classes. They are always there if i need help in an area of school work. School friends always encourage me in whatever i do and give me praise when i suceed or do well. They always support me.I encourage myself to do well at school by setting myself goals that i want to achieve. By working towards these goals i am working hard to keep up my grades and do well in school. gg4054 ighiifhhhhhhhhhhghhfehiieefhhhejeieia a Medical practitioner Medical scientist Forensic scientist Start my own medical practice Study overseas or interstate keep a a job that earns alot of money Medical practitioner good health becomming rich starting a family successful in my line of work recognised by others in my field of work Successful in the line of work that i choose 4054 having poor health being unemployed not getting into the line of work that i enjoy having a dead end jobbeing unemployedStepanciStepan pfPamela Saint Igna Wednesday 14th uefiAugu 2002 5076 i@ifhhfieegfhffiighfhfgfifffheffffehhghiehfhghfhigiihhhiighgfihgfiiifffhhhehehfgfifefhhffikffdjStepanciStepancigiediStepanciddddgdeeggigghiicich I expex I I Hope to gain an h g I I i T E T W a T Stepan B Carissa StephensA 4509 10 ipirie Friday 10th snfNovember2000 5540 g@iieheeegddehewell I havent tried to prevent it BUT making each day count with her and not giving her grief. making her life just that little bit easier fgefgyhifhfgihfghfffhfifhfegihhewhat worries me mostly in my future is pain. I hate the way everyone loves to fight and degrade everyone else. even friends fight on a daily basis just to pass the time and that is crap because you should never fight with your friends because it is just 4509 gdhrfgjfhhifhghhihmy parents are very supportive, they basically let me make my own decisions and my own mistakes... dont get me wrong, if they know something I am doing is not right they will not let me go along with it but if they see no problem with it, it is fine. the they are pretty much alright. some have more differrent views to me but that can be expected anywhere I guess... I have a really good relationship withall of my aunties and uncles but I don't really talk to my nan that much which is a shamethe teachers here aren't too bad, they are pretty good. they know that if you excel in something and they give you the option to take it futher and better yourself in that department.. if you are naughty they they always try and give you a second go, the my friends are the best, although we have our tough patched.. they never ever shame me for my decisions and are always their to support me.. I always think of the big picture.. in a few years down the track this will benifit me.. that sort of thing ggi4509 ghhifhhiihhghhgghhefhhijjighjejejfja a go to universities and get a degree, be comfortable in my life and not take crap from anyonre. not have to spend sleepless nights worrying abot something at work that I know I am going to get in trouble for the next day be happyeveryday life 4509 either me getting really sick or someone close around me. losing someone that I love very much would be just terrible. my mother dying StephensStephe Cariss piJohn Pirie Thursday24th July ujfih2002 5540 @j@egghfeffffhhhgfgfeeifgfhffehhfhhhhhhfegghghhfhhhhhhffgffffffghfffiiiejeffffihfffgeffStephenslgfefegStephenseiedfgdStephensedfgdelgggggjgjp27 travel, t q own a business o p p f t s s g b n Stephe h Kerri-ann Stoffer A 2506 10 sehs lFriday 11th May sifhg2000 5109 g@efiefehgggffgiedegggihedo well in all my subjects so i can go for well paid work fieffkiffhfhihhfhfhfhffgifgihehhh2506 dghihhhhhhhthey trll me i can always do good if i do well in school and they always make sure i complete all my school homework. they tell me i am a good student at school and always achieve good grades they tell me never to give up and keep on trying and sooner or later your bound to get it they help me out and tell me that i am doing well in what i am doing i believe if i do well in school that i will get a good job so i try as hard as i can gggg2506 ghigggihhhihigghigghhga a language teacher kindergarden teacher laguage teacher teacher veternarian doctor doctor 2506 working in a take-away store plumber working in a take away pStoffer Stoffe Kerri lSalosbury Tuesday 29th Octo 2002 uefhif5109 i@ggfffffgghhgihhhggfgggfgggeefeeeehhfffggfhghhehgighhhgheegfhggghhhfhhhfefheihgfefffedfgStoffer giedegfStoffer iedegeeStoffer ffgdemggggeihise20 recepti r business owner doct b b u t s t t i n t Stoffe k MichelleStone A 4025 10 ignatiusfTuesday 12th December2000 tefhge5092 h@giefegggggeaim to be a lawyer gieffiiifghgifghggfgfghiggeeieehhnot getting a good career gd4025 egihgffghgghghfhi get in trouble if i dont do well praise me for doing wellhelp me to do well congratulate good marks and understand bad ones aim highfgggg4025 hhehfgghhhggfffgihihijjjfffeieia a lawyer psychologist doctor lawyer like my parents poor jobless jobless pStone Stone Michel St Ignatfiu Tuesday 13th Augu 2002 5092 umfiiegj@gfggffeggehigffffgefgfhgfffheehhgghehegegefhehhffgihiheehhiehhijjjeeeehegfghjgefkeedgrgStone feffmheStone edeldStone dgdghggggfdeig60 a lawye s t happy rich married h u u D t h I d b Stone y Megan Stuart A 2015 10 phhs hFriday 2nd June 2000 5107 shfiheg@jiffgehheigegiddggfhfedffhhhhfihhgihehhhfhhfeehefie2015 dfgifgfgfifMy parents encourage me with whatever I do. They always praise me about everything I do whether its sport or at school. If I do bad in a test they always encourage me by giving me suggestions about what to do next time. If I do well they still encourage Other adults support me by giving help when it's needed and by giving suggestions when I ask for them. They encourage me by helping with any problems I have and if I do bad in a test they ask if something was wrong. They also give encouraging words if we do good work. My friends encourage me by helping with work and by telling me what work I missed out on if I was absent. They support me if I play sport or if I don't look happy and they are always there if I need to talk to someone if I have a problem. I encourage myself to do well at school by telling myself I can achieve my best at whatever I do and I'm not happy unless I do my best. I also tell myself that if I do my best then I get rewarded for it int he end with good grades. gggghi2015 ihhihhihiihhhhiehiiia a To be successful in whatever I set out to achieve. To have a successful job and career. I expect to become a well liked person with many friends. To be able to enjoy life the best way I can. To have a family to share the good and bad times with. To be ab To have a successful career and hopefully a family as well. I hope to be successful. I hope to be happy and to lead a happy life. I hope to have good health and to live for a long time. I hope to have a family to share all the times with. To have good health and to live for a long time I don't eat unhealthily and I play a lot of sport to keep my fitness up.2015 To have any of my family die. To go through a divorce or seperation. To become unable to look after myself. To become angry and resentful to everyone around me.To be unable to look after myself. pStuart Stuart Megan Para Hills huFriday 5th July 2002 5107 ifiiehh j@fgfeeifhhfgghhhhefhhehhfeehegiefgigehggigiifiiihiiihgghiieghhihighhgehfgejeigefjhefgghStuart efgqigfStuart dgddddStuart gdgmigigggiiph9 A mothe A I To be a mother To b T B B B T O T M J N T Stuart h Sarah Surman A 4055 10 ignatiusfsMonday 21st August 2000 5073 kfehfh`g@ieejggehfhiedfmggigfgeedfjhhfhhhihifhhgeiheegegeheeehgetting old and not being able to do things that I was capable of doing thing that I could do when I was youngergdfo4055 fjfehhgghhhgigpay me money for my grades encourage me to do my best support me in what I choose to do give me advice listen to you encourage you to do your best listen to you and give you advice reminde you that you can do anything by telling myself that I can do things by believing in myself making myself do all the work ggggghh4055 ehghghhgifeiiighhiieeghhhfeffa a Speech pathologist Psyschologist Lawyer Medical Practioner Speech pathologist Speech pathologist Psychologist Be well off Have a family Speech pathologist 4055 being poor poor health being unhappy being unhappy pfSurman Surman sarah saint igna ulTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5073 fhgfhgfj@ggfhffffiihihhffeefeehfhhhhhhhghhfggigiffieegfhhhifeiiiieihijjifggehehehijeefeeedfiifeSurman digeedSurman eiddddgSurman dehggggdgfkigb1 I expec b happy married have h t t t o t t t p t surman d Andrew Swift A 6027 g10 pgs rnWednesday 24th May 2000 5021 eihegi@f@ffieihffiedgsefiffgiedfxhihhffihhghfhgihhhhffghffhf6027 dgiihghihhhThey boost my self of steam, they watch me at sports matches, help me with my work and show me new skills. They congratulate me on my succes, even when I have done bad. They help me to show where I have gone wrong, and support me when other teaches don't encourage me. They help me with things, that I am too afraid to takle, help me with my relationship and don't let me be left out.Complete the work st,Complete the work set in class and for homework, I enjoy my work and research things I don't know much about. 6027 ggggghhfhhhhhhhhfghiifhhha a I would like a good job, that is fun, I can understand, that I can enjoy, I get paid well and that I get good grades for the job I want.I want a job that I get paid well and that I help people and enjoy it. I want to train people in their indevidual sports. Lead people to their wanted job. I want to train people in their indevidual sports. 6027 On the dole. Not having enough income to support my family. Not getting what I want out of my life. Not having enough income to support my family. pgSwift Swift Andrew Pulteney G Saturdayuf5th Octo 2002 5021 i@eiheiheieegfgffiifhfhfhfhffghffffhfgfhhhehehehehihhhhhhhhhfhhhhfghiiihhihhffeheffhgefgiefgxfiefSwift egkiefgSwift pgfgggdSwift ehgggghhmepg25 Sports S C Sports scientist Fa S C W N C T T T T I T T Swift T Catherine Tanner A 5504 10 jdominicsTuesday ro23rd May 2000 5008 `f@fiheiiefgeggfjgedgddhgfngedjhfieehiiiehegeieeeifhfehfih5504 diiiiiihiiiI might not like it but they always tell me to do my homework They help me study for tests If i ask for help they help me - eg checking an essay, helping me with a maths question if i ask for help in a project - eg could be a project on different families - they will help me out. They teach me - of course and if i ask for help, or tell them i don't understand something they will explain itMy friends always comfort me if i do badly in a test, assignment, etc They will help me understand something if it doesn't make sence to me. I just think that in the future, i will be glad that i study hard and do the best i can in an assignmentg5504 gggghhfhhgfihhiigfiifefiia a Become something in the scientific/mathematics field. Preferably something to do with animals. A vet, or a zoologist. Maybe married AFTER i have finished my university course and have my life sorted out with an income to support a child. I expect to s To have a job related to animalsTo enjoy my life Live life with good health. To be able to support myself on an income without any assistance from my parents. - Be successful in a carear, maybe even open up my own vet clinic To enjoy the company of a family and enjoy times together. To live a life with good health 5504 My worst fear is that i wont live to live out my possible self. I wouldn't like to become poor and rely on my parents. I hope i don't get a disease that will shorten my life - or anything that might shorten my life. I might end up with a man who doesn't That i wont live for a long timeTanner pjTaner Cather st dominic Wednesday uef7th Augu 2002 5008 i@iiehiehfeieheeiiieeheieieeeiehffhhhhiiieieieieiifiihiiiiiiiiiieeeiihhhgggejejfjehjffigefgiiffjTanner igefiTanner Tanner edddgdfkggggghmmsd13 Since d S M Definately to be ve L S N T B M O S I I B I Tanner a Brendan Thomas A 7512 11 mconcordia Monday tee28th May 2001 5061 h@iieiiefemffiiehieggzffiiei have done fitness training, arm cadets, working hard at school, doing eye correction excersiesiiehg|ihfhifhhfgifggihfhieiiiiiAbout not getting in to the army because i am 10 kilograms overweight , i have glasses and i failed maths. 7512 gdhmejieiigigghgigthey support me by not expecting the best but expect what they know i can achive. they help me with my work, they are extremely understanding and support me in all my choices They encourage me and tell me when im doing good, ie weight loss. They tell me i am a good person who can achieve high, but i just have too work harder. all of them tell me im a nice person to have around. Constuctive critism, they tell me when ive improved in things and congradulate me, they cheer me up and they are generaly good to hang around with. I just always remind my self that if i dont do well i wont go to Duntroon. gg7512 ggggiiiiiigeefheiiifigiifffiiififhfia a Army officer, police officer, fireman, ambulance officer, aircraft engineer. Army officer being a good family man, being a good army officer, helping people less fortunate than myself and being a good person generaly being a good army officer i have acted kindly towards others, i have taken leadership courses, i have studied leadership in the military. 7512 not getting into the army due to eyesight, fitness or school grades, being an alcholic, being poor, being homless, not getting a good job not getting into the army Thomas Thomas pmBrenda Concordia Monday 16th ulehDece 2002 5061 j@heigehgehhghffihfggfffhfffhfhegehifhgehghfhffhhhhhhfeeeheeegieeiiiiifffegfhfgeheefgiedgpgiefhThomas Thomas xfieehsThomas egffgdegggggfjhthom i expec j d i hope to become a b s N n y t t t i t Thomas t Ly Tran A 1008 10 espsc Wednesday 28th sgeiJune 2000 5095 f@geeiegeeggiegeehiigegefegeegiehheghhh1008 dEncourage me to perform activities by word of mouth Encourage me to perform activities by word of mouth Encourage me to perform activities by word of mouth Encourage me to perform activities by word of mouth I give myself an incentive, obvious one being a good mark , report ggg1008 ggihgihhhiffhihfgfheiiia a Doctor Doctor Tran Tran ly pest peters Thursday5th Sept ujeii2002 5095 @j@eiieieieieeiiifeheheieeeiehhfhhhhiiheiegegehhhhffghgghihfhhgeihigghhhhehehfiehfefeiedfTran jeifffjTran eiefhjgTran ggggdemgihhjtran I expec M S I hope to become a T S N N B T I I I tran T Chris Vreugdenburg A 4135 10 ignatiusfTuesday 12th Decembersnehg2000 5089 g@ffieegeiieggegegddihfgiedegihfffhhhffhfhfhhihhfheieehenot getting into my course g4135 dehhigehhhhghghhmake me do homework help with work spend time to explain things helpm with school work do all my work gggg4135 ghhehghghfhhhfehhghfiiihhhhhejeifha a structural engineer pilot pilot married healthy successfull healthy keep up lots of sport and exercise 4135 unemployed homeless deadunemployed pVreugdenVreugd Chris fSaint Igna Tuesday 13th Augu 2002 ujeihf5089 @j@ggfieeifffhhhhffhfhfigffhfhhfeeieihhfheifgehhehhhhhghfhffhhhffiifffiiiegeffhhhhefgddfgnVreugdengiedfkfVreugdendddefgdVreugdengdgdehggggghjhig65 Compute C pilot become rich p t t t t t t g t Vreugd b Kirsty Wallis A 4538 10 pirie iFriday 10th November2000 sofihe5540 g@giegeigghfei have tried to keep a positive attitude and have many friends. i have respected everyone i meet and am a friendly member of my community jeeffvhffgghiihggfefigfeheefhefffi am mostly worried about being being unhappy, unloved, and lonely. gd4538 glehhfggggggggggmy parents are always telling me that they are proud of me and the way i do well in school. they always encourage me to try new things and tell me if i put my mind to it anything is possible they sometimes tell me i will succeed because i don't give up easily tell me that i am doing well in all my classes and if i keep trying i will succeed they say that i can do anything i want because i have the determination and ability i believe i do well in school and i know that i can succeed if i keep trying. ggggg4538 hiehiihhihhihhiiffiiiggghhgejeheha a married mother primary school teacher primary school teacher having poor health being unhappy being alone struggling for money becoming a unliked being unsuccessful at my career being alone pWallis Wallis Kirsty John Piriie Tuesday 23rd July 2002 5540 ukfiiei`j@ieihegggefhiiifhffeiegehefghehhhhiiehfifieiighigiiiiiiiiiifeiiiijfihiejejfiefgffieefgxiWallis iefgkhWallis efgdddWallis dgdfhgggghfjgJP 2 * to fi t I * to be happy * to t I * I M I A M I I I Wallis t Mandy Warren A 1516 10 kildare kTuesday 23rd May 2000 5097 rnfigeheedeiddffgghfigigfggghgeghggffegge1516 dfgggeefggh}a a successful rich well employed happy happy 1516 pWarren Warren Mandy Kildare Co kuFriday 25th Octo 2002 5097 gfiheigi@ehheffighhigigggfgifeghgfehhhfhgggfgeghhiiehghghgggifghigihifggjiiefegefgjfefgiefizgiWarren efilieWarren figdddWarren hfdfigggghmekc31 In the i i i hope to do well i i i i i s T T T T i i s Warren Ruth Weldon A 5514 10 dominicsjsTuesday 23rd May 2000 5082 jfihej@g@iegejeiieieefg{ddifggfiiiheifififieiehfhhhihd5514 ihhiihhhhhMy perent encorage me by paying for my schooling and for extra courses i want to do. They also encorage me by giving me help with my home work whenever i need it. They also encorage me just by their love of me and their intrest in my life. The other adults I know are mainly my family and they support me by taking an intrest in my life and always asking me questions about how I've been and what I've been up to. My teaches support me by helping me with my work and always encouraging me to do my best work. My friends are alway there when I need to talk and let off some steam.They encourage me at school by helping me with my work. I encourage myself by reminding myself of my future goals and telling myself that if i don't at least try my best i am never going to fullil my future goals. gggghhh5514 egghghhhghfhhhghghha a writer actor jounalist teacher nanny babysitter actor I hope to be succeful not rich, but well off I hope to be happy married with a family I hope to travel I hope to be happy I have chosen possible jobs that will make me happy in the future. 5514 pjWeldon Weldon ruth st dominic ueFriday 9th Augu 2002 5082 feiehhfi@fgfiffefhiigfhfhfhfeeigheeffhfghifkhedgkieWeldon gjkeedWeldon iedfdhWeldon edksd15 i expec a i i hope to be a very i i t i weldon JonathanWells A 4108 f10 ignatiussnFriday 18th August 2000 5066 ehfhig@eekeiifgiedgqediiffgedeghhgghhhffhffghfehhggffeeeepollution of the earth 4108 hedehhehhhhggggghthey say possitive comments they don't They often give me bad marks i fell proud about my work 4108 gfegfheeghhefeeefigeiifhjgfhfgeha a television cameraman,television editor, graphic designer, archictect television show producerhave enough money, be working in a job that I enjoy, good health, get a job 4108 poor health, unemployment, poor health pfWells Wells Jonath Saint Igna Thursdayul15th Augu 2002 5066 j@eiifiifiifieieeiiiffifgeieeihheeegffgiieiehgiefieigiiiiieeeefeieeiijjjhiiehfgegjjeeffgedfkgiedWells fmfgedeWells fededheWells degfimig66 financi w happy, healthy, h h h a s e w Wells s Dylan Welsh A 4505 10 ipirie Friday sl10th November2000 5540 g@eiheiieffpggggffiedguggiiffiedflhggffiihhghfhfhfgghfeeheeheThat I might not be good at anything when I leave school4505 gdengghfhhhhhhhhhhHelp me with any troubles I haveMy teachers help me alot at school Helping me when I need help They help me a bit I try my best and don't give up g4505 dgggiihggihiihhihhhiffhiiiiiffffiejfia a A Father An Architecht A Big Business Owner Well Known A HusbandAn Architect A well known and successful Architect Maybe move to the US and work with big name companies A well known and successful Architect 4505 Live on the dole Live on the street Live on the doleWelsh piWelsh Dylan John Pirie Tuesday uhe23rd July 2002 5540 j@iieiiehgggghhhhhggighhhhhgeeheeieeghghfgghfhhhfghghihhhehhffdiieggWelsh ogieefWelsh Welsh jffffgdemghjp30 Fitness G I Cycling Coach Fitn G I H N G Welsh Spring Whenan A 7513 11 mconcordia Monday tef28th May 2001 5013 h@iheshigfdiiejgefgwddifestay positive, keep relationships jeefguffgffhihhfhhffheeeieiieihgiI'll be alone or not have acheived my goals in life 7513 gdfrggifhiighhhhihhelp me with research/decisions, talk to me about school, speak positively/give me confidence, HUGS ask questions, talk to me explain work/ideas, offer help where needed, encourage, offer constructive comments talk/spend time with me, positive comments about me, HUGS remind myself of goals, try to stay positive ig7513 ggghifiihhhffihffhifhfhieegjjjejejfia a parent, married, teacher, successful in career, financially well off, join amateur acting club, good social life, loving/supportive family and friends, have time for recreation (eg see opera, drama, go out with friends), loving relationship with husband/ married, teacher, financially well off, healthy relationships, parent, witness for God maintain good health (physical and mental), good finance, lots of time for recreation, have swimming pool, holidays/safaris, artist good health/finance positive thinking (maintain mental health) 7513 poor health, violent person in prison or something, not married 'til I'm 50, alone, unloved, can't have childrenalone, unloved Whenan Whenan pmSpring Concordia Monday 16th ulfhDece 2002 5013 j@hehhfhgegfgffhhghfhgffhfegifhheiffiihhfhehfifhhhihghhhhihhhhifffgigghgggeieifigfiffeeefghheffWhenan Whenan kkfedgWhenan ddddgdieggiighmeco12 univers m w successful teacher, w c u s h a a c e b S Whenan h Kirstie White A 4082 10 fignatiusWednesday 30th sgfhAugust 2000 5076 f@hehiefiffhheffefgvddieeive listened to my friends and familty and i believe in myself gfeffqfgffiihhfffeigehhgefgehheMy self image and how i look at times i get easily worried about tests exams etc STRESS worried about how i will do in life and how it would work out 4082 gdgniiiehihihihigiMy parents are really supportive and they try to bhelp with thing/work that i am stuggling with. They encourage me to go whatever thati am good and and dont put me down at all. They are happy that i choose most of the subjects and they are supportive of My extended family are not as much supportive as my direct family. My gran is really supportive as she helped me with some of my subject selections and my other nanna is supportive as whenever i am in needsher alweays there on the phone talking to me whi Teachers at school are really helpful as they help me with any problems i have with the work and they councilled me one day which was good so i could have a teachers point of view on what subjects where good for me. My school friends are really great.They are sooo supportive as when i told them about what i choose as subjects for next year they said they are good and gavwe me a smile. One of my friends colleen was on the phone going through all the subjects and we w I encourage myself as when i hear people say that u are good at something i makes me think and say i am good at that. Also with all the studing i am doing i feel ,lioke ive done something good and worth while. gii4082 ggiiiiiihiiiiiiiiheeihijjjihieieieia a i would like to beciome a nutritionist or a phycologist. If i wanted to become theses i would have to go to universtity. i could be a school teacher if all fails because i like helping childern and making them smile and be happy. i would also like a fam Nutritionist to pass very well at yr 12 to study at the university of south australia- for a degree passing yr 12 very well Start studing really well to get the grades 4082 failing yr 12 no getting into university not getting to job i want falling yr 12 White White Kirsti pfst ignatiu Tuesday 13th Augu ugfii2002 5076 i@fhgehfehghefiihhggfffhfffigghheghegihfieheifiihiiiiiiighhhhgghgiighghhfheffgfhgefjeefgWhite uihedgqWhite giefegdWhite gdggdfhgfgggfkgig67 the bes t Lawyer Nurse Physco l t h b B t O T T I W b white b Peter Willumsen A 1499 10 spsc eFriday 17th June siehh2000 5081 g@egiefehffihefieffkedhgeI have opened a bank account to save money fiefegihgffghgigghhfihifhfheiegie1499 dghfhghhfgha a Policeman Engineer Physical educator Policeman a succesfull worker Making a good wage being a succesful workerworked for three years jackarooing on farms and earning money 1499 unemployed dole bludgerdole bludger pWillumseWillum Peter eSaint Pete Thursday5th Sept 2002 umegge5081 j@ifeghgghhihhhggggighegghgheehghhggheiggehhehghghhhgfgffhhfhhiggghhhefefegfhgefgifegWillumsegifggWillumsedeWillumseegdfhhggfgfkispsc 1)Once N I 1 3 M W T S W I T B Willum B Paris Wilson A 4083 10 ignatiusfWednesday 30th August 2000 sofhhe5098 g@eifgiehgfgfedfnddhgfhffdfrgfhefihhhfgfhfifeeiehhfghhhThat I will be unable to get the career that I want to achieve, that I will not be able to get enough money to help get my Mum out of bankruptcy, that I won't be able to support my 4 yr old half-sister when my mother is gone. (My father doegdsn't care abou 4083 gmeihehhghhhhhhiMy father would probably scream if I failed a year. He'd be very disappointed and would not understand how I could have done such a thing. My mother is more open and listens to me. If I have troubles, she will try to help me with them, without doing the What other adults? I have no relatives in Australia, and Alyx's father never got passed 7th grade. He also has a learning disability. It depends on my relationship with that teacher if he/she will truly help me with a problem.Some are good, and they do not make me feel stupid, especially when I ask a very simple question. Others treat me inferior-like, they often see me as 'just a kid They help me relax, and sometimes teach me better than the teachers... They help me cope with my feelings of stress or anxiety. I try to do the best I can. I like to think myself as an optimist, and I really like to do my best effort. Often, I take more time than most, because I want a project to be just perfect. hfggh4083 hhghhiiihhighghiefhhifghiieieifia a I plan to go to College in America after yr. 12. I am afraid that I will not be able to complete my Math subjects, since I am bad at it. I will be going into a Science degree of some sort, preferablly biology and chemistry, etc. Get a good job, be happy, be able to support a family if I want one, help my mother with the bills. Become a vet. Support my mother. Get a good job.Impress my father. 4083 Failing math, not trying hard enough, getting a bad education, disobeying my father's expectations. Failing math and not being able to become what I want to be. pWilson Wilson Paris Saint Igfna Tuesday 13th Augu 2002 5098 uefiiehi@hfghehehfeiigifhehehfffhehhfghhgihhggfgfifhhghiiihiiiggfhieeihifffhhieieififihefifefghWilson iefigiWilson fdigedWilson egdjehggghelfig68 I will I L I plan to get a goo I A D G M T T W A n P Wilson C David Woods A 4109 10 ignatiusfFriday 18th August 2000 5127 sjeihe@g@jiefepggigfjiedgefieeGetting a good education and using it to full effect iieffyhggfhhiihfgghfhfhfhgefiffig- failing - letting people down - letting myself down gdg4109 mhhifhhhhiihggh- they give me advice - they can help me in tough situations - give me things when i do things well, eg chocolate or a game - bribe - give me the opportunity to do well - give me the best chance in life - give encouragement - give advice - give advice - point me in the right direction - get behind me, encourage - make sure i get it right - encouragement - advice- make sure i do it well - try not to let myself down - back myself do trust my instincts ggiggh4109 ighiiihhhhhhghighhiijjjjhhejejfja a Lawyer Stockbroker Retail Sales Manager Web Site Designer Computer Programmer Computer Salesman Lawyer - Successful Lawyer - Living in Ireland or England - Enjoying sport and leisure activities with frineds in my spare time - Get married, have a family - Have a big house - A Volkswagon Beetle for a carBecome a successful businessman 4109 - Being on the streets - Not having a good job, with decent pay - Not having a family - Wasting spare time - Being unhealthy Not having a good job, with decent pay pWoods Woods David St. Ignati fuTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5127 leigfigj@fhfeighffgihggffgififhfhhhfhihiiiegfghgfghegghhhhhgfhfhgfhhhiffgiiieiehfhiigefggefflgiWoods edegfieWoods defeefeWoods gdeegggggfleig69 stockbr s lawyer, stockbroker s h h b e e h e m l c Woods e Giulia ZillanteA 4138 10 ignatiusfsTuesday 12th December2000 5074 nfg@iieggeggddiiei think positive and happily. i want to be happy and i prevent my sadness by thinking about things that make me happy geegh|heheeiiihfhfieieffhfhhhfhhei'm worried that i might not be happy gdel4138 eihfiihiiiiihiMy parents tell me to do my best and try hard. Thats all that matters to them. If i try and do well they're happy. If i try and i don't do well, they're happy. If i don't try and i don't do well they help motivate me to do my best. alot of my close adult friends encourage me to do my best and keep trying hard. Strive to be the best i can All of my teachers help me and let me know when i need to work a little harder. They support me well. My friends encourage me to do well and they like seeing me happy when i've done well. we all encourage each other. gggghi4138 ghhhhhgggifghhhffiiffiiieieia a i hope to get married and have a family i hope to be in good health i hope all of my dreams come true and my hard work pays off Hope to be in good health i take care of my physical and mental health and go to the doctor often. my health and well being is important at my age. i keep up with my injections and imunisation i'm heavily involved in sport 4138 i fear that i may not be successful i fear that i may be in poor health i fear that i won't be happy that i won't be happy pfZillanteZillan Giulia St Ignatiu ujTuesday 13th Augu 2002 5074 fiieiie@j@hgeggggghigfghhighgfghhhhheghfggggfhgggghighhighghgifghhhfhhiggggiiehehfhghgefgeefihifZillantefi~hfefZillanteigdedgZillantedelgggggfeiig70 i expec I i i hope to become re I i i i t M M M m i n i Zillan b Paul Zollo A 4110 f10 ignatiussgFriday 18th August 2000 5075 ef@iifgiedfjffhhfigedfsieiefhiiieieheieeeieifhhehh-Not having a regular income to support my family -Having Bad health 4110 gdfieejfiiiiiiiiii-Encourage me to do well -Make sure that i put effort into my work -Make sure I spend the time needed on my work-Make sure I spend the time needed on my work -Help me with my work whewn they can -They do more work for us than we can imagine. Their whole life is dedicated to helping us achieve the highest possible grades. -Support us -I push myself as far as possible 4110 ggiggiiiiiihifhiiiiiihhiiieeejjjejejfja a -Stock Broker -Accountant -Computer / IT Involvement Stock Broker 4110 -Having Poor Health -Being a Bank Teller -Dropping out of School -Becoming Obese -Being Lonely Poor Health pfZollo Zollo Paul St Ignatiu Tuesday ug13th Augu 2002 5075 i@eiieiiefehefiiiieiffeieeeifhhehhhhiiieieieieiifhhhhihhhiiiiiffhiifffiiiejejfjfifefhfeffkhiefZollo hqZollo dgggdZollo fmhggghhjig71 I expce L S w A B H t y y i t T Zollo B