1. It is easy for
me to relax.
2. It's best not to get
my hopes too high because I will probably be
3. In uncertain times I
expect the best.
4. Rarely do I expect good
things to happen.
5. If something can go wrong
for me it will.
6. I always look on the
bright side of things.
7. I enjoy my friends a lot.
8. I'm always optimistic about my future.
9. It's important for me to keep busy.
10. I hardly ever expect
things to go my way.
11. When I undertake
something new, I expect to succeed.
12. Things never work out
the way I want them to.
13. I don't get upset very easily.
14. If I make a decision on
my own, I can pretty much count on the fact that it will turn out
to be a poor one.
15. Where there is a
will, there is a way.
16. I rarely count on good
things happening to me.
17. I like heavy metal music
better than pop music.
18. It's better to expect defeat then
it doesn't hit so hard when it comes.
19. In general, things turn
out all right in the end.
20. Give me 50/50 odds and I will choose
the wrong answer every time.
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