Jan 6th 2008. Hello Keith. | Click on a page number below | ||||||
OLD MESSAGE. I found my father's old photo album. It contains black and white photos taken in the early part of the 20th Century. I don't know who most of the people are in the pictures so I've photographed all of the pages that contain images of people. This is so you can see what's in the album. Let me know if you have an interest in any particular picture. I will then make a high resolution scan to produce the best image that I can. Images can be created as jpg files or other formats if you want. If there's anything you would like, I will add another web page where you can download the final image(s) that you request. It's quicker than sending an attachment to email. The groups of images are displayed here in a banner format. Scroll to the right to see nine groups on each page. There are six pages of pictures that link to each other. Of course faded pictures can be enhanced a bit, straightened up and cropped. All picture groups are numbered at the bottom. Happy New Year from Geoff Higgs. |
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Jan 14th 2008. | Click link below. | ||||||
NEW MESSAGE. Hello Keith. I have scanned the picture you wanted at three resolutions - 300 dpi, 400 dpi and 600 dpi. You can download any or all of the images. They are jpeg files of approximately 1.4 MB, 2.1 MB and 4.6 MB, respectively. Click the link to the right >>> . I did not enhance the images in any way. I presumed you could do that yourself. If you cannot and want me to do some enhancing (better contrast, removal of spots and flaws, cropping and image repair such as replacing lost corner , repairing blemishes, etc.) let me know and I will do so. Cheers, Geoff Higgs. Do you know many of the people in this image? I've been told that my father, William, is the small boy sitting sideways at the front, directly above the cricket ball on the hat. It looks like Sam Higgs standing at the back of the group to the right of centre. | Download page for high resolution images. |