Coding sheet for text responses to questionnaire
(Development: Stage 25
– December 14th 2001. Minor additions added 2009.)
in this_color are the names of the
variables used in “File Maker” and in
the Index page.
A. Possible Selves. Download a printable version HERE.
(1). Possible Self
listings – Volume of responses.
Expected Selves |
Hoped-for Selves |
Feared Selves |
Number of Selves Listed. |
Number of
Selves Listed. |
of Selves Listed. |
Record the actual
x |
Record the actual
x |
Record the actual
x |
5 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
None |
0 |
None |
0 |
None |
0 |
(2). Possible Self
listings – Degree of structure of all written responses.
Expected Selves |
Hoped-for Selves |
Feared Selves |
Paragraph(s) of
related ideas
6 |
Paragraph(s) of
related ideas
6 |
Paragraph(s) of
related ideas
6 |
Sentence(s) –
more than 20 words total
5 |
Sentence(s) –
more than 20 words total
5 |
Sentence(s) –
more than 20 words total
5 |
Sentence(s) – up
to 20 words total
4 |
Sentence(s) – up
to 20 words total
4 |
Sentence(s) – up
to 20 words total
4 |
Phrase(s) – 10
or more words total |
3 |
Phrase(s) – 10
or more words total |
3 |
Phrase(s) – 10
or more words total |
3 |
Phrase(s) – less
than 10 words total |
2 |
Phrase(s) – less
than 10 words total |
2 |
Phrase(s) – less
than 10 words total |
2 |
Single word or
words |
1 |
Single word or
words |
1 |
Single word or
words |
1 |
Neutral or no
response |
0 |
Neutral or no
response |
0 |
Neutral or no
response |
0 |
Expected Selves |
Hoped-for Selves |
Feared Selves |
Number of words used. |
Number of words used. |
Number of words used. |
(3). Possible Self
listings - Level of
elaboration (The most
important self).
More than 2 statements > 20 words total |
7 |
More than 2 statements > 20 words total |
7 |
More than 2 statements > 20 words total |
7 |
More than 2 statements up to 20 words total |
6 |
More than 2 statements up to 20 words total |
6 |
More than two statements up to 20 words total |
6 |
Two statements > 20 words total |
5 |
Two statements > 20 words total |
5 |
Two statements > 20 words total |
5 |
Two statements up to 20 words total |
4 |
Two statements up to 20 words total |
4 |
Two statements up to 20 words total |
4 |
Longer single statement > 20 words total |
3 |
Longer single statement > 20 words total |
3 |
Longer single statement > 20 words total |
3 |
Statement between 11 and 20 words |
2 |
Statement between 11 and 20 words |
2 |
Statement between 11 and 20 words |
2 |
Statement up to 10 words |
1 |
Statement up to 10 words |
1 |
Statement up to 10 words |
1 |
Nothing written |
0 |
Nothing written |
0 |
Nothing written |
0 |
the Index page.
(4). Possible Self listings
– Domain Area of the Dominant Future Self (The most important
Expected Selves |
Hoped-for Selves |
Feared Selves |
Unclassifiable |
6 |
Unclassifiable |
6 |
Unclassifiable |
6 |
Vocational/career goals. (Including financial security and university study.) |
5 |
Vocational/career goals. (Including financial security and university study.) |
5 |
Vocational or career goals and/or financial security.
(Including unemployment – being poor). |
5 |
Social/family goals. (Including stability of relationships. Marriage.
Parenting.) |
4 |
Social/family goals. (Including stability of relationships. Marriage.
Parenting. Home ownership. Love.) |
4 |
Social/family goals. (Including stability of relationships and anti-social
behavior - homelessness). |
4 |
Health related goals. |
3 |
Health related goals. Longevity. |
3 |
Health related goals. (Including fears of death, injury
or declining health of self or near person. Fear of growing old.) |
3 |
Personal development goals. (Including travel, public service, athletic/sporting
& recognition. Success in some arena.) |
2 |
Personal development goals. (Including travel, public service, athletic/sporting
& recognition. Personal competence & success. Fame. Altruism. |
2 |
Personal development goals. (Including failure to
perform in an area of perceived importance. Religious beliefs.) |
2 |
General happiness. |
1 |
General happiness. Enjoyment of life. Comfortable life.
Security and acceptance. |
1 |
General unhappiness. (Including loneliness. Lack of
friends.) |
1 |
No clear expectations or no response. |
0 |
No clear hopes or no response. |
0 |
No feared future situations indicated or no response. |
0 |
Note from table above: In
later analysis, it might be possible to combine categories “2” and “4” .
General unhappiness (“1”) could also be combined with “4”.
(5). Possible Self
listings – Personal
Action Taken.
Selves |
Hoped-for Selves |
Feared Selves |
Action to Achieve |
Action to Achieve |
Action to Avoid |
Specific action or actions likely to promote
achievement of the stated self. |
3 |
Specific action or actions likely to promote
achievement of the stated self. |
3 |
Specific action or actions likely to ensure avoidance
of the stated self. |
3 |
Generalized action or actions that may result in
achievement of the stated self. |
2 |
Generalized action or actions that may result in
achievement of the stated self. |
2 |
Generalized action or actions that may result in
avoidance of the stated self. |
2 |
Unrealistic, fanciful, non-specific, general action(s),
unlikely to result in achievement of the stated self. |
1 |
Unrealistic, fanciful, non-specific, general action(s),
unlikely to result in achievement of the stated self. |
1 |
Unrealistic, fanciful, non-specific, general action(s),
unlikely to result in avoidance of the stated self. |
1 |
No response attempted in the space provided. |
0 |
No response attempted in the space provided. |
0 |
No response attempted in the space provided. |
0 |
Level of Aspirations.
Vocational and Career Future Selves.
Required Effort.
Selves |
Hoped-for Selves |
High level of study/training required – Diploma, degree
or higher degree required. |
3 |
High level of study/training required – Diploma, degree
or higher degree required. |
3 |
Medium level of study/training required – TAFE diploma,
certificate or apprenticeship. |
2 |
Medium level of study/training required – TAFE diploma,
certificate or apprenticeship. |
2 |
Unspecified level of study/training required – On the
job training, own initiative. |
1 |
Unspecified level of study/training required – On the
job training, own initiative. |
1 |
No stated selves or non-vocational/career responses
made. |
0 |
No stated selves or non-vocational/career responses
made. |
0 |
Vocational and Career Future Selves. Level
of Responsibility after study/training.
Expected Self
Hoped-for Self
Professional/Managerial. |
3 |
Professional/Managerial. |
3 |
Skilled work/trade qualifications. Primary production. |
2 |
Skilled work/trade qualifications. Primary production. |
2 |
Unskilled work. Unspecified employment. |
1 |
Unskilled work. Unspecified employment. |
1 |
No stated aspirations or no career choice made. |
0 |
No stated aspirations or no career choice made. |
0 |
the Index page.
(1) General
worries |
Non-personal concerns, specific event or events
mentioned. |
4 |
Personal concerns. Specific event or events
mentioned. |
3 |
General concerns, non-specific. |
2 |
Statement showing absence of concern. |
1 |
No statements made or unrelated/illogical response. |
0 |
(2) Worries
- Volume – Non-personal |
4 or greater
Show # |
3 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
None |
0 |
(3). Worries – Volume – Personal.
4 or greater
Show # |
3 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
None |
0 |
Worries – Domain areas |
Religious response |
16 |
Multiple future fears |
15 |
Relationships issues |
14 |
Unspecified generalized fears |
13 |
Perception of others |
12 |
Fear of change/of the future |
11 |
Self doubt/image issues |
10 |
Failure to achieve goals |
9 |
Personal happiness/loneliness |
8 |
Health issues |
7 |
Death of self or family |
6 |
Financial issues |
5 |
Education issues |
4 |
Career/unemployment issues |
3 |
War/conflict/inequity |
2 |
Environmental issues |
1 |
Unclassifiable or no fears |
0 |
the Index page.
Encouragement from others.
Specific, encouragement and/or support likely to
promote better performance at school. |
5 |
General encouragement, non-specific, likely to promote
better performance at school. (With threats or sanctions or pressure) |
4 |
General encouragement, non-specific, likely to promote
better performance at school. (Without threats or sanctions or
pressure) |
3 |
Perceived neutral influence, no specific support or
encouragement. |
2 |
Perceived discouragement that may hinder school performance.
Threats may be made. |
1 |
No written response in text box provided or an
unrelated or inappropriate response. |
0 |
Other adults. a_encour
Specific, encouragement and/or support likely to
promote better performance at school. |
5 |
General encouragement, non-specific, likely to promote
better performance at school. (With threats or sanctions or pressure) |
4 |
General encouragement, non-specific, likely to promote
better performance at school. (Without threats or sanctions or pressure) |
3 |
Perceived neutral influence, no specific support or
encouragement. |
2 |
Perceived discouragement that may hinder school
performance. Threats may be made. |
1 |
No written response in text box provided or an
unrelated or inappropriate response. |
0 |
Teachers. t_encour
Specific, encouragement and/or support likely to
promote better performance at school. |
5 |
General encouragement, non-specific, likely to promote
better performance at school. (With threats or sanctions or pressure) |
4 |
General encouragement, non-specific, likely to promote
better performance at school. (Without threats or sanctions or
pressure) |
3 |
Perceived neutral influence, no specific support or
encouragement. |
2 |
Perceived discouragement that may hinder school
performance. Threats may be made. |
1 |
No written response in text box provided or an
unrelated or inappropriate response. |
0 |
Specific, encouragement and/or support likely to
promote better performance at school. |
5 |
General encouragement, non-specific, likely to promote
better performance at school. (With threats or sanctions or pressure) |
4 |
General encouragement, non-specific, likely to promote
better performance at school. (Without threats or sanctions or
pressure) |
3 |
Perceived neutral influence, no specific support or
encouragement. |
2 |
Perceived discouragement that may hinder school
performance. Threats may be made. |
1 |
No written response in text box provided or an
unrelated or inappropriate response. |
0 |
(5). Yourself.
Specific, encouragement and support likely to promote
better school performance. |
4 |
General personal encouragement, non-specific, likely to
promote better school performance. Personal exhortation. |
3 |
No specific support or encouragement generated from
within. |
2 |
Discouraging self-talk likely to hinder school
performance. |
1 |
No written response or flippant remark made in text box
provided. |
0 |
Leaving school.
Leaving school before the end of year
Reasons stated.
available to start work.
5 |
Bored with the school program. |
4 |
Perceived lack of skills/abilities. Work too difficult. |
3 |
Discrimination/bullying issues/stress. |
2 |
Parents’ wishes. |
1 |
Staying at school to the end of year 12.
Reasons stated.
Value seen in
what school has to offer academically.
5 |
Year 12 needed for entry to University/TAFE. |
4 |
Finishing high school seen as increasing opportunities
for jobs. |
3 |
Reaching a personal goal. |
2 |
To please parents. |
1 |
RETURN to the Index page.
Additional data collected on post code demographics in questionnaires on the Web from May 28th 2001.
A data table based on mean annual income of families could be generated here. The Bureau of Statistics has data on income in relation to post code areas. End.