University of South
Australia Division of
Education, Arts and Social Sciences. Magill Campus. Title of the research project: Possible Selves and the Motivation of High School Students. Researcher: Mr G.A. Higgs (B.Ed, Dip. T.) Telephone: 8264 0543 or 8302 4552 or 0403 198965. Email: Supervisor: Dr G.C. Yates. 8302 4505. Email: |
Semester 2, 2000. Dear Parents of year 10 students, After over 30 years as a science and mathematics teacher I am now a post-graduate research student at the Magill campus of the University of South Australia. As part of my research, I want to collect a range of responses from year 10 students in a number of metropolitan and country schools through the administration of an anonymous questionnaire that asks students to respond to questions about their hopes and fears for the future. We are trying to tap into how young adolescents think about their future lives.
The data collected from the survey in this school and others across
metropolitan Adelaide and the State of South Australia, may help to
provide information about the large numbers of students who leave school
before completing their secondary education. The analysis of the data will
be purely statistical and individuals will not be identified.
I have included a permission slip to allow you to give consent for
your son/daughter to take part in this research. Please send it to the
school for collection as soon as possible. It will be passed on to me, and
your child will be included on the list of participating students. There
is, of course, no obligation to take part and there are no particular
advantages for students who do. Students who do not take part are not
disadvantaged in any way. Students are only identified by a code number
and thus remain anonymous.
Please contact me or Dr Yates if further information is required.
The name and telephone number of the Chair of the Human Research Ethics
Committee is listed below. She will be available to discuss general
aspects of the project should you wish to do so. The current Chair is Ms Linley Hartmann, Business & Enterprise, City West, telephone: (08) 8302-0327, facsimile: (08) 8302-0512, email: Yours sincerely, G.A. Higgs.
of South Australia. Possible
Selves Research - Year 10 students. REPLY SLIP and CONSENT FORM. (PLEASE
SEND RETURNS TO THE FRONT OFFICE OF THE SCHOOL. (To be sent to Geoff A. Higgs, University of South Australia, St Bernard's Rd, Magill.) School Name:
__________________________________________________ Name of student:
_______________________________________________ Class/Form: ________ House: _______ Teacher(s):
__________________ I have read and understood the Information Sheet
on the above project and understand that my child is being asked to answer
questions about their future thoughts, their feelings of self-esteem, how
optimistic they are and their degree of persistence to complete assigned
tasks. They will be surveyed once in year 10 and again in year 12. I understand that my child may not directly
benefit by taking part in this research. I understand that while information gained in the
study may be published, my child will not be identified and all individual
information will remain confidential. I understand that I can withdraw my child from the
study at any stage up until the end of the collection of data in year
12. I understand that there will be no payment for my
child taking part in this study. I am aware that I should retain a copy of the
Information Sheet and Consent Form for future reference. I consent to my child being involved in this
project. Signed ______________________________
Date____/____/____ Relationship to
child___________________________________________________ Name of
child________________________________________________________ |