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Possible Selves Survey - Page 8

Thoughts about School.


Since being at high school you may have sometimes felt that school was very interesting. At other times it may have been very boring. How you feel about school may be influenced by what your parents or other adults think, by what your teachers think, by what your school friends think or even by what you think yourself.

Please write down some of your ideas in the boxes below.

Who encourages you to do well at school?

1. Parents.

Describe how your parents encourage and support you.

Change your mind?

2. Other adults you know.

Describe how other adults help or support you.

Change your mind?

3. Teachers at school.

Describe how your teachers encourage and support you.

Change your mind?

4. School friends.

Describe how your school friends encourage and support you.

Change your mind?

5. You.

Describe how you encourage yourself to do well at school?

Change your mind?

1. I always try to pay attention in class.

2. I always try to get to school on time.

Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Disagree Disagree
Not sure Not sure
Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree

3. Sometimes I'm sorry I have to leave school and go home.

4. I like all or most of my teachers at high school.

Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Disagree Disagree
Not sure Not sure
Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree

5. I think all or most of my teachers like me.

6. I like working with most of the students in my classes at school.

Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Disagree Disagree
Not sure Not sure
Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree

7. I think most students in my classes like to work with me.

8. I usually try to listen to the teacher when I'm in a class at school.

Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Disagree Disagree
Not sure Not sure
Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree

9. I almost never cause a disruption in my classes.

10. If other students upset the teacher, I try to keep doing my work.

Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Disagree Disagree
Not sure Not sure
Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree

11. I like to keep working at an assignment or class exercise until it is finished.

12. I ask the teacher for help if I'm not sure what to do.

Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Disagree Disagree
Not sure Not sure
Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree

13. I don't mind doing homework each night.

14. I start work on my homework as soon as I can each night.

Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Disagree Disagree
Not sure Not sure
Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree

15. I always try to finish my homework before going to bed.

16. I like to finish everything I start - not just schoolwork.

Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Disagree Disagree
Not sure Not sure
Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree

17. I usually watch too much TV and don't get all my homework finished. 18. I sometimes don't work as hard as I should at school because I worry about what others think of me.
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Disagree Disagree
Not sure Not sure
Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree

19. I work hard to please my parents.

20. I won't let anything stop me from becoming successful.

Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Disagree Disagree
Not sure Not sure
Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree

21. I will stay at school until I complete year 12.

Strongly disagree
Not sure
Strongly agree

22. You have a certain amount of intelligence, and you really can't do much to change it.

23. Your intelligence is something about you that you can't change very much.

Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Disagree Disagree
Mostly disagree Mostly disagree
Mostly agree Mostly agree
Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree

24. You can learn new things, but you can't really change your basic intelligence.

25. No matter who you are, you can change your intelligence a lot.

Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Disagree Disagree
Mostly disagree Mostly disagree
Mostly agree Mostly agree
Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree

26. You can always greatly change how intelligent you are.

27. No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit.

Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Disagree Disagree
Mostly disagree Mostly disagree
Mostly agree Mostly agree
Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree

28. Choose the sentence that describes how you feel about your intelligence.

Now show how true the statement you chose is for you.

I think I'm intelligent. Rarely true for me
I wonder if I'm intelligent. Sometimes true for me
More often true for me
Mostly true for me
Almost always true for me
Always true for me

29. Check the sentence that is most true for you.

Now show how true the statement you chose is for you.

When I get new work in school, I'm usually sure I'll be able to learn it. Rarely true for me
When I get new work in school, I often think I may not be able to learn it. Sometimes true for me
More often true for me
Mostly true for me
Almost always true for me
Always true for me

30. Check the sentence that is most true for you.

Now show how true the statement you chose is for you.

I'm not very confident about my intellectual ability.

Rarely true for me
I feel pretty confident about my intellectual ability. Sometimes true for me
More often true for me
Mostly true for me
Almost always true for me
Always true for me

I define intelligence as: 

If intelligence is effort plus ability, what percentage (%) would you place in each of the boxes below?

Intelligence =  % effort   +    % ability


Are you thinking of leaving school before the end of year 12?



If YES, say why you

are thinking about leaving school.

If NO, say why you

are definitely staying at school.

Please add your

Reference No.:

And your last name here:


Now send your answers to the University of South Australia by pressing the button below.