Note: This document was written prior to the research being completed. University of South
Australia Division of Education,
Arts and Social Sciences. Magill Campus. Title of the research project: Possible Selves and the Motivation of High School Students. Researcher: Mr G.A. Higgs (B.Ed, Dip. T.) Telephone: 8264 0543 or 8302 4552 or 0403 198965 Email: Supervisor: Dr G.C. Yates. 8302 4505. Email: |
(This letter becomes applicable if permission to survey the students has been obtained.) Term 4, 2000. Dear teachers,
I will be conducting research in educational psychology using the
students in year 10 as participants in a questionnaire survey. I will
survey them again when they reach year 12.
My interest is in the future thoughts and aspirations of students
in high school and their degree of motivation to complete their secondary
education. Students who look
to the future and think about who or what they might become, use these
inner thoughts and hopes as motivational tools to help them persist with
their education despite all setbacks and barriers that are placed in their
way. Students’ future hopes and aspirations, called Possible Selves, can be identified
and linked to other aspects of their inner selves such as self-esteem and
optimism. Research conducted in the United States has shown that the
possible selves are strongly linked to motivation and persistence by
providing specific goals to strive for through structured thoughts and
actions. In addition, they motivate a person by providing the emotional
energy to persevere in pursuing those goals.
Students in year 10, with permission obtained from parents, will be
asked to respond to a questionnaire that allows a student to express
thoughts about the future - their possible selves. In addition, the
students will respond to questions that reveal aspects of their
self-esteem and whether or not they have an optimistic outlook on life in
general. I also have a scale designed to measure persistence at a task.
Students will not be identified by name and all data will remain
confidential within the guidelines required by the Human Research Ethics
Committee of the University of South Australia. Students and parents will
have the option of withdrawing from the proposed research at any time. The
questionnaires are available on the World Wide Web and have been designed
to be quick to administer thus reducing the time away from classes to a
minimum. It is estimated that
individuals could take up to a total of 40 minutes to complete the
required responses. Data collected will be sent directly to the university
by each participant completing the questionnaires on the World Wide
If you are involved in conducting the survey, you will only need to
provide the Internet address for the students and then supervise those
taking part. The on-screen instructions should allow them to work alone.
You can clarify what they have to do but not assist them in how to answer
the questions in the survey.
Thank you for your cooperation. Please contact me or Dr Yates, if
further information is required. The name and telephone number of the
Chair of the Human Research Ethics Committee is listed below. She will
also be available to discuss general aspects of the project should you
wish to do so. The current Chair is Ms Linley Hartmann, Business & Enterprise, City West, telephone (08) 8302-0327, facsimile (08) 8302-0512, email Yours sincerely, Geoff A. Higgs, School of Education,
University of South
University of South
Australia Division
of Education, Arts and Social Sciences. Magill
Campus. Title of the research project: Possible Selves and the Motivation of High School Students. Researcher: Mr G.A. Higgs (B.Ed, Dip. T.) Telephone: 8264 0543 or 8302 4552 or 0403 198965. Email: Supervisor: Dr G.C. Yates. 8302 4505. Email: |
Dear Teachers,
The research data I am gathering from the students in year 10 will
be looked at from the perspective of three variables. I would like you to
place the students in your classes/forms into one of the three following
Your prepared lists will initially contain students’ names but,
subsequently, these names will be replaced by specific reference numbers
ensuring the anonymity of the students and your categorization. The named
lists will be retained by the university and the anonymous lists will
become part of the collected data to be correlated with the responses to
the questionnaires. It will not be possible to identify individual
students from the collected data when results are published.
The sheet for your placement of students is attached to this
letter. Please return it to the Coordinator who will retain all
sheets. Yours sincerely, Geoff A. Higgs.
of school: Form/class:
Not to be copied.
This information constitutes part of the research
data collected by Mr. G.A. Higgs,