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Possible Selves Survey - Page 7
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Thoughts on life.

Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale.

Please read each of the statements below. Decide whether the statement applies to you or not.

1. I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others.

2. I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
Never true Never true
Not often true Not often true
Sometimes true Sometimes true
Often true Often true
Almost always true Almost always true
3. I am able to do things as well as most other people. 4. I feel I do not have much to be proud of.
Never true Never true
Not often true Not often true
Sometimes true Sometimes true
Often true Often true
Almost always true Almost always true

5. I take a positive attitude towards myself. 6. I think I am no good at all.
Never true Never true
Not often true Not often true
Sometimes true Sometimes true
Often true Often true
Almost always true Almost always true
7. I am a useful person to have around. 8. I feel that I can't do anything right.
Never true Never true
Not often true Not often true
Sometimes true Sometimes true
Often true Often true
Almost always true Almost always true

9. When I do a job, I do it well. 10. I feel that my life is not very useful.
Never true Never true
Not often true Not often true
Sometimes true Sometimes true
Often true Often true
Almost always true Almost always true

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Now send your answers to the University of South Australia by pressing the button below.
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