You can download copies of letters and forms from this page or just view them.
A. Letters to parents and teachers.
There are three versions here. Word 2000 documents if you have new software, Word 6/95 if you have older software and Rich Text Format files which should suit most computer word processors on both Macintosh and PC machines.
1. Word 2000. For a copy of the letter to the parents of year 10 students, CLICK HERE.
For a copy of the consent form to be sent to parents of year 10 students and returned, CLICK HERE. These download links are active. Click to view a copy of each form.
For a copy of the first letter to teachers of year 10 students, CLICK HERE.
For a copy of the second letter to teachers of year 10 students, CLICK HERE.
2. Word 6/95. For a copy of the letter to the parents of year 10 students, CLICK HERE. Note: These download links have been taken off-line.
For a copy of the consent form to be sent to parents of year 10 students and returned, CLICK HERE.
For a copy of the first letter to teachers of year 10 students, CLICK HERE.
For a copy of the second letter to teachers of year 10 students, CLICK HERE.
3. R.T.F. (PC or Mac.) For a copy of the letter to the parents of year 10 students, CLICK HERE. Note: These download links have been taken off-line.
For a copy of the consent form to be sent to parents of year 10 students and returned, CLICK HERE.
For a copy of the first letter to teachers of year 10 students, CLICK HERE.
For a copy of the second letter to teachers of year 10 students, CLICK HERE.
B. PDF files (Adobe Acrobat Reader is needed).
5. To see a copy of the permission letter from D.E.T.E. that allows access to school sites, CLICK HERE. Note: These download links have been taken off-line.
6. To see a copy of the approval written to Principals, CLICK HERE.
7. To see a copy of the permission letter from the Director of Catholic Education in S.A., CLICK HERE.
8. To see a copy of the research approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee, CLICK HERE.